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Stadia Crossplay statement

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3 years ago
Aug 20, 2021, 8:00:17 PM


First of all i want to say that Humankind is a really nice game. I played for 10 hours now and i really enjoy my experience.

This is one of the best launch i ever saw of a big game like this, there is not much bugs. I faced almost none exept a turn pending problem and reloading the game worked.

Unfortunately i pre-ordered the game on stadia because there was a mention of crossplay. After the launch i figured that this mention was erased from the store and there is currently no crossplay available on google stadia.


Is this a temporary situation and crossplay will become available on futur patch or there will be no crossplay on stadia at all?

All my friends are playing it on steam so i can't play with them right now and i find it a bit frustrating that i was missdirected by the game description saying that stadia was crossplay enabled for that game.

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3 years ago
Aug 21, 2021, 3:58:40 PM

It's quite frustrating as long as the cost of switching platforms is magnified by the network effect. To me, multiplayer isn't all that important compared to the ability to switch screens on a whim and continue the same game, even on mobile. But I do miss the ability to experience this with my friends who don't (in some cases can't) have Stadia.

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3 years ago
Aug 21, 2021, 7:06:28 PM

I wish they could at least explain why they aren't supporting crossplay. I've heard "technical difficulties" a couple of times, but what exactly? 

And is there truly no viable solution? I doubt it's in Stadia's or Amplitude's best interest to leave this highly requested feature unsolved. 

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3 years ago
Aug 22, 2021, 2:06:32 AM

I bought the game on Stadia because the direct touch control support and state share exclusive features were compelling.

I'm not going to go returning the game because it runs great and having touch support honestly will likely cause me to play the game non stop because I can play on my phone at any time.

I also love being able to switch screens and input devices mid game.

The lack of cross play on stadia was disappointing. I would love to at least see a public statement come out that crossplay will come in the future.

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3 years ago
Aug 23, 2021, 8:45:55 AM

I don't think it's a technical issue. There have been other instances where games were supposed to support cross play on Stadia but ended up not getting the feature after all. I think at this point it's safe to say that Valve, Microsoft and Sony don't want to work with Google. Probably because they see them as a threat. I mean, not having to buy hardware and being able to stream games in 4k with HDR and 7.1 is pretty nice and all you need is a phone with 5G or a cable/fibre connection. Plus they either already have or are working on their own Cloud Streaming Services.

Right now the only way for you to play multiplayer with your friends is to buy the game on Steam and to use GeForce now instead of Stadia. Personally, I prefer Stadia as it is more stable and offers better performance overall, but judging from my initial test, the game runs very well in 1080p with the second highest graphics setting on GeForce now.

Updated 3 years ago.
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3 years ago
Aug 24, 2021, 4:31:40 PM

I've also bought the game on stadia despite the lack of Crossplay support.

The overall performance and quality of stadia is good. The ability to play on any device, especially on the smartphone with the touch new control is just to good.

But I still hope they'll add it at some point in the future.

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3 years ago
Aug 27, 2021, 7:00:10 PM

Well, in the meantime I have had the opportunity to test Humankind multiplayer on Stadia. Guess what? There are little Stadia beacon icons next to our usenames. Now what could be the purpose of those? =)

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3 years ago
Aug 31, 2021, 2:01:41 PM

I hope they add mod support and crossplay (being able to play the day1 mod about the endless and I also want to play with my Steam friends...).

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