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Two mod requests, willing to pay.

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3 years ago
Aug 18, 2021, 2:48:26 PM

Once modding is enabled, can someone make two mods for me, please? I am willing to pay for the work making them.

First mod:

So, here is what I thinking making, this an event that occurs randomly the whole game, how frequently I am not sure yet. The event which we can call "Government instability" can represent political corruption or maybe a particularly expensive year in teams political maintenance or whatever. So, that is in game lore for why to have this event.

The Government instability event, when it happens randomly targets one of the players cities. The targeted city will lose between 5, 10, 15, 20, 30, 40, 50, or more stability and so on for 5 to 20 turns. The player is presented with three options (I say three because I am not sure if the game is hard coded to only allow three options).

The options:

Option 1: Do nothing and lose the stability for 5 to 20 turns.

Option 2: Pay money, the money costs can be the sum of all districts/quarters buyout cost in the targeted city cut in half (if the cost is still to unreasonably high, can be reduce further) for the total cost. Maybe, each Market Quarter in the targeted city can reduce the cost by 100 money or something. If the player pays, than they will not lose any stability.

Option 3: Pay influence, the influence costs can be the sum of all districts/quarters buyout cost in money in the targeted city (so instead paying money, payment is made using influence). Maybe, each Commons Quarter in the targeted city can reduce the influence cost by 50. If the player pays, than they will not lose any stability.

So far it looks like influence builds up in the late game and besides for a few big-ticket items not a whole lot to use it on (influence), same for money and this could be a use for both in late game.

Second mod:

A mod that causes cities infrastructure and quarters/districts to periodically be destroyed (you have to rebuild them again/buy them again), the event can target any city. The event can be called "Catastrophic disaster". For the in game lore, this can represent how things can burn down in a fire, got flooded, industrial-scale accidents, and so on.

Also, maybe for every 100 points or 200 points (whatever number works best) of pollution the player generates, that can add 1% chance of multiple things being destroyed each time Catastrophic disaster event happens. So, if someone generates 400 points of pollution per turn that can add ether 4% or 2% to the base chance number and so on. So, to help keep things from getting to crazy the base chance of having more than one thing destroyed at a time should be really low.

Also, maybe a upper limit to how many things are allowed to be destroyed by this event? Like I imagine a limit of 2 to 5 infrastructure and/or quarters/districts combination could be good.

As before give the player three options.

The options:

Option 1: Option to spend money to save the quarters/districts and/or infrastructure to be destroyed. Like the cost to save something can be 75% of its buyout cost or something, that way it is a little bit cheaper to save it vs buying it again or rebuilding it. Maybe each Makers Quarter in the targeted city can reduce the money cost to save something by 100 money.

Option 2: do nothing and watch the quarters/districts and/or infrastructures be destroyed.

Option 3: This one is only available if the player is generating more than 100 points of pollution and the targeted city has at least one Research Quarter. The targeted quarters/districts and/or infrastructures are destroyed but for each Research Quarter present in the city, that can add like a guarantee 5 turns before Catastrophic disaster will hit that player again. So, if the player has 3 Research Quarter in the targeted city that would be a guarantee 15 turns before that player could be hit again by the Catastrophic disaster event.

Part of my reasoning for wanting this one is to add some more busy work for peaceful players, plus it could mean instead of spending money to buy a new unit you may want to instead save that money for an emergency. Lastly, it could be one reason to keep a few Research Quarters around in the late game.

Updated 3 years ago.
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3 years ago
Aug 18, 2021, 7:14:28 PM

Yeah could be really cool a mod that give you events based on your empire ideology like corruption if you are in an economic individualist system .

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3 years ago
Sep 25, 2021, 6:41:48 AM

I think these would both be fairly easy to implement. I have a couple ideas. Also would include Earth Quake events as well. Once the tools are available I will take a look and let you know.

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