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Anyone know where the FIMS preview during district placement is handled?

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3 years ago
Nov 18, 2021, 5:43:06 AM

You know how when you place a district, the UI will suggest the best location based on FIMS output? Well... after I made a mod that changes the FIMS output of a district, the preview when placing the district isn't accurate. What's interesting is that it doesn't display the original values (which makes me think it's not hard-coded), but the preview just doesn't include anything that I added.

I just realized as I was typing this that it's possible that the preview only has access to the original libraries/collections. hmmm... I guess I can test that but in the meantime if anyone has any input on this that'd be appreciated :)

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3 years ago
Nov 18, 2021, 8:47:37 AM

Hi !

This is weird, the evaluation is not hard coded and should work with "new" effect. Could you post here a screenshot of the new effect (with the path and the validation if there is one) ? Some weird effects are not really handled by the system, maybe you just hit that wall ? 

Also just in case could you send us the logs of your game after you try to place the district ? Just to see if the evaluation doesn't scream in the back while it's trying to parse your effects ^^.

Updated 3 years ago.
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3 years ago
Nov 18, 2021, 8:54:39 AM

Also could you send a screenshot of the evaluation in game ? I would need the little pins that give you the overall gain and losses and the big breakdown tooltip that you get from hovering a tile.

Thanks !

Updated 3 years ago.
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3 years ago
Nov 18, 2021, 10:19:36 AM

I'm doing a few weird things... so the wall is a definite possibility :)

Here are the screens (I circled areas I changed and potentially problematic spots)

Was modifying the harbor, trying to give it land-based bonuses instead of sea, so I created a new effect. Also created a new exploitation rule.

The new exploitation rule. I wonder if I need to specify constraints of some kind instead of "none"?

The new effect - I circled the most weird thing I did, which was using the "invert" tool. I didn't see that being used elsewhere so I didn't have an example case. It was kind of neat that it worked.

The description of the district in-game. Obvious localization issue but seems to match up to the effect

pre-construct - note that both of the original harbor effects from the live game are still functional. It detects the +3 for being next to a market and the -10 for being a new district, but it doesn't show any of the newly created effect.

post-construct - numbers mostly add up correctly
4 non-coast neighbor exploitations + 1 farm district + self = 16 + 3 + 1 = 20 food

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3 years ago
Nov 18, 2021, 10:21:36 AM

I'm not sure how to see the game logs... I can take a look at that if that'd be helpful, if it's possible from the consumer build

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3 years ago
Nov 18, 2021, 10:54:03 AM

Sorry yeah, the log should be visible near the saves, it should be in C:\Users\{yourWindowsUserName}\Documents\Mercury\Temporary Files ;

The names are of the form "Diagnostics (2021'MM'DD@HHmm'ss'miliseconds')", I don't need all of your logs, just the one from your last session (where you did those test).

Thanks !

Updated 2 years ago.
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3 years ago
Nov 18, 2021, 11:03:52 AM

Ok after a quick review I might have an idea, you're applying your effect on neighbours, this is what we call a "synergy". It's a bit special to us because it need a few extra check, plus the feedbacks are a bit different. If you look at how we do synergy on other districts: 

Well it's about the same thing as you, the only difference is that we give it a Category : District_Synergy.

This is probably one of our sinfull things, this is orrenduous, but I think we need it to fully parse the effect .

Could you try to add this "District_Synergy" to your effect to see if we evaluate it more correctly ?

Updated 3 years ago.
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3 years ago
Nov 19, 2021, 8:17:12 AM

tldr: it looks like the "inverted" button in the effect doesn't seem to work with the evaluations

I tested it step-by-step, starting from a base harbour and added the modifications one by one until I saw anything unexpected. The evaluations worked until I added the inverted coastline effect. What was really strange is there seems to be 3 different systems reading doing an evaluation and two of them were incorrect in different ways. I'll attach those screens, in case they're helpful, but this seems like a pretty edge-case situation and might not be something worth fixing soon

Oh, the logs didn't show anything notable. Some unrelated spam, but nothing that had any keywords from my mod/effects. Adding "District_Synergy" as the Serializable Category updated the "placement details" screen correctly for most of the effects. Thanks for the tip :) But it doesn't seem like it was the main problem.

In the two screens below, the Harbor Description and the Placement Details screen both seem to have the same interpretation of the effect. Adding District_Synergy seemed to help, giving the inverted effect localized text and adding it to the Placement Details screen, but both seem to ignore the "inverted" modifier completely, reading it as ONLY coastline instead of everything but coastline.

The second interpretation in the circled area in the image below - that ignores the entire effect that has the "inverted" tag completely, but it accurately reads the other stuff in that effect, descriptor.
And this is the final placement - all the FIMS output matches the effect perfectly :)

This is the exact Effect descriptor I was using in case that's useful

I'm trying to even think of an effect in the live game that uses the inverted tag and I can't :) I wonder if whatever feature needed that inversion doesn't need the UI evaluation display. Maybe it was just never added?

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3 years ago
Nov 19, 2021, 8:27:40 AM
jtakemann wrote:
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I'm pretty sure we have a lot of effect that use that inverted behind the scene, for example everything that want to target all the settlement *except* the capital, this kind of things, I think the error come from the inverted *on* the neighbours (but I'm not sure and I think a few people would be pissed if I started to work on bugs that are not even on our release build ^^).

For more info on *how* it actually work: we actually have 2 evaluation

The first "basic" that we launch as soon as you start to place a district, on all of the valid tile.This one only give the overall gain and loss on each tile (and their neighbours). This one evaluation is the one that feed the "3D" feedback (the little thingy on the map, I know, it doesn't seem 3D, but it actually kinda is. It's the work from our 3D programmer anyway, don't ask me how *it* work I have no idea.

Then when you hover the tile you have the "complex" one that do the breakdown that you see on the tooltip.

A good way to know if your effect fully break the game is to check if the tooltip and the 3D feedbacks sum to the same values.

Cheers !

Updated 3 years ago.
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