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What kind of modding support can we expect?

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5 years ago
Aug 21, 2019, 7:41:25 PM

Will it be something like the previous games with extensive game features in editable xml files with certain graphics being able to be overriden from them?

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5 years ago
Sep 6, 2019, 5:58:42 AM

I am interested if it will be possible to create another Civilisation addition, because of the possible complexity it may be too hard to make it functional :D 

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5 years ago
Dec 15, 2019, 6:16:53 AM

To add on to what is being discuss, if there is modding allowed will this be through the steam workshop because I know there can be some capability issues with this.

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5 years ago
Jan 17, 2020, 12:11:47 AM

Any information at all about this from the devs? I feel like this is going to be the difference from it being a fun game to play every now and then vs being one of my favorite games. I know the developers can't make the game to my wishes individually, which is why i love mod communities. It allows for specific users to add complexity/etc till their hearts content

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5 years ago
Jan 20, 2020, 1:23:37 PM

We know that the 4X community wold like to see powerful modding capabilityes, but unfortunately we can't tell you anything about that yet.

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5 years ago
Feb 5, 2020, 12:19:43 PM
The-Cat-o-Nine-Tales wrote:

We know that the 4X community wold like to see powerful modding capabilityes, but unfortunately we can't tell you anything about that yet.

I don't know what they plan for 2020-2021,but if nothing change with civ6 (relatively) limited modding capabilities when it comes to gameplay (compared to previous versions), you may have an opportunity to attract some of its community here. 

As I've said on CFC, a player can easily play multiple games at the same time, but it's very difficult for a modder to mod multiple games. 

Updated 5 years ago.
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4 years ago
Jun 14, 2020, 2:37:04 PM
Madaaworld12 wrote:

I'd love to see a Bronze Age mod!

Me too. I always loved going as far back as possible in Civ games, so it'd be cool to see that in Humankind.

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4 years ago
Oct 15, 2020, 7:16:55 PM


If a dev reads this here are some thoughts about what would be great for modding capabilities mainly based on what was available for ES2 (most recent).

The main issue (therefore the main improvment direction) was that there was not really a powerful source of explanations/help/answers. There was a PDF to explain the basics shipped with some example mods, so a very good start but that was pretty much it.

And that was a shame as, for instance, Endless Space 2 was way more easier to mod than Clausewitz engine games (the main reference in modding purposes for 4X/gran strategy games). The main reason is simple : easier to manipulate xml files (thanks to the xsd) than text files.

But Paradox's games each have a modding wiki supported by the editor that acts as a living manual for modders. For ES2 we had forums but it's not, by design, adapted for a knowledge base purpose.

So the result was : even though ES2 is easier to mod than other games, it requires more skills (especially code writing skills) than others which makes it, in fine, harder to mod.

There are many examples to illustrate but the simplest one is the SimulatorDescriptor.

It can be used (non-complete list) to :

* Add a tooltip

* Apply an empire/system/planet modifier

* Categorise a technology

* Add an upkeep to a building

* Say that a building can be build only once

* Declare a ship modules effect

* Do a technology link between two technologies

So a single objet type, with a single name (which seems to have nothing to do with the list i provided) can be used for various and very different purposes. To understand that, ones needs to dive deep into the code (well what is available for modding) to understand it.

Well, let's hope modding support will exist and will be improved for Humankind.

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4 years ago
Oct 27, 2020, 11:38:28 PM

I hope for easy game speed modding, just like in Civ IV so I could make my games even slower than the slowest speed (what's the point in playing games where units become obsolete before they even reach the front line?).  

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4 years ago
Oct 28, 2020, 8:20:20 PM
The-Cat-o-Nine-Tales wrote:

We know that the 4X community wold like to see powerful modding capabilityes, but unfortunately we can't tell you anything about that yet.

Not to be annoying, but do we at least have a timeframe on when to expect an answer? The game is about six months from launch, but should we expect an answer months before launch? Days before launch? At launch? Sometime after?

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4 years ago
Nov 17, 2020, 1:09:16 AM

I want to see big mods similar to the scale of mods like Fall from Heaven 2 and Caveman2Cosmos from Civilization 4. With mods these bigs bring in loads of content, and with loads of content, bring in replayability, and advertisement via word of mouth, meaning that this game can last a very long time like Factorio, Civilization 4, and other that had huge modding capabiltiies. I think the developers who develop this game knows this, but I want them to try their damnest to be able to turn this into a huge game, a huge sleeper hit, and something that keeps growing on you in a good way, like what half-life 2 and it's modding capabilities did that used to make me "addicted" to it more then an mmorpg could give me.

