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My dream mod

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3 years ago
Aug 21, 2021, 11:46:26 PM

It's perhaps very early to speak about this as we still don't know what will be possible, and which tool will be disponible. However after my binge playing of HK after it release, I feel that the whole system of culture change is hurting too much my disbelief wall. Due to that it will be impossible to play TSL and historical maps, which are my favorites in the Civ serie.

I thought a lot about how it would be possible to lock the HK cultures in a realistic way, without hurting the core gameplay.

My idea would be to lock each civilisation after the ancient era choice, still giving her a choice between various leaders and sub countries at each new epoch. However to not having an infinite number of cultures (and unique districts+units), I tried to regroup them by sub countries. Here how that it would look from classical to Early modern for Romans/Italians. THe culture trait come from the chosen leader, while the legacy trait, the unique district and unit, from the subculture. 


Obviously that mod will require us to be able to create new cultures and to lock culture groups, so it's more a dream  as long as we still don't know much about HK modability. I'm just interested about your opinion about a mod like this. 

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3 years ago
Aug 24, 2021, 5:00:58 PM

Heh, I came here looking for information about mod capabilities for a dream mod, but for very different reasons.  You see, the game infused my dreams, so I literally dreamed of an interesting modification, and was wondering how possible it was to implement.

The civilized world had collapsed and most areas started as ruins.  In the beginning, we were in shock and would lose people left and right, some in obvious ways and others a baffling mystery to us that we needed to figure out (why would some of us simply disappear?).  And all through this early stage of the dream was woven the explorative/strategic aspect just like in Humankind (think: scavengers as scouts).  As we banded together, found survivors and explored a little bit, we discovered many people and animals had gone mad/rabid with infections and would attack on sight without much cleverness but certainly plenty of viciousness; we'd have to kill them, using precious ammo to keep from getting maimed or even infected.

We came to think of these ex-humans as zombies from the old movies and they seemed hell-bent on destroying our budding organization: they would sneak in and try to tear down our structures we were rebuilding, and one even poisoned our well by tearing off pieces of his skin and dropping them in.  Some of us got sick and after that we knew we needed to develop a guard system and then patrols when we figured a single set of guards just wasn't effective because the more we grew, the trickier this became (this had the feel of research improvements to better survive the apocalypse).

But we were determined to survive, despite these early setback.  We refined our rebuilding ideas, and rather than inhabiting ruins, we began clearing them, making room for new structures, refining techniques to tie them together, building defenses tailored to the dangers, cleaning up nearby streams, and even looking to rebuild luxuries (I remember reopening a modest bar that still had an undamaged pool table, LOL).  And we began growing again as we figured out how to make greenhouses work.  We expanded from the small haven (our area felt like a ruined suburb) and began to push outward, both looking for more survivors and resources, even sending exploring teams into the nearby wrecked city.  This caught the attention of more than just random bands of "zombies" as well as marauders/competing human groups with differing ideas on how to rebuild, and I remember us feeling a real pressure to stop/retreat/turtle.  We had serious discussions on how we could proceed to reclaim this dangerous shell of a world, to start over and hopefully get better results this time around.  What things were truly valuable to us, and how much risk were we willing to take for possible disappointment?

I'm sure you can see where all this is going, and it might just be the lingering dream effect, but I think this would make for an interesting mod that would turn many of Humankind's aspects on its head while still taking full advantage of the 4x/storytelling design.  With careful design/scripting and balancing, immersive graphics and stylistic writing, this specific gameplay could be very intimate/immediate while still having progression "eras" that signified major progress toward rebuilding civilization.  Thoughts?  Will the modding tools/engine be able to handle this?

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3 years ago
Aug 26, 2021, 11:48:12 AM

Je trouve l'idée ( la première ) vraiment très intéressante et je pensais la même chose 

dans civ cest la partie la plus intéressante je trouve et ce serais génial si quelqu'un pouvais modder ce genre d'idée 

Jen suis fan vraiment 

Force poto 

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3 years ago
Aug 28, 2021, 10:43:12 AM
Telemachos wrote:

It's perhaps very early to speak about this as we still don't know what will be possible, and which tool will be disponible. However after my binge playing of HK after it release, I feel that the whole system of culture change is hurting too much my disbelief wall. Due to that it will be impossible to play TSL and historical maps, which are my favorites in the Civ serie.

I thought a lot about how it would be possible to lock the HK cultures in a realistic way, without hurting the core gameplay.

My idea would be to lock each civilisation after the ancient era choice, still giving her a choice between various leaders and sub countries at each new epoch. However to not having an infinite number of cultures (and unique districts+units), I tried to regroup them by sub countries. Here how that it would look from classical to Early modern for Romans/Italians. THe culture trait come from the chosen leader, while the legacy trait, the unique district and unit, from the subculture. 


Obviously that mod will require us to be able to create new cultures and to lock culture groups, so it's more a dream  as long as we still don't know much about HK modability. I'm just interested about your opinion about a mod like this. 

A lot of people are desiring this...so I think it will happen.

So far, I'm thinking it will be possible in one of two ways:

I) The cultures available to you will depend on the dominant culture (eg. influence) across your/neighboring territories. That is, the cultures you have to choose from stem from the tree of the dominant culture in your region.

II) Make transcending the default option, but have the actual characteristics of all cultures changes a) based on the player choices/playstyle in each era (ie. did you play for growth and expansion or science and influence?) b) based on the overall influence and religion in your territories, and c) based on specific decisions from events.

I'm thinking the latter makes more sense, and it will allow all cultures to be 'good' at any particular playstyle (representing player-choice in terms of what they choose to focus on each era), while still having particular 'flavors' (eg. the Zhou can be a militaristic-, expansionist- or science-focused culture, but they will have a different playstyle in doing so than the hittites, assyrians, or babylonians). Furthermore, decisions you make from events as well as territory you decide to settle (both geography, and proximity to other cultures) all influence how your culture trascends at the end of the era. 

So you can have a playthrough in which you choose zhou, play militaristic, but pursued science the majority of the game and received special buffs to war score for being 1 >= era ahead of your opponent, the ability of researchers to count as "great generals" that grant extra unit damage for every 15 points of science, etc.

The counter to this is that being vassalized or having buffer territories can cause a culture to slowly assimilate the characteristics of another. This could be both dis-/advantagous.

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3 years ago
Sep 25, 2021, 9:37:13 AM
Gorde wrote:
I'm sure you can see where all this is going, and it might just be the lingering dream effect, but I think this would make for an interesting mod that would turn many of Humankind's aspects on its head while still taking full advantage of the 4x/storytelling design.  With careful design/scripting and balancing, immersive graphics and stylistic writing, this specific gameplay could be very intimate/immediate while still having progression "eras" that signified major progress toward rebuilding civilization.  Thoughts?  Will the modding tools/engine be able to handle this?

I like it. Going to put some thought into this. Maybe you should start your own thread to serve as a focal point where we can all add ideas and help make this happen.

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