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3 years ago
Sep 8, 2021, 8:51:55 AM

I will list the main troubling bugs and steps to reproduce in order of troublesomeness:

1) FPS bug

- the game fps starts dropping by every animation in game, especially combat animations. so if there are many battles, the fps drops very quickly, even in 1-3 turns from 100 fps to close to 0 fps (like 5-10fps)

- steps to reproduce bug: play multiplayer and fight battles consecutively for several turns, or one big battle. USE TURN TIMER on game. without timer apparently bug doesn't happen. (but multiplayer games do need a turn timer to be playable)

- how to fix currently: restart the game and reload a save (problem is reloading is buggy and crashes the game again and again often)

2) relobby bug 1

- relobby the game and continue to play. at the turn roll over host will disconnect from the game. 

- sometimes happens on the following turn, not on the same turn (sometimes even in 2 turns)

- problem, game will not autosave always and have to replay the whole turn. 

- fix host manually saves at the last seconds of the turn and new reload is from this save (this new reload can have the same problem again)

- steps to reproduce bug: play multiplayer and relobby a game. bug happens about 50% of the time on a relobby

- curiously enough this bug happens even if you host the lobby with only ai and no other players :) 

3) relobby bug 2 

- same as above but one of the players disconnect on load in.

4) problem / maybe a bug partially. Lack of quick combat. Manual battles in a multiplayer can take forever when:

 - unit think timer rolls over the unit a while before the unit even moves, when it moves the combat animation takes forever. 

- fix increase unit movement speed instead of 3, to 100. 

- bug part may be the excessive loading on units before movement. (to work around this in multiplayer players often que up movements and move multiple units same time - but doesn't always work and can cause problems.

5) No civics for one or more players

- when you play a multiplayer game civics do not trigger for everyone, so some players get no civics despite having all the requirements. Sometimes people get only the 2 starting civics.

- step to reproduce, play muiltiplayer with many other players (5+) happens basically everytime, slight help sometimes is increasing map size, but someone still doesn't get civics.

rest of the problems in game are more about balancing I think, but these bugs are very gamebreaking and make it at times super tedious to play. You can watch my stream to see these in action, since I love the game and fight windmills despite the problems. https://www.twitch.tv/redphoenix596

I'd be happy to help the developers to fix these, so please contact me if you'd like to have my assitance. Also can offer help on competitive multiplayer balancing.

RedPhoenix596 https://www.twitch.tv/redphoenix596

Updated 3 years ago.
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3 years ago
Sep 8, 2021, 9:07:33 AM

Excellent topic. Thanks RedPhoenix!

As an active competitive multiplayer, I agree 100 % that these problems are huge and game breaking. The FPS dropping is unbearable. We have to reload like each 30 minutes to make the game playable.

As with the no civic bug, which simply remove one very important aspect of the game.

Could you please work on these problems, devs? :)

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3 years ago
Sep 9, 2021, 12:42:01 AM

Completely agree with RedPhoenix. They can be observed on his stream during over 100 of hours of recorded footage:) And those are essential fixes, the balancing is not even a question at the moment due to the fact that you cannot test the cultures with civics in the multiplayer.

Updated 3 years ago.
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3 years ago
Sep 10, 2021, 8:53:24 AM

it  seems the FPS drop happens when there is a turn timer in MP games. disabling turn timer removes the bug, but also makes multiplayer a bit unplayable for lack of timer.

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3 years ago
Sep 10, 2021, 5:27:17 PM

The real problem with multiplayer is the game isn't designed to be played multiplayer. Fix all those coding bugs and you'll still have the problem of the game has no inherent fairness in multiplayer. Vast inequalities in start areas, curiosity and animal distribution and availability of claimable land makes the game to RNG dependent. Even with good play you're going to fall behind with lesser land and low early influence generation.

The game needs a multiplayer mode. Something that plays between normal and fast in pacing and gives players starts with minor variance. As it is now, some of the players in the game start with tragic land or in some cases substantially less land than others. It just doesn't make for a good gaming experience.

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3 years ago
Sep 11, 2021, 1:54:46 PM
swissyciv wrote:

The real problem with multiplayer is the game isn't designed to be played multiplayer. Fix all those coding bugs and you'll still have the problem of the game has no inherent fairness in multiplayer. Vast inequalities in start areas, curiosity and animal distribution and availability of claimable land makes the game to RNG dependent. Even with good play you're going to fall behind with lesser land and low early influence generation.

another crying about not having skill to adapt xD i bet that he leave game alt+f4 if somone declare war on him haha

and i agree with RedPhoenix

Updated 3 years ago.
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3 years ago
Sep 13, 2021, 5:37:42 PM

I stayed until I was down to my second city, the one with no attached territories as the independent people from the adjacent tundra territory burned down the administration center of the attached territory, the one with high production to go along with the high food city.

I was in that situation because my first ten curiosities were food. On turn eight I finally was able to kill enough animals to have influence to place my first outpost. By that time the other five players had two to three outposts and had chosen their culture. If the curiosities had been more balanced, I may have been able to keep up, but being behind both in city development and tech was a struggle. I toughed it out for two hours, just to see if it was possible to recover from a delayed start. But my neighbor just overran me when they hit their classical era military techs. That player only came in third in that game, the two players that had continents to themselves were first and second.

I've played Civ 6 for over five years, with Red Phoenix, and I have considerable experience in what makes a game a good online multiplayer experience. Humankind has balance issue that must be mediated before it will be a good online multiplayer game. I already see the online multiplayer community trying to do it on their own; banning certain cultures, banning using back to back science cultures, banning the use of exploits like attacking zero population independent cities. I just wish Amplitude had put in more thought to Humankind as a competitive multiplayer game.


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3 years ago
Sep 14, 2021, 12:20:02 PM

RedP, certainly is correct about the bugs.  And Swissy is totally correct about what needs to happen to make HK a balanced game for MP, having some RNG factors in a game is fine, but it's not fine to lose a game on turn 1 and nothing you can do about it.  Amplitude please work on this, and/or give us really good mod tools so the MP community can balance maps and game mechanics for ourselves.

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3 years ago
Sep 19, 2021, 5:34:50 AM

Does anyone know if there is a fix for people "losing internet connection" in multiplayer (with everyone on steam) lobbies? It's literally not possible to start a multiplayer game without at least 1 or 2 people instantly disconnecting during the loading screen. 

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