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[Mod] Extended Naval Combat

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3 years ago
Dec 8, 2021, 2:45:06 PM

Mod.Io Download: https://humankind.mod.io/extended-naval-combat

Nexus Download: https://www.nexusmods.com/humankind/mods/5

Steam Download: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2967516354


The goal of Extended Naval Combat (ENC) is to create a longer, more interesting, and historicaly accurate game experience with the addition of new technologies, military units and tweaks to existing units, technologies, steath and pollution to keep it overall balanced. I tried to make this mod as compatible as possible with other mods by putting most new units and bonuses spread over the new Technologies, and minimal changes to cultures, districts and civics. The new Technologies help to make the late game last significantly longer, especially the late Industrial and early Contemporary era (WW1/WW2) period which is almost non exist in Vanilla. One of the main motivations of this mod was to improve the sence of historical accuracy. Due to the lack of intermediate units you often experience battle that would never happen durring real history. For example, in vanilla Knights aren't upgraded until Industrial Era, resulting in many comical battles between knight and musket infanty. Although a game will always remain an abstraction of the true complexity of history, with the introduction of more intermediate units, like the Lancers, it becomes significantly less likely and therefore improve overall historical feeling.


Combat lies at the core of this mod. ENC does not only add more naval units, but also more land, and air units. Existing units are tweaked to achieve a longer more satisfying end game experience. in general Industrial and Contemporary units have been made stronger, giving them a more substantial edge over Early Modern units. Late combat has been been made more interesting with new rock scissor paper mechanics between the classes. For example, Submarines are more effective versus Battleship, Destroyers are more effective versus Submarines and Battleship are more effective versus Destroyers. Classes now progress through identifiable Pre WW1, WW1, WW2, Cold War and Post cold war era , making it feel more historically accurate. For optimal gameplay I recommend you also install Better Combat Damage Mod and configure it with Comparison Based (Vanilla Baseline), which will make elite and modern units more survivable and therefore more cost effective. 

General Combat changes:

  • Scout
    • Upgrades path changed to Skirmisher, Yeomen, Rangers, Partisans, Commandos, Special Forces
  • Archers
    • Unlocked later with Archery instead to Woodworking
    • Upgrades to Bowmen/Longbowmen, Organ Gun/Rocket Cart, Gatling Gun, Machine Gun, Arnoured Personal Carrier
  • Scout Horses
    • Unlocked later with Horsemanship, which also unlock Horses Strategic resource
    • First unit capable of detecting hidden units
  • Chairots
    • Upgrades to Cataphract instead of Horsemen
  • Swordmen
    • Requires Strategic resource Bronze
    • Upgrades to Iron Swordmen
  • Siege engines
    • increased range and battle strength
  • Galleys: (Pentekonter, Quadrireme, Galleass)
    • Increased speed in Shallow Water
    • Half speed and reduced Combatstrength when in Deep Water,
    • Increased speed in Battle
    • Increased strength against adjacent targets
  • Embarked units
    • Significantly improved speed which improves with more advanced technology
    • Increased visual range with advanced technologies
    • Lost ability to detect stealth units
    • Has Upkeep Cost
  • Galleass
    • Unlocked earlier at end of Medieval Era,
    • Acces to Salpeter is changed to Alchemy
    • Upgrade path changed to Privateer, Steam Corvette, Steam Torpedo Boat, Motor Torpedo Boat, Missile Boat, Stealth Corvette
  • Gallions
    • Unlocked with Naval Artillery (Carrack is instead unlocked with Gunpower and Navigation )
    • Gains Shatter special ability (ability to destroy Walls and Entrenchments)
  • Field Gun (formaly known as Howitzer)
    • Reduced attack range
    • Can defend agains melee units with -8 Combat Damage (rather than not at all)
  • Mortar and Bomb Ketch
    • Reduced attack range and Damage
    • Gains explosive shells effect, which partially supreses unarmoured targets
    • Gain ability to barbardment outside of battle
  • ManOWar
    • Must be build. Does not upgrade from any predecessor
    • Is the strongest wooden ship until it becomes replaced by the Ironclad
    • Gains Shatter special ability (ability to destroy Walls and Entrenchments)
  • Fast Ships (Frigate, Steam Frigates, Torpedo Boat Destroyers, Destroyers, Guided Missile Destroyes)
    • Gain improved visual range
    • Maintains stealth detection capability (most other non modern naval units lose this ability)
    • Have comparitively higher base speed then other vessels of its age
  • Ironclad
    • Consistenly more effective effective versus Wooden vessels but weaker versus Dreadnought and more modern ships
    • Removed Inner Sea Mastodonte (which gave +11 in coastal tiles)
    • -4 Combatstrength when attacking from Deep Water
    • Gains ability to bombard outside of battle
    • Gains ability to detect stealth units
  • Modern Battleships (Dreadnough, Fast Battlrship, Missile Cruiser, Stealth Cruiser)
    • Are significantly powerfull, both in range and strength compaired to vanilla
    • Have increased zone of control (size depending on tech level)
    • Gain limited steath detection
  • Cheap Boats (Steam corvettes, Steam Torpedo Boat, Mortor Torpedo Boat, Guided Missile Boat, Stealth Corvette):
    • Move faster in friendy territory and in Battle
    • Loses Ignore zone of control
    • Gains One Move after attack
  • Field Gun (Formally Known as Howitzer)
    • Gains -8 combat strength when attacked by melee units (rather than undefended)
  • MachineGun
    • Gains Increased Zone of control
    • Gains -4 combat strength when attacked by melee units (rather than undefended)
    • Reduced Attack Range
  • Submarines:
    • Have significantly more effective stealth (because embarked units no longer have stealth detection and only modern and frigates have steath detection)
    • Gain +4 combatstrength durring the first round of battle
    • Gain +4 combatstrength when attack from deep water
    • Remain hidden after an attack when not next to an enemy unit
    • Have the best Stealth Detection and Visual Range early on.
    • Maintains ignore zone of control and Can travel past Hostile units
    • Early Submarine are slower while late game Submarines are Faster
  • Tanks (Infantry Tank, Medium Tank, Main Battle Tank, Stealth Tank)
    • Initialy slower but gain speed with advances
    • Increased Strength (compaired to Vanilla)
    • Gains Ignore Zone of control
  • Modern Anti Tank units (TOW infantry and MPATs)
    • only gain limited general strength improvement but become more effective versus Armour and Improved Stealth
  • Settlers and Engeneers:
    • provide Heath Regeneration outside of Frendly Territories to all Units in their Army, making them usefull to have arround durring militairy campaigns
  • Multirole Fighter
    • Reduced splash damage
  • Cruise Missile
    • Reduced Construction cost and Maintenance
    • Only requires Acces to Aluminium
    • No Population Cost
    • Increased Attack Range
  • Heavy Bomber (Formally known as Strategic Bomber)
    • Increased Attack Range
    • Upgrades into Strategic Jet Bomber

