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Mod Idea: Events+

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3 years ago
Oct 12, 2021, 7:27:33 PM

Hello, I've been playing Humankind for a while and noticed that events tend to repeat very often when playing. I decided to write up some ideas and a few extra things to make events feel more important, interesting, and unique for each stage. I've attached a link to a google doc where I'll be editing and writing more ideas. Please check it out and add comments/ideas of your own! When mod support comes out, or if someone can find a way to edit event files manually the hard way (I tried and failed lol), this mod should be basically done and just needs to be copy/pasted into the right formatting.

I'll be editing and making new event ideas pretty regularly, so feel free to check them out!

Here's the link:


Update: Thank you everyone for the support and consideration so far. it's certainly motivated me with so many people interested in having a mod like this. 

Completion Road Map: (Minus art, as that is a whole other issue)

  • Neolithic | 95%
  • Ancient | 75%
  • Classical | 20%
  • Medieval | 10%
  • Early Modern | 0%
  • Industrial | 0%
  • Contemporary | 0%

Updated 3 years ago.
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3 years ago
Oct 12, 2021, 9:04:03 PM

Hi, i am looking for some great minds  https://spicemoneylogin.in  https://myfiosgateway.one

Updated 3 years ago.
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3 years ago
Oct 13, 2021, 9:43:59 PM

Quick update: Thanks to the help of other writers and some feedback, things are progressing well! The Neolithic era has been fully written, and other eras are starting to take shape. I'll be actively working on this mod, so feel free to check whenever! There's always bound to be something new.

Add comments directly or post here, I'll be sure to check both! All contributions, small or big, add up to the whole.

Below is an example of one of the event's images. None of this is final of course, but I still think it's neat. :D

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3 years ago
Oct 18, 2021, 3:13:56 PM

fajnie bylo by i ciekawiej jak by mapa w humankind zyla swojim zyciem (powodzie,tsunami,czesienia ziemi,pozary,burze piaskowe,tornado itp.)

aby zajmowac sie nie tylko wojnami ale i swojim ludem w zaleznosci od polozenia geograficznego i klimatu w jakim znajduje sie dana civilizacja ,a to mialo by duze znaczenie gdzie sie osiedlac!!!

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3 years ago
Oct 18, 2021, 9:06:04 PM
DSomens wrote:

fajnie bylo by i ciekawiej jak by mapa w humankind zyla swojim zyciem (powodzie,tsunami,czesienia ziemi,pozary,burze piaskowe,tornado itp.)

aby zajmowac sie nie tylko wojnami ale i swojim ludem w zaleznosci od polozenia geograficznego i klimatu w jakim znajduje sie dana civilizacja ,a to mialo by duze znaczenie gdzie sie osiedlac!!!

Wybacz słabe tłumaczenie, używam tłumacza google do tego lol.
Myślę, że to świetny pomysł! W późniejszych epokach mam zaplanowane takie rzeczy, mogę je oprzeć na rodzaju kafelków, jakie ma każdy obszar.


Forgive the poor translation, I'm using google translate for this lol.

I actually think that's a great idea! In the later eras I actually have some stuff like that planned, I can base it on the kind of tiles each area has.

His original post in English, for those who need it like me lol: 

it would be nice and more interesting how a map in humanity lived its life (floods, tsunamis, earth brushings, fires, sandstorms, tornados, etc.)
to deal not only with wars but also with your people depending on the geographic location and climate in which the civilization is, and to the city according to the destination where the settlement is !!!

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