I was only able to make this with the modding guide Uncle2fire put together. This wouldn't have been possible without it!

What I've got here is Canada as a brand new Aesthete culture for the Contemporary Era. I based the legacy trait, district, and unit on the country as it was trying to figure out its path forward after the Second World War. The British Empire was gone, and Canadian leaders didn't want to end up becoming nothing more than America's hat. Only way to overcome those problems was to gain a lot of influence, and that's what you'll be doing in the game.

The legacy trait, Middle Power Diplomacy, rewards you for getting into lots of alliances with a buff to your influence. Canada entered the Cold War era pretty strong, but the country wasn't quite a great power. It also wasn't just going to be dragged into every fight its friends got into either. You'll be able to have your way by building a sphere of influence with treaties instead of weapons.

All the multilateral groups that Canada belongs to are represented by the High Commission, their emblematic district. Make sure you get plenty of trade going as you build your alliances. This district provides extra influence for each trade route you construct. You also get a small bonus for building next to a harbor or an airport since the diplomats are all probably coming in from there.

If things get bad, get the Special Operations Regiment ready. Obviously, I took a little inspiration from the Canadian Special Operations Regiment and Joint Task Force 2 for this one. Use this emblematic unit to get the drop on opponents if they threaten you or your allies. It acts as a replacement for the Commandos, by the way.

Most of the visuals are shared with the British. New art assets can't be added with the current iteration of the mod tools. Though it all still looks good. Your avatar might stick out from all the suits in the Contemporary Era, but you can definitely imagine a Governor General in the old school getup!

Anyway, you can find the mod with the link below. I honestly still lack experience with the game, and this was my first time modding anything. Something's gotta be broken, so feel free to leave any feedback you might have on the mod page. Hope you all enjoy!
