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Knowing Whether you are Fighting a Human or an AI Player

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3 years ago
Sep 19, 2021, 11:14:11 AM


I just played my second multiplayer game and I noticed that a lot of human players will resign once they figure they've lost. I don't mind but I'm finding it difficult to remember which players are human beings and which are AI. Is there an easy way to tell? And sometimes I can't remember which colour each player has chosen. In the game I just played, for instance, I thought there were five human players, including myself. But then after three resigned I noticed that the dominant player (who I thought was a human) was responding immediately to my diplomacy requests and finishing each turn super fast, way faster than a human typically does. I asked in chat if there were any human players remaining and I got no response, so I figured it was an AI. Also, I'd left the difficulty at 'Humankind' forgetting that players might resign, so this dominant player was overrunning the map. In any case, I resigned too, thinking I was only playing AI teams by that point.

Oh, and a side question. Is there a way to change what happens when players resign so that, say, the last standing human player will automatically win the game and not have to wait to defeat all the AI substitutes?

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3 years ago
Sep 26, 2021, 5:48:42 AM

I can't remember having troubles identifying players; however, I'm not sure how I could do so fairly easily. Familiarizing myself with all the AI names names is definitely a part of it. Maybe also during the end-turn phase that the AIs tend to finish their actions first, so you see hollowed sphere color icons on lower right representing players who have not finished moving. In diplomacy, you can see that only the AIs have traits, ex. God of War (+3 combat strength)... Maybe there's something else ?

Updated 3 years ago.
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3 years ago
Sep 27, 2021, 7:49:58 AM

Yeah, the AI traits is a good point - I wish they'd just make it more clear and have more options for governing what happens when human players quit

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