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Humankind save format

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3 years ago
Sep 3, 2021, 5:57:11 PM


So I've had the issue with map not opening, while trying to partake in the competition. Sad thing, but one lovely discord user helped me with that, by sharing some steps to fix it manually.

The first thing is - *.hmap files are zip files! You can unzip them to discover two files inside - Descriptor.hmd and Save.hms. And they're all in xml format. You can zip them up again using deflate method to make them work again.

So back to the xml files - great, editable, apart from those great blobs of text. But, guess what! They're (all of them?) png files encoded into base64 format. I've used some site to convert them into png's and download them.

Now, the bad part is that they're actually... mostly transparent. So I took out my favourite IDE and wrote this thingy using my favourite programming language!

Here's the script for all of you coders out there (sadly, it's Java): https://pastebin.com/7FnN71ec

And here's the heightmap and rivermap of my WIP map! :)

The same user also suggested that this can open a way to an external editor! Maybe one day :)

Updated 3 years ago.
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