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Have no idea of two modifer effect

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3 years ago
Dec 6, 2021, 12:50:24 PM

1."Foreign Religion Strength (Bonus)-75%" (occurs in civic "Irreligion"'s choice "State Atheism").I guess it means when a non-state religion is influencing my territories, it only counts 25% faith influence of it used to be. E.g. it used to influence a territory with 100 faith but 25 instead now.

2.Property Effects "Max".

it seems doesn't occur in origin game now(maybe was used in alpha or beta version).What does it mean?

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3 years ago
Dec 6, 2021, 12:54:26 PM

Hi ! 

1. Yeah that's seem right

2. Max is not an operation we use a lot in descriptor yeah but we use it quite often in RPN, for example if you want to cap a value so it doesn't go below 0 you can do "Variable.MyValue MAX 0", this way we will take the biggest value between the 2 (MyValue and 0). 

You can still use it in PropertyEffect, I guess it would work, but I'm not sure how it will be feedbacked though.

You should also have access to the Min operator, which is the perfect inverse of Max (take the smallest value).

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3 years ago
Dec 6, 2021, 1:19:51 PM

2) The Building/Item/Whatever where this is applied to has now the rule: use the highest industryproduced but at least 1 (this is your MAX 1 you set up). If you have no other things which ADD to industryproduced to bring this over 1, it will stay at one. On the other hand. If you apply stuff which may make this go below 1 it will still produce at least 1.

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3 years ago
Dec 21, 2021, 2:01:28 PM
DrunkenChoko wrote:

Hi ! 

1. Yeah that's seem right

2. Max is not an operation we use a lot in descriptor yeah but we use it quite often in RPN, for example if you want to cap a value so it doesn't go below 0 you can do "Variable.MyValue MAX 0", this way we will take the biggest value between the 2 (MyValue and 0). 

You can still use it in PropertyEffect, I guess it would work, but I'm not sure how it will be feedbacked though.

You should also have access to the Min operator, which is the perfect inverse of Max (take the smallest value).

Thanks!(Sorry for reply late).Another question,can I create a complex effect and make its text short in game?For example,I wanna create an effect "+1 industry on the tiles  which can produce industry and are neighbouring or on the rivers"(Am I making myself clear?).

Updated 3 years ago.
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3 years ago
Dec 21, 2021, 2:38:04 PM

Yeah, that seem pretty clear.

Normally we try to automagically (that's the coined term around here) translate the descriptor effect, but an effect with multiple validation won't be localized well. 

In this case you can use a DescriptorMapper, this work a bit like an UIMapper: basically you give it exactly the same name as your effect, you give it a LocalizationKey and the system should use the loc key rather than some weird auto-generated translation ! 

You can see some example for the Wonder effect ("Effect_ArtificialWonder_Era3_AngkorWat")

Updated 3 years ago.
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3 years ago
Dec 31, 2021, 12:28:12 PM
DrunkenChoko wrote:

Yeah, that seem pretty clear.

Normally we try to automagically (that's the coined term around here) translate the descriptor effect, but an effect with multiple validation won't be localized well. 

In this case you can use a DescriptorMapper, this work a bit like an UIMapper: basically you give it exactly the same name as your effect, you give it a LocalizationKey and the system should use the loc key rather than some weird auto-generated translation ! 

You can see some example for the Wonder effect ("Effect_ArtificialWonder_Era3_AngkorWat")

Thanks.Is there any detialed tutorial in our forum?

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