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Reskinning the Ancient Egyptian units

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3 years ago
Nov 6, 2021, 1:30:23 AM


I'm working on a simple mod that will give the units for the Ancient Era Egyptian civilization a darker skin tone.

This is what they look like by default, without the mod:

And this is what they look like when my mod is activated:

What I do not understand right now is that, while I've been able to change the skin tone of some of the Egyptian units to a darker one, a fraction of them still have pale skin and what appears to be blond hair (this is true for the unmodded Egyptians as well). I don't mind having some variation in skin tone for my Egyptians (maybe a range from lighter to darker brown), but I don't want 20-50% to be Nordic-looking like this. Is it possible to mod that out?

By the way, if you're wondering what I want my Egyptian characters to look like, it's something along these lines:

Updated 3 years ago.
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3 years ago
Nov 6, 2021, 4:22:52 AM

I swapped my player character's avatar from how it looked originally (a White dude with blond hair like myself) to one of their Black female presets, and it seems to have eliminated all the pale and blond-haired units from my Egyptian regiments. They're all dark-skinned now. I guess some of your units are supposed to mirror your player avatar's appearance, regardless of which culture you pick?

Updated 3 years ago.
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3 years ago
Nov 6, 2021, 8:37:01 AM

I've managed to change the UI icons for the Egyptian units so that they use icons for African civilizations, to go with the unit skin tone changes. Seems like this is as much as I'll be able to change. Mod link is below:

Darker Egyptians Mod

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3 years ago
Nov 6, 2021, 10:08:29 AM


As you probably guessed, your units skin tones is a blend between the skin color of your avatar + the skin colors of the culture you play, and it keeps tracks of that so that eventually your units at the end of the game will show which cultures you played with, in a sense.

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3 years ago
Nov 6, 2021, 1:33:17 PM
Zoryall wrote:


As you probably guessed, your units skin tones is a blend between the skin color of your avatar + the skin colors of the culture you play, and it keeps tracks of that so that eventually your units at the end of the game will show which cultures you played with, in a sense.

That is what I suspected. TBH, I wish there was an option to switch that off. Maybe in a future update?

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3 years ago
Nov 6, 2021, 1:43:06 PM

It helps to make your empire feel more, well, yours, but I'd like to see it being a toggle, only take avatar's appearance, only take culture's appearance or mix it all.

But by tracking it do you mean that units blend all the cultures you've chosen so far or only one you had for this era? I always thought it's roughly half-and-half between your avatar and current culture.

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