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Will humankind have world and scenario editor?

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4 years ago
Dec 11, 2020, 6:59:12 AM

As far as I know from resent [ANOMALY] event, Amplitude is going to create a world builder and scenario editor, but "Humankind" chat admin sayed that they probaply won't come on release date.

I'm here to ensure about this words at all and ask about editors a little. How they'll look like: a civilization V like tool with only 2D world map view when if you want to check how terrain looks you need to close tool, launch a game, wait 10 minutes and peek two hils for two seconds and so on.

Or it'll be an ingame option where you can see what you doing here and now.

I do realy like creating enormous and very detailed maps and scenarios on civ V but I miss different high grounds tier like EL or Humankind.

And if scenario editor will be friendly to non-programmist enjoyers, then exept maps I'll try to create some scenario mods like [this ones] *google drive link* 

Humankind have a lot of cultures to choose which 'll help to visualize some folks in scenario 

P.S. Glory to da penguins!

*yeah, I don't have an opportunity to use my english skills as well, so I hope that you'll forgive my weak english and understand what I want from you*  



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4 years ago
Dec 12, 2020, 3:33:18 AM

This has already been discussed in several prior threads. Amplitude has indicated they would like to make a map editor and better modding tools but they will not be available at launch. What the map editor and modding tools will look like has not been planned out.

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