These packs add the following (11 total) new cultures:

Andean Culture Pack:


Era: Early Modern

Affinity: Expansionist

Quote: “The god of the sun still watches over his children”

Legacy Trait: “Children of the Sun:” +2 food per district and +2 production per population on all cities.

Emblematic Quarter: Terrace Farm: Can only be built on mountains, exploits food and industry, can be freely placed. +5 food and +2 industry, -10 stability, +1 farmer slot. Counts as a Farmer's Quarter and Maker's Quarter. +3 food for each adjacent mountain.

“Incan civil engineering was a marvel of its time, transforming sheer cliff-sides into bountiful farmlands.”

Emblematic Unit: Auca Runa. Unlocked at Centralized Power and replaces the Halberdier. 41 Strength, 4 movement, requires 2 population. Unique trait: Mit’a:This unit can cross cliffs and can found new cities as if it were a settler.

“The Incan empire was built, expanded, and maintained through the Mit’a system, where all able-bodied subjects were required to provide tribute in the form of military service or corvee labor.”


Era: Medieval

Affinity: Builder

Quote: “Steal not, lie not, be not idle; this is all that matters”

Legacy Trait: “Monumental Feasts” + 10% industry on calm cities. +2 industry per farmer slot on all cities.

Emblematic Quarter: Monolithic Statue. +3 influence and +3 faith. +3 industry and +5 stability per adjacent district. Counts as a Commons Quarter and a Maker’s Quarter. +1 Worker’s Slot on City.

“People travel great distances to gather here and participate in feasting, ceremonies, and the construction of great monuments.”

Emblematic Unit: War Slingers.  Unlocked at War Summons, replaces the Crossbowmen. 31 Strength, 3 range, 4 movement, 1 population, Bastion trait.

“Trained from childhood, war slingers excel at raining death on their enemies from on high.”


Era: Classical

Affinity: Aesthete

Quote: “O creator, lord of the lake, preserve what you have infused with life for ages without end.”

Legacy Trait: “Fertility Rites” +1 food per influence produced on capital.

Emblematic Quarter: Nazca Lines. -10 stability, +5 influence and +5 faith. +1 food on Farmer's Quarters in city. +1 influence and +2 faith per adjacent sterile terrain or mountain. Can be freely placed. 

“The lines above ground depict the sacred shapes of the natural world, while aqueducts are built below. Together, they bring the blessings of the gods to the people.”

Emblematic Unit: Headhunters.  Unlocked at Standing Army, requires 1 copper. 26 Strength, 4 movement, 90 industry, 1 population. Unique trait: Sacrificial Captives: Awards influence for battle victories.

“Armed with bronze axes, these warriors take the heads of their enemies as trophies and offerings to their gods.”


Era: Ancient

Affinity: Builder

Quote: “The sun will forever shine on our creations."

Legacy Trait: “Irrigated Architecture” Maker’s Quarters get +1 food per adjacent district.

Emblematic Quarter: Terraced Pyramid. -10 stability, +2 industry and +1 influence; exploits food and industry.+1 industry per adjacent Maker's Quarter. Counts as a Maker's Quarter and Farmer's Quarter. +1 Worker slot on city.

“These pyramids are replete with spaces for ritual and ceremony, and surrounded by an intricate network of canals and aqueducts.”

Emblematic Unit: Bola Throwers.  Unlocked at Carpentry, replaces the Archer. 17 Strength, 4 movement, 3 range, 1 population, Anti Cavalry and Indirect Fire traits.

“Bola are deadly weapons in the right hands. Thrown with enough force to shatter bone, they are especially effective at bringing down horses. ”

North American Culture Pack:

**Oceti Sakowin (Sioux)**

Era: Industrial

Affinity: Militarist

Quote: “A people without a history is like the wind over the buffalo grass.”

Legacy Trait: “Counting Coup” +100% xp gain on units. + 2 combat strength on units with veterancy level 3.

Emblematic Quarter: Thiyóšpaye. Automatically upgrades regular outpost. Cannot be attached to cities in this era.

“These camp circles house large extended families, which in turn form the political and moral basis for the Oceti Sakowin people. ”

Emblematic Unit: Akichita. Immediately unlocked. 43 Strength, 6 movement, range 4, 1 population, requires 2 horses and 1 saltpeter. Nomad with the Gunner and Multi Move traits.

“Members of an elite society of warriors, the Akichita fight without fear or hesitation for their land and people.”

**Diné (Navajo)**

Era: Industrial

Affinity: Aesthete

Quote: “Be still and the earth will speak to you.”

Legacy Trait: “The Blessing Way” + 4 faith, food, influence and stability and -50% production cost on nature reserves. Nature reserves unlocked immediately.

Emblematic Quarter: Hogan. Exploits all adjacent tiles and can be freely placed. + 4 faith, food, influence, and stability per adjacent mountain or nature reserve.

“These sturdy earthen houses have been built by the Diné since mythic times. They serve as both housing and a place of ceremony, where rituals are conducted to ensure balance is preserved.”

