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Bad map editor

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3 years ago
Aug 28, 2021, 8:59:29 AM

Where is the tooltip or list containing the size of each territory and the amount of resources and anomalies in it??

The validation just tells you that at least one territory is too big and that's it!!!

Or a way to set the max size for a territory. So when you draw it the tool gives out a message??

No different shaped brushes??

No rotation of brushes?

No automatic placement of resources after you created the elevation and territories??

Updated 3 years ago.
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3 years ago
Sep 9, 2021, 12:28:32 AM

I dont disagree that it has missing features however as far as the "The Validation just tells you that at least one territory is too big and that's its!!!" part; With any of the validation issues part, if you click the button next to your validation issue and scroll all the way out, it will highlight the problem areas.

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