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Can't build and run mod with space in title (solved)

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3 years ago
Nov 6, 2021, 5:13:47 PM

Okay, call me dumb, but... I can't make a mod with a space character in the title. I know it's possible since many mods already on mod.io have multiple spaces in the title, but it's not working for me. Let me show you the problem.

I start by making a new project with a space in the title and filling in the basic runtime info. Nothing crazy.

To assure you that the space is the only problem, we won't be changing anything in databases. I'm just trying to build a mod with a two word title. So, let's build and run.

As you can see, it builds just fine with no errors (the warnings happen at startup). But when the game tries to run the mod...

The loading screen hangs here indefinitely. When we look at the latest diagnostics,

It's looking for a runtime module named "two", not "two words", which shows that it's clipping the name at the space character. It actually does build something since the assetbundles do generate in the Community folder:

If I run the game outside of the modding tools such that the mod is not trying to load at startup, the mod actually displays on the mods screen, space character and all.

But I have tested this on other occasions where I altered some UI mappers to display alternate strings and they did not show up, so whatever changes I make to the database are not applying to these builds. I also am able to build and run an otherwise identical mod without spaces in the title.

I never use space characters normally in file paths, but I can't find any way to change the display name of the mod without actually altering several asset files and changing their names to include a space, including the runtime module, the manifest, and the build settings (there really ought to be a "Rename Project" function somewhere, assuming I haven't missed it). Upon doing so with any mod, I can no longer build and run it without the same occurring. Conversely, if I rename the many offending files and lines containing the mod name to include no space characters, I can successfully build and run the mod.

Has anyone else run into this problem, and if so, have you found a way to circumvent it? Any insight would be much appreciated.

Updated 3 years ago.
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3 years ago
Nov 6, 2021, 11:47:44 PM

Okay, it seems I've fixed it! Kind of.

Trying to run the mod with the "Run" or "Build and Run" buttons from the editor still does not work. You know how I said that even if I tried running the mod from the game without going through the editor, none of the changed I made would apply? Well, it turns out that you have to hit the "Apply" button from the mods screen after selecting the mod. Whoops.

The mod works now, spaces and all. It just seems like the editor functionality is broken for some reason. I would guess that one of the path lookup functions in the editor is incorrectly clipping the string reference to the runtime module at the space, since this does not seem to be a problem in game. I can finally get to making and publishing some mods.

Can anyone else can confirm that this issue is not only a problem on my side? If you can, I'll put up a bug report for the modding tools.

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