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[MOD] FIMS Overhaul

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3 years ago
Nov 10, 2021, 7:05:20 PM


I wanted to try a different take on how your terrain, quarters, improvements and so on interact with each other and the pops. So here we are:

This mod aims to change a number of things:

- most improvements add a bonus percentage instead of flat numbers

- the gain per pop job is changed to a calculation of exploited terrain and districts instead of the flat 6/worker

- some infrastructures will only work on exploited terrain (only lumber yard and sawmill for now) and not when there is a district on the tile

- districts synergy bonus is removed from base quarters

- infrastructures have a money upkeep which is for instance 0.5 gold for each job slot in a specific class. Later infrastructures are more expensive

- traders and scientists consume more food than the other two

- industry, farms and science quarter have a base upkeep of 1 each

- and some smaller changes to base pop consumption and district costs formula

- other stuff I have yet to think of

Link: FIMS Overhaul mod for Humankind

Updated 3 years ago.
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3 years ago
Dec 21, 2021, 6:52:25 PM

The cultures you find in the Link above as PDF file.

Luxury (all have +4 Stability):

+5 Food/Money/Science/Industry on City (flat amount, unchanged) (Salt, Dye, Incense, Ambergis)

+20% per resource on CityCenter and AdminCenter (Sage, Ebony, Porcelain, Papyrus)

+5% Gain per Pop per resource (Coffee, Marble, Pearls, Lead)

+3% per resource on city total production (Tea, Obsidian, Gold, Mercury)

+10% per resource on district production (Saffron, Silk, Gemstone, Silver)

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3 years ago
Jan 8, 2022, 3:45:27 PM

Released v0.4.2

Any feedback is always welcome. Have fun.

The link in the first post has been fixed by me...

Updated 3 years ago.
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3 years ago
Jan 30, 2022, 12:59:26 AM

Would you be open to hearing suggestions for culture balance that alter the culture more drastically than just stat adjustments for historical accuracy?

Updated 3 years ago.
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3 years ago
Jan 31, 2022, 5:01:42 PM

Yeah why not? I mostly made stat adjustment so it fits the general theme of the mod and translated the flat bonuses to percentages. I also added some more stuff to different affinities so the industry cultures are not the to-go culture so much. Not sure if I got it that good though, since it a very persona view.

If there is a suitable way to make them more distinct it would sure help to give each culture a better personality.

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3 years ago
Feb 1, 2022, 9:32:03 PM

The biggest suggestion I would have is do something for the British to make the turn people into vassals easier and gain more from vassals, but also have a harder time defending against rebellious vassals. For instance, a 25 or 50 percent war support discount to turn people into vassals, but a -1 or -2 combat penalty against players who they once vassalized. Their district should also provide extreme benefits at the cost of their vassal’s wellbeing, like +100 gold for the liege and -20 stability for the vassal, along with gold bonuses per adjacent district for the liege and food debuffs for the vassal. This way British vassals are profitable, but vassals have high incentive to fight their British colonizers. These numbers would obviously need to be balanced accordingly, but I think this sort of change would help the British feel like the proper imperialist British.

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3 years ago
Feb 2, 2022, 12:09:11 PM

I have not enough history about this, but did the British have regular problems in their colonies? I would love to implement some event for vassals which helps them for going independence but I'm unsure if I'm able to make the AI actually go to war due to this.

I will see what can be done (the stats are easy, I have to explore the desire to go independent again).

Updated 3 years ago.
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3 years ago
Feb 2, 2022, 5:44:19 PM
shakee wrote:

I have not enough history about this, but did the British have regular problems in their colonies? I would love to implement some event for vassals which helps them for going independence but I'm unsure if I'm able to make the AI actually go to war due to this.

I will see what can be done (the stats are easy, I have to explore the desire to go independent again).

The British had mixed issues with colonialism, but typically once a colony hit the breaking point and rebelled they struggled significantly. The main reason for the combat debuff in my mind is balance, so the British vassals actually have a decent chance of fighting their oppressors, and so the British are incentivized to only vassalize empires far from their own lands. It might be to harsh, though, so that part could be debated. I know AI desires are tricky, and you are a modder doing this for free so I can't fault you if you just avoid that aspect altogether.  

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3 years ago
Feb 7, 2022, 11:56:36 PM

Another possible suggestion would maybe be adjusting the Contemporary cultures of the Soviets and Americans to be more focused on military production. Perhaps making the Soviet Arms Factory reduce the cost of a unit by 10% in that city per factory, removing the weapons resource, and making their legacy trait be something like -1 or halved population cost on units. This would fit with their "Red Tide" and overwhelming numbers theme. The Americans could have their emblematic quarter have a similar effect but with unit buyouts, and could also be built in allied or vassals territories, and act like a spawn point as garrisons are. Just a thought to make these two cultures more interesting overall. 

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3 years ago
Feb 8, 2022, 8:57:43 AM

I can tie the unit production cost to the number of resource access. But this will also affect any other empire which has bought the weapons. Tying it to the Factory itself is complicated but also possible. A sample:

Num of. WeaponsProd Cost AfterCost Reduction per weapon
Total Reduction
Updated 3 years ago.
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3 years ago
Feb 9, 2022, 12:00:32 AM

Actually, tying the mechanic to the weapons itself works thematically to a degree, because the Soviets were known to lend weapons to communist nations abroad. I like that idea, especially if it’s easier to code for.

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3 years ago
Feb 9, 2022, 11:16:40 AM

Okay, the weapon change will be added in the next update. I'm currently a bit slow due to other stuff... so it will probably take until the weekend.

Also still looking into the british thing.

Updated 3 years ago.
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