I just watched the Marvel Eternals movie and man did it give me an all round Humankind vibe. Even the OST made me feel immersed in the live-action gameplay of a Humankind game, with this track in particular just resonating so damn well with the main theme in Humankind. Listening to the OST on loop gave me an idea for an Eternals mod in Humankind, and I've been thinking about it a lot. Disclaimer though, I'm not very well-versed in coding nor have I actually tried playing around with the modding tool, but I'd be grateful if anyone would be interested in working on this idea collaboratively, and I'm definitely not opposed to picking up some new skills in the process. Here are some of the primary map features I've thought of:  

  • A new category of random events in Humankind that pertain to members of the Eternals interacting with humanity, similar and in addition to existing ones. Just like the existing random events, they can be either positive or negative, with options and consequences worked into them.  
    1) Deviant Attack: Deviants are a new type of aggressive animal that is a rare spawn (behavior similar to Bears). They are able to spawn on any tile on the map (even shallow & deep water), at the start of any turn. They are fully amphibious (still requires a turn to get in or out of water) and they have a special ability that makes them gain 1 combat strength permanently per unit killed in combat. Their base combat strength also scales up as the total turn count of the game increases while their spawn rate drops off in contrast. The random event here could be the Eternals turning up to destroy a Deviant and you have a few options of how to react as human onlookers.
    2) Sprite's Stories (only appears in the Ancient era, may have follow-up events in later eras): There has been word of a mysterious storyteller walking the land, spreading myths and legends to inspire people. The choice here will be how to react to such rumors.  
  • An affinity level with each Eternal that provides small but gradually scaling passive bonuses (Blessings), triggered by your current ideology position or upon taking up certain civic choices. I'm thinking that it should come as a pop-up narrative choice upon fulfilling the triggers (so that you can also choose not to receive the blessing), and that "making bad" on your Eternal blessings will incur heavy penalties. Think of it as a sort of "promise" or "contract" with the Eternal. Once a Blessing has reached the point of penalty, its positive benefits are then considered void and forfeit for the rest of the game. Meaning even if the player were to fulfill the trigger conditions again, the pop-up choice will not appear as the Blessing has already been received (it will however keep appearing when triggered if the player did not choose to receive said Blessing on previous triggers). This is possibly a huge system and can be very complex and difficult to balance (might have to be done over a series of iterations), so I'll just provide some better-thought-out examples I have right now.

    Blessing of Phastos — Signing and maintaining Nuclear Disarmament for a number of turns would give you an option of receiving this Blessing, granting you a certain (maybe 0.8 or 1 to start?) amount of science per population every turn, with the value slowly increasing the more turns Nuclear Disarmament is maintained (with diminishing returns, perhaps the highest value of 3.5 sci/pop will require maintaining it for >80 turns). However, if you cancel the Nuclear Disarmament civic after choosing to receive Phastos' blessing, you will suffer a large (30~60%) Empire-wide science penalty that goes higher and lasts longer the higher affinity of Phastos' Blessing you've achieved before canceling the Nuclear Disarmament civic. Signing the Nuclear Proliferation civic at any point after receiving Phastos' Blessing (regardless of affinity) will immediately cause you to randomly lose 35% of all researched technologies on the tech tree, and you will also be unable to upgrade any units you have on the field for a large number of turns.

    Blessing of Sersi — Reaching the right-most position on the Geopolitics ideology axis (World) would give you an option of receiving this Blessing, granting you a bonus x% of whichever FIMS you are producing the most of (Empire-wide) granted to whichever FIMS you are producing the least of (ties will grant the bonus randomly) every turn. So if say you are producing 500 food, 300 industry, 200 money, and 100 science and your Blessing of Sersi gives you an efficiency (x value) of 20%, you will gain an additional 20%*500=100 in science per turn. Values can probably start around 10~15% and scale higher the longer you stay on the right-most position (gain higher affinity level), up to a max of 25~30%. The Blessing bonuses will disappear upon leaving the right-most position on the Geopolitics axis, but no penalty will be given until your position on the axis reaches the neutral position (can stay on middle-right without incurring penalties). Sersi's penalty is a straight 50% reduction of all FIMS production, Empire-wide, for a number of turns that scales with affinity.

    Blessing of Druig — Reaching the right-most position on the Government ideology axis (Authority) would give you an option of receiving this Blessing, granting you the ability to enjoy better Stability thresholds for each Stability state (Mutinous, Strained, Settled). For example, instead of having Mutinous being 0–29%, Strained being 30–90%, and Settled being 91–100%, having the Blessing at a middling affinity will allow you to be Mutinous at 0-20%, Strained at 21–70%, and Settled at 71–100%. Maintaining this ideology position for a longer period provides higher affinity levels, which means bigger threshold bonuses, and can eventually even unlock a new Celebratory Stability state achieved at very high Stability (maybe 93~100%) where Food and Industry yields are given an Empire-wide bonus (I'm thinking somewhere between 10–15%, yes the idea is taken from the Fervent status in Endless Legend). The Blessing bonuses will disappear upon leaving the right-most position on the Government axis, but no penalty will be given until your position on the axis reaches the neutral position (can stay on middle-right without incurring penalties). Druig's penalty is an Empire-wide 50% Stability penalty (meaning any effects that grant Stability will grant 50% less) for a number of turns that scales with affinity. If you have reached the affinity level that unlocks the Celebratory Stability state (even if you have never actually been in that state), there will be an additional penalty in the complete removal of the Settled state. The "best" Stability state you can achieve in any city will thus be Strained.

    A few more underdeveloped ideas:
    1) Makkari (Individualism Axis) would unlock an action to bring a single army stack under your control to any tile that you can see (unlock 2 uses per turn at max affinity), while the penalty could be empire-wide -2 movement speed?
    2) Ikaris (Get 3 military Stars while having 1/2/3/4 neutral ideologies) would unlock an action to destroy any single army stack that you can see (unlock 2 uses per turn at max affinity < too OP?), while the penalty is the instant destruction of all military (land or naval) units you own, the deconstruction of all military and fortification improvements you have on your Capital city, and the destruction of all garrison districts you have empire-wide.  

That's all I have for now in my idea pitch, I'll be looking forward to reading your replies!