Madaaworld12 wrote:

I'd love to see a Bronze Age mod!

I would love to have something that goes far beyond. Like Cavemans2cosmos mod from civilization 4, give me loads of technology to research from pre-historic age, all the way to some intergalatic age. Give me more content to deal with that add in more management from my cities, like dealing with pollution, dealing with education levels of the citizens, dealing with crime, dealing with tourism, dealing with diseases, etc.

Updated 4 years ago.
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4 years ago
Nov 18, 2020, 11:13:49 PM
darkedone02 wrote:

I want to see big mods similar to the scale of mods like Fall from Heaven 2 and Caveman2Cosmos from Civilization 4. With mods these bigs bring in loads of content, and with loads of content, bring in replayability, and advertisement via word of mouth, meaning that this game can last a very long time like Factorio, Civilization 4, and other that had huge modding capabiltiies. I think the developers who develop this game knows this, but I want them to try their damnest to be able to turn this into a huge game, a huge sleeper hit, and something that keeps growing on you in a good way, like what half-life 2 and it's modding capabilities did that used to make me "addicted" to it more then an mmorpg could give me.

Madaaworld12 wrote:

I'd love to see a Bronze Age mod!

I would love to have something that goes far beyond. Like Cavemans2cosmos mod from civilization 4, give me loads of technology to research from pre-historic age, all the way to some intergalatic age. Give me more content to deal with that add in more management from my cities, like dealing with pollution, dealing with education levels of the citizens, dealing with crime, dealing with tourism, dealing with diseases, etc.

Don't overhype yourself too early on. Large scale mods were not something any Amplitude game as handled so far, and Unity isn't really set up to allow for them either.

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4 years ago
Nov 21, 2020, 4:17:47 PM

As long as there's easy enough tools for us to add more cultures on the go, just like how Civilization had a very robust scene, then I'm content. Sure you can min max your faction abilities with the traits editor in EL, but the lack of ability to add custom portraits and leader screen just kills the interest I had on the game eventually.

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4 years ago
Nov 22, 2020, 12:20:39 AM

You can customize your character in vanilla, and there will be more cultures added in DLC. You won't need mods for those.

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4 years ago
Nov 22, 2020, 1:33:55 PM
Eulogos wrote:

You can customize your character in vanilla, and there will be more cultures added in DLC. You won't need mods for those.

With all due respect, if that's the kind of response I'm expecting in Humankind, then just count me out. It's never about just buying more product, modding for me is about more flavor and filling in where the official base game have not. There's some outsider voices that I see here in the forums and other sites where they hope with the approach that Humankind have, that their culture will be represented. Me included. Now the official roster is kinda here, and I'm sure that mine wont be in. I understand, it's their game and they have their reasons. But, if I can do something about it, then I will. I just want to play with as many culture as possible, the more the merrier.
edit: Tone and wording.

Updated 4 years ago.
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4 years ago
Dec 23, 2020, 10:35:49 AM
I'm interested in balancing mods propably.

Also, I do believe humankind is gonna benefit much more from mods compared to other Amplitude games.
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4 years ago
Dec 23, 2020, 3:11:42 PM
indrkl wrote:
I'm interested in balancing mods propably.

Also, I do believe humankind is gonna benefit much more from mods compared to other Amplitude games.

Civ games have tons of mods since the history has so much material to go through. Humankind to me honestly seems like a much more refined version of those, and I expect a super lively mod ecosystem

More civs and potentially more ages (Bronze Age mentioned above) would be a great in either mod or dlc form personally. Hope to see it asap.

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4 years ago
Jan 20, 2021, 7:42:55 AM
Gedemon wrote:
The-Cat-o-Nine-Tales wrote:

We know that the 4X community wold like to see powerful modding capabilityes, but unfortunately we can't tell you anything about that yet.

I don't know what they plan for 2020-2021,but if nothing change with civ6 (relatively) limited modding capabilities when it comes to gameplay (compared to previous versions), you may have an opportunity to attract some of its community here. 

As I've said on CFC, a player can easily play multiple games at the same time, but it's very difficult for a modder to mod multiple games. 

 Hi :)

Fully agree with Gedemon. And what about graphic modding ? ( terrains ) and 3D integration ( units ) ?

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