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Suggestions and ideas for additional symbols sets in-game.

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3 years ago
May 11, 2021, 5:48:54 PM

Hey everyone !

Since Modding Tools for Humankind has been announced, and based on devblog’s statement “Import 2D UI assets for new Content“, I’m assuming we’ll be able to create and import customized cultures symbols that could be used by the player (or the AI) in-game.

While there are currently no rules or guidelines -- though I’m sure they’ll come in due time with the release of the tools -- I’m assuming symbols are svg files.

The overall idea is to start compiling symbols that could be added later, so everyone who’s interested in creating new symbols is more than welcome to join in and participate. Any suggestion would be gladly welcome as well, and would be added here.

I’ve already compiled a few Celts (some are already included in the pre-purchased symbols set bonus) and Aztecs symbols, and I’m currently planning to dive into Mayans symbols as well. For the most part, those symbols are vectorized images using InkScape software vectorization module.

[Edit] : Files sorted by Era.

I. Ancient Era :

1. Olmecs_Symbols.svg

2. Zhou_Characters.svg

II. Classical Era :

1. Celts_Symbols.svg

2. Mayas_Symbols.svg

III. Medieval Era :

1. Aztecs_Symbols.svg

2. Japanese_Kamon.svg

IV. Early Modern Era :

V. Industrial Era :

VI. Contemporary Era :

My rules of thumbs are basically pretty simple :

- No offensive, degrading symbols

- No use of copyrighted pictures/images/files

Ideas and suggestions :

- Added : Kamon set (suggested by @8roomsofelixir)

- Added : Ancient Chinese scripts (suggested by @8roomsofelixir) -> based on @SunshineWingspost.

- Added : Mayas glyphs (vectorized hand drawn glyphs)

- Added : Olmecs glyphs

Again, feel free to join in and share your contents !



Updated 3 years ago.
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3 years ago
May 13, 2021, 4:26:29 PM

Thank you for the support !

If you have any ideas or suggestions, feel free to share them :)

Cheers !

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2 years ago
Aug 12, 2022, 3:18:30 PM
Waykot wrote:

Thank you for the support !

If you have any ideas or suggestions, feel free to share them :)

Cheers !

How did you upload your .svg files and link them here? I tried, but it's not letting me do it.

Updated 2 years ago.
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2 years ago
Aug 12, 2022, 3:42:00 PM
BillyYank wrote:
How did you upload your .svg files and link them here? I tried, but it's not letting me do it.

Indeed, it doesn't seem to work anymore, but I've just tested uploading a .zip or .rar file and it works. So just zip your .svg file, and you should be able to upload it here.

Cheers !

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