I'd like to ask the devs a little addition to the code. By poking with the dev tools, I can see the Catch-up star definition works differently than the regular stars. I'll show pictures of both to highlight the differences (I've cut a few lines from both to save space):

As you can see, the scripts used are different: regular Era Stars use the "EraStarDefinition" script, while Catch-up Stars use the "EraStarCatchupDefinition". One of the key differences between them is that normal era stars allow for rewards to be set (FameReward_Medium, which is 100 per star level), while Catch-up stars do not allow that. In addition, while creating events, there's a key difference, as shown below: 

When creating a Narrative Event, I can set the trigger to "gain a star in the current era", and that allows me to select which kind of star I can use... EXCEPT Catch-up star. Given that, let me make the request and explain why:

"Please modify the "EraStarCatchupDefinition" script to allow for Fame gains in the Catch-up Stars. In order to not change how the vanilla game works, this value can be set to zero. If that is not possible, please modify the "SimulationEventPrerequisite_Event_EraStars" define to include Catch-up Stars as an option." 

Why I am making this request? In short, I want to make a mod to test what happens if Catch-up Stars give fame. Catch-up Stars are a fantastic mechanic that allow for players behind to advance in eras and try to maintain relevance in the game, but as they give zero fame it means that the player is left behind in the Fame race, probably permanently - unless they use the newfound stars to garner enough power (usually military) to turn their situation in its head (which the AI usually never manages to do) , they'll be stuck in the lower positions for the rest of the game. 

I got a hunch that giving Catch-up Stars some fame rewards (I'm guessing something between 100 and 200 per Catch-up Star) will allow those players left behind to still present a challenge to the top tier players in the late game, thus reducing the number of games that are decided in early eras, which should benefit the enjoyment of the lategame. In some sense, this is akin to the "rubber banding" effect in racing games, strengthening the players behind to keep the leaders in their toes. However, I cannot do this with current mod tools, and I'm wary such a big change can have unintended consequences, so this is why I turn to you and present this request: lemme test how it works in a mod so I can give you data to make an informed decision.