Emblematic Unit: Naabaahii. Unlocked at Guerilla Warfare. 49 strength, 4 movement, 4 range, costs 2 population. Has the Stealth and Move after Attacking traits.

“The most deadly weapon wielded by these warriors is their connection to the land, which allows them to surprise their enemies and disappear before they have time to react.”

**Nʉmʉnʉʉ (Comanche)**

Era: Early Modern

Affinity: Militarist

Quote: “All who have died are equal.”

Legacy Trait: “Lords of the Plains” +1 movement on all land units. +10 war support on battle victories and when a hostile army retreats.

Emblematic Quarter: Tipi. Automatically upgrades regular outpost. Cannot be attached to cities in this era.

“Tipi settlements contain all the amenities of a traditional village, with livestock, artisans and craftsmen, but can be moved to horseback at a moment's notice. ”

Emblematic Unit: Tekwaniwapi. Immediately unlocked. 38 Strength, 4 movement, range 1, 1 population, requires 2 horses. Melee cavalry units with the Nomad, Move After Attacking and Unstoppable traits.

“The horsemanship of these riders is legendary; they will stop at nothing to secure a future for their people and their way of life.”

**Nēhiyaw (Cree)**

Era: Early Modern

Affinity: Expansionist

Quote: “Only two relationships are possible- to be a friend, or to be an enemy.”

Legacy Trait: “Iron Confederacy”+ 5% money and food in all cities per alliance. +5% money and food in all cities per vassal.

Emblematic Quarter: Atâwêkamik. Counts as a market quarter and research quarter. +5 money, + 1 money and science per trade route. + 1 science per trader,+1 trader slot and +3 money per adjacent market quarter.

“In this bustling trading post, both goods and ideas are exchanged, bringing new discoveries and opportunities to the people.”

Emblematic Unit: Okichitâw. Replaces the Musketeer. 44 Strength, has the Move After Attacking trait. Requires 1 saltpeter and 1 population.

“Experts at hit and-run tactics, these fighters use their superior mobility and knowledge of their surroundings to overcome any numerical disadvantage.”


Era: Medieval

Affinity: Aesthete

Quote: “The laws of man are always changing; only the laws of the spirit remain the same.”

Legacy Trait: “Renewal Ceremonies” -50% public ceremony industry cost.

Emblematic Quarter: Platform Temple. + 3 influence and +3 faith. +5 stability and +2 faith per adjacent district. +2 influence and +2 faith per completed public ceremony in the city.

“The religious and cultural center of every Missisipian settlement, this great temple is built on a massive earthen pyramid, which is expanded at regular intervals in elaborate ceremonies .”

Emblematic Unit: Falcon Warriors. Unlocked at Heavy Infantry and replaces the Greatswordsmen. 36 Strength, 4 movement,  2 population, requires 1 copper. Unique trait: Sacrificial Captives: Gains influence on battle victory.

“Adorned with ceremonial copper vestments and wielding fearsome maces, Falcon Warriors offer their enemies as sacrifices to the heavens.”


Era: Classical

Affinity: Merchant

Quote: “A good leader does not take; he gives.”

Legacy Trait: “Hopewell Exchange” +1 money on rivers. -25% buying resource through trade cost.

Emblematic Quarter: Burial Mound. -10 stability, +3 influence and +1 money per trade route in city, +4 money per adjacent market quarter. Counts as a market quarter, +1 trader slot on city.

“In this great burial complex the honored dead are buried alongside gifts obtained from their greatest trading partners, ensuring that the memory of commerce and cooperation will last for time immemorial.”

Emblematic Unit: Woodland Raiders. Unlocked at Standing Army and replaces the archer. 23 Strength, 4 movement, 3 range, 90 industry, 1 population. Ambusher and Indirect Fire traits.

“Masters of nighttime raids, these fighters excel at raining death from hiding places in the deep woods.”


Era: Ancient

Affinity: Agrarian

Quote: “We must sustain our world, for it sustains us”

Legacy Trait: “Our Way of Living” +1 food on sterile terrain, rocky field, stone field and dry grass. -15% pop food consumption.

Emblematic Quarter: Ciqlluaq. -10 stability, exploits food from land and water and can be freely placed. +2 food per adjacent sterile ground, coastal water, or lake. Counts as a Farmer’s Quarter.+1 farmer slot on city.

“A sturdy lodge built partially underground, this structure is a haven for hunter and fisher alike, allowing them to sustain their people in even the harshest of environments..”

Emblematic Unit: Pisurta.  Unlocked immediately, replaces the Scout. 13 Strength, 4 movement, 1 range, 45 industry, 1 population. Has ranged attacks and ignores penalties from fighting in melee and moving through forests. Regenerates health outside of your territory.

”Expert hunters armed with harpoons and javelins, the Pisurta are experts at living off the land as they venture far and wide to protect and feed their people.”

If you like these, you should also check out my Polynesian Culture Pack:

If you want to use all 3 packs together, you will need this compatibility patch here:

Questions/comments/suggestions are more than welcome either here or on Enjoy!