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I feel like modding possibilities will be huge. Some ideas.

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3 years ago
Oct 30, 2021, 4:34:49 PM

I probably wouldn't make any mods for this game, as I won't be able to maintain it in the long run.

Maybe just two things, to improve my gaming experience.

- Making each era last longer. Either by increasing the number of stars required. Or by setting the quantities to be reached differently (more complicated).

- Increase the cost of technologies. Make sure that the more you advance in the eras, the more the cost increase climbs.

As for the other mods, I think there will be a lot of content created.

Community Balance Patch: I'm hoping that there will be a team that will do some balancing on the core civilizations of the game. And that in this team there will be expert players, including those who do a lot of multiplayer. This way, we will be sure that the balancing is successful, and that all cultures are interesting to play.

New things everywhere: wonders, units, technologies, cultures, infrastructures, etc. The possibilities are endless. Just look at the additions to the Civilization games.

UI: I don't know if it can be worked in a mod. But there are some ergonomic flaws.

Religion: I hope Amplitude will take care of this so that religion and faith will be more interesting in the long run. Because apart from 4 tenets, it stops there. If not, that the mod creators can take care of it.

Detailed world settings: I had made a mod on this on Endless Legend. Ditto, I hope Amplitude will support this. If not, that someone will.

Updated 3 years ago.
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3 years ago
Nov 4, 2021, 3:05:58 AM

I really like these ideas, especially making each era last longer! 

Let's talk. I think we can definitely come up with a good start for a community balance patch. Anything you see so far that you thinks needs a big buff or nerf?

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3 years ago
Nov 4, 2021, 4:39:17 AM

Depending on how much is possible and how quickly I can learn I'm already planning on cleaning up tool tips and improving English Localization and fixing some stuff that bugs me about the UI, as well as some experiments to the way yields are calculated and applied to make population more important and increase district variety without messing with too many variables. 

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3 years ago
Nov 4, 2021, 6:55:12 AM
Taara535 wrote:

I really like these ideas, especially making each era last longer! 

Let's talk. I think we can definitely come up with a good start for a community balance patch. Anything you see so far that you thinks needs a big buff or nerf?

Hi. Yes, for longer eras, it probably need to set-up the turn limits. It could be nice this is with options when lauching the game. A option about number of stars, how science is increased, and how many turns we wan't. I now after playing the Fabius Maximus beta patch, that the pace of the game is a hard to find balance. It have to make the last era playable, while there is the parameter of the time limit and how fast the player reach the techs.

I'm not competent to say what should buff or nerf, except what everyone know already. The "collective mind" ability can break the game. The same ability for industry can too. This ability traits look more strong than other culture traits, that have smaller effects, cooldown, cost, etc.

Some cultures with industry look too strong, also. Or I'm not playing well with others and don't test enough. For a weird reason, AI love to play Harapeans, but not Egyptians. As I'm always a bit late on Neolithic, I have less choices, and often take Egyptians. All my games look a bit the same. Once you get the industry power machine, at one point of the game, you always choose a scientific culture (anything), just to trigger the collective mind, and you quickly reach the end of the tech three.

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3 years ago
Nov 4, 2021, 11:39:02 AM

Would be really cool a mod-tool that allow you before starting to modify cultures values or an editor for an accessibility to everyone ! 

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3 years ago
Nov 4, 2021, 10:03:59 PM

Yeah, collective minds has to be the first thing to find and fix. I completely agree. As for builder cultures, I'm not sure what to do about the problem with production in general. It's simply too powerful. Unless we can really learn how to fundamental change how the different resources interact (production, money, influence, food, science), it might be easier to just nerf builder cultures heavily. The first culture I would focus on is the Egyptians. They are just way too good. 

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