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Multiplayer is questionable at the moment

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3 years ago
Oct 2, 2021, 11:48:48 PM

I feel like this game have big potential to be a big multiplayer game BUT

civliziation traits are not balanced to other game speeds like fast, bltz etc ? 

turns are slow but when two players attacking each other, damm thats not good, You need to do something to make battles faster, animation speed, maybe less rounds per turn, maybe freedom to choose in lobby for host ? Dont you think that players will use freedom as best ? Why limit us ? In humankind there is no limit, give us freedom of choice too !

most randoms play till turn ~60 and leave cuz of "game is too slow" 

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3 years ago
Oct 3, 2021, 5:48:53 AM

Normal speed seems to be the best balanced speed atm.

I agree that the lack of timer options (like being forced to add aditional time per city) makes the timer way to long in the turn 100-170 area

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3 years ago
Oct 7, 2021, 8:00:59 AM

Normal speed it not best balanced speed.

It's mostly because players are used to play normal speed than they said this.

The only bad thing about fast speed, it's it tends to create more units on the fights. Which make the fight slower, as players in multi tend to play with no timer.

And it's not fun to have 30 units or more in one big decisive battles in each war.

With a change in battles, like smaller battles with +1 army reinforcement per turn maximum, there would be less units in battles.

Or with a better A.I, automatize would be much better than it is now.

In the long run a normal speed game is simply too slow for a multiplayer game. Normal speed is made to be played in at leat 8 hours by a player. 8 hours is too slow for a multiplayer game for most players.

In the long run, multi-players should and will use fast speed to have games of 4-5 hours max I think.

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3 years ago
Oct 13, 2021, 8:38:19 AM

I agree that Normal speed is expected to be the most balanced, as it's default for devs too. 

Fast speed as example not only creates more units and the fights take longer then, they halt city production / block map areas for longer too, while every turn is already larger % of game length. 

In longer run the multiplayer games should take several days or weeks, and fast speed is of course not very much fitting this.

Updated 3 years ago.
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3 years ago
Oct 13, 2021, 9:33:36 AM

Since there's no matchmaking, you are responsible for your own games.

Fast/Blitz *balanced differently? Play differently or do not play on fast and blitz.
Randoms bad? Hey, don't invite randoms, better yet, lock AI slots so they can't invite themselves.

Non-instant resolution combat takes long? Agree to press instant resolution. Honestly not instant resolving is almost rude.

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3 years ago
Oct 13, 2021, 5:38:38 PM

LOL the best part of this game is BATTLES and you tell me to instant resolution ? Im giving some fast shots what they can do to make that battles a slight faster and you just "then dont use it" hahah

Im just saying that Civlization ABILITIES are not balanced to game speed !! not that game speeds are unplayable. 

Why are you sitting on the forum ? To neg all the ideas ?

Updated 3 years ago.
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3 years ago
Oct 13, 2021, 7:57:14 PM

At no point in my reply did I disagree with anything you stated, in fact most of your input with a touch up on formatting was already historically suggested and posted under relevant threads, part of it even by me.

I am just dropping suggestions on how to deal with the current situation.

Blitz and fast are indeed playable, as you can read in my reply I specifically state they are balanced differently and take a different approach, this is inevitable among speed changes with the blitz pushing it to extremes and will likely never be the same as normal, neither it should be, then you can just play normal.

To each their own, but I am not a big point and click combat fan and prefer to save the time of everyone involved, from someone complaining about how long it takes if two players fight, I thought you would understand. If all commit to quick resolving it hurts the pace a lot less.

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3 years ago
Oct 16, 2021, 6:48:45 PM

At the moment I would love to have stable MP! That's all. On Discord of HK Players League is already no actions, after really great start. The game should be fixed first, then we can discuss more balance topics.

But I am agree with Ciabat.

Updated 3 years ago.
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3 years ago
Feb 6, 2022, 2:41:59 PM

Ich bin enttäuscht der Multiplayer funktionierte bei meiner Frau und mir für einige Zeit. Anfangs ging garnichts. Leider ist dieser Zustand nun wieder da.

Wir können zwar eine Partie starten, aber sobald wir eine fortgeschrittene Partie laden möchten, kriegen wir einfach keine Verbindung hin.

 Sie verliert die Internetverbindung beim laden des Spielstandes, immer und immer wieder. 

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