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How will vassalization play in multiplayer?

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3 years ago
Jun 15, 2021, 4:47:02 PM

So I know the whole system is being revisited by the dev team, so this may not even be a reasonable question soon. That aside, having played the Lucy, Victor, and now Poe OpenDev/Beta entries I have been wondering: What does it look like to play as a vassal state? I have yet to find myself in a situation where I have been vassalized (I guess I need to play on higher difficulty) but how does that function in multiplayer? Is there any recourse as a vassal state towards liberation? and how much of your incomes do you lose?

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3 years ago
Jun 16, 2021, 4:56:01 PM

I was wondering the same. It seems to be quite an interesting system, especially from the point of view of teamplay: 3v3 unfortunate spawn :)

Also, where you ever been able to completely eliminate a culture from existence in your playthroughs?

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3 years ago
Jul 5, 2021, 5:30:16 PM
Woogachaka wrote:

So I know the whole system is being revisited by the dev team, so this may not even be a reasonable question soon. That aside, having played the Lucy, Victor, and now Poe OpenDev/Beta entries I have been wondering: What does it look like to play as a vassal state? I have yet to find myself in a situation where I have been vassalized (I guess I need to play on higher difficulty) but how does that function in multiplayer? Is there any recourse as a vassal state towards liberation? and how much of your incomes do you lose?

I have not been vassalized either, but the AI can request for you to grant them freedom. If you refuse the request they can start a war over it, and sometimes do even before triggering the request if they see you are weak or fighting someone else. It works as a grievance. What I don't understand is what would happen if my liege is in a war with another player and I don't contribute meaningfully to the war i.e. I send scouts so I get defeated and completely ruin his war support. What can the liege do in these cases? Attack me? probably, but he doesn't have a mechanism to trigger grievances because of my lack of support in the war, so maybe he would not have enough war support for that.

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