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I understand nothing about Unity Editor

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3 years ago
Nov 6, 2021, 8:42:04 AM

I was successfull to install all. Not so easy, but all in all, it work pretty well, that's great.

Now, when I open the Editor, there is a lot of stuff everywhere.

But I have no idea how to make a mod. I never used unity, it don't help.

Plus, what don't help too, I don't see the game library. So, I have no idea what to edit, change, etc...

I know some people use another mod tool, and can decompile game files.

I don't do criticism here, it's already nice the mod tools are available, and dev teams indicate it was just beta access.

It's just I don't know how to use it.

EDIT : I'm reading this thread now, maybe it help a lot :


EDIT2 : I go to the DATA tabs and select "import from archive". I just select all in the checkbox.

It look like it import all game content. I'm not sure how it work, but it look like I can modify some values.

I can recognize some formulas looking like what was in the xml files of previous games.

It's just we can modify it directly in this without editing xml files.

EDIT3 : look at this, I can find the modification Dev made for the patch about phenician.

If you wan't to understand something, you need to know what tech number mean, but we guess it's their tech for habor.

EDIT4 : now I found a infrastructure ! But I've no idea what is it, because there is no name, only a number ID. I guess this number Id is then attached to a name somewhere. But it's difficult to know what. You can see what provide this infrastructure : gain food per pop, unlock 2 more slots in food city.

EDIT5 : Here a screenshot, when you make right click on the list, it open some right-click menus.

You can have an idea of what it could be possible to do. It's almost total control, you can do anything you want. Even code.

It's just you need to be expert in unity dev, and also know very well the game structure.

So it's out of my hands, I won't have time to dig that. If I can just modify some values, it would be already great.

It just to give an idea how powerfull this mod tool can be in better hands ! Quite crazy.

Updated 3 years ago.
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3 years ago
Nov 6, 2021, 6:21:26 PM

most of the stuff your going to see in the create doesn't apply in the least to a humankind mod. Until your more familiar with unity you should stick with just coping and tweaking existing stuff.

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