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Mathematical operator Min-Max

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3 years ago
Nov 7, 2021, 9:17:41 AM

I forgot how it work, effect and priority.

For example I have this formula :

(1 - 1 / (1 + Target.GrowthNet max 0 / 51)) * Source.MaxPopulationGainedPerTurn * 100

No idea how it work. It could be interesting because I guess this formula set the maximum gain of population per turn (1 pop per turn at max).

I would like to do a max gain pop per turn = 5.

But I don't wan't make it's more easy to gain pop.

Updated 3 years ago.
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3 years ago
Nov 7, 2021, 12:26:52 PM

Max : After searching a bit, I think this operator take the max value of two value. And minimum the lowest.

I tried this formula :

(5 - 25 / (5 + 5 * Target.GrowthNet max 0 / 51)) * Source.MaxPopulationGainedPerTurn * 100

In any case it should never give more than 5 pop per turn.

But as I'm testing it, I can get +7 or +8 pop per turn too easely. It's weird. Is it because I play with quick speed ? 

It's difficult to test because we can't see the in-game variables. I remember in EL there was an option for that.

Maybe I'm wrong with the formula. I will remove the 5 * Target.GrowthNet. But even like that, I don't understand. It should be caped with 5.

Updated 3 years ago.
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3 years ago
Nov 8, 2021, 2:03:22 AM

I guess the variable "Source.MaxPopulationGainedPerTurn" change with the game speed.

I removed the "5*", and now I get what I was looking for on normal speed. 

With very good food and low pop, the growth can reach 3 pop/turn.

I couldn't reach more, but I will try in a longer game. Overall, it's what I was looking for.

A acceleration of growth, making worth it to use the "buy with pop" more often.

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