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Multiplayer is broken.

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2 years ago
May 7, 2022, 8:17:39 PM

1) Culture civics in MP 4+ not working. Some guys have, some have not. 

That's how old bug, which was at realese.

2) Same colors of players. Helping just reloading a game.

3) Over time game have huge freezes, need to reloading a game.

4) Close or far spawn balance. Need add option:

At what distance will the players appear from each other: randomly or evenly.

For example, if the number of players is an odd number, then this is a big problem. for example, if the ffa is for five, then 3 can be close, one in the center, and the posledeniy at the other end is calmly playing lego.

6) Resources balance. who has silk or paint is very strong. sometimes the starting territory has no resources at all.

7) more options for multiplayer diplomacy. Like donate of units or lend-lease.

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2 years ago
May 10, 2022, 6:00:26 AM

As somone that played a lot of multiplayer games,here is how we normaly fix some of those issues

When it comes to crashes and freezes, the last patches have brought signifficant improvements

When it comes to resource distribution we use the folowing mod:


When it comes to starting positions, on normal speed players have enough time to walk to a better area

When it comes to culture and techtree ballancing, we ofthen use https://humankind.mod.io/triplealliance

But the most common solution,is to just alow the same culture to be picked multible times 


If u wan't to play with us, we organise on discord here


Updated 2 years ago.
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