
So after several days of trying to play with a few friends, we get to turn 40. Game Crashes on host's end. So we all re-launch the game and remake the lobby with -1 turn back so turn 39. play that turn. A few turns later. Game crashes, or disconnects everyone again. 

We have now tried playing with 2 of us, 3, 4 and 7 of us all at once.

If it wasn't for day 1's problems with loading multiplayer on steam. Where we all would wait for the launching to just sit there 1/3 of the way into the bar for 20 minutes to be followed by a crash. Luckily this has been fixed. YAY!

Now what we've been seeing is, if Humankind is not the forefront most program while loading into a match it disconnects someone/stops the progress for everyone and causes the game to forcebly close. So note of warning to those who have Multi screens. DON'T ALT+TAB during loading screens. 

With this in mind we would like to see some sort of patch to come to fix these issues. We all were hyped for this game to come out for the past several months. Several of us were in the different Dev play tests, and I hate to say it but those were more stable than Release is currently. I can barely get a single player game to go past turn 70 without crashing or freezing atleast twice.  I have followed all suggested fixes, removing the Humankind folder in My Documents and others of the like. Even going into the APP Data and removing the Humankind files, reinstalling several times since release. 

Can we get some help for those who LOVE this game and want it to succeed?

-Rant over

Keep up the good work.