New Transport units:

  1. Ancient Transport Galley, unlocked with Sailing, upgrades to Transport Galley
  2. Cog Transport, unlocked with Seafaring, upgrades to Caravel
  3. Transport Barque, unlocked with Ship of the Line, upgrades to Steam Transport
  4. Steam Transport, unlocked with Maritime Steam Engine, upgrades to Landing Craft
  5. Hovercraft Transport, unlocked with Mechanized Infantry Doctrine

New Naval units:

  1. Classical Era:
    1. Harpax War Galley, unlocked with Trade Expeditions, upgrades to Cog Warship
  2. Medieval Era
    1. Cog Warship, unlocked with Clinker Boat Building, upgrades to Carrack
    2. Galleass, requires Copper and Saltpeter, unlocked with Black Powder Guns, upgrades to Man O War
  3. Early Modern Era:
    1. Galleon, requires Copper and Saltpeter, unlocked with Naval Artillery, upgrades to Steam Frigate
    2. Bomb Ketch, requires Copper and Saltpeter, unlocked with Siege Cannons, upgrades to Ironclad
    3. Privateer, requires Copper and Saltpeter, unlocked with Musket Warfare, upgrades to Steam Corvette
    4. Frigate, requires Iron and Saltpeter, unlocked with Ship of the Line, upgrades to Steam Frigate
  4. Industrial Era:
    1. Steam Corvette, requires Iron and Coal, unlocked with Marine Steam Engine, upgrades to Steam Torpedo Boat
    2. Steam Gunboat, requires Iron and Coal, unlocked with Marine Steam Engine, upgrades to Protected Cruiser
    3. Steam Submarine, requires Copper, Iron and Coal, unlocked with Turbine, upgrades to Fleet Submarine
    4. Torpedo Boat Destroyer, requires Iron and Coal, unlocked with Anti Torpedo Boat Warfare, upgrades to Destroyer
    5. Protected Cruiser, requires Iron and Coal, unlocked with Anti Torpedo Boat Warfare, upgrades to Destroyer
    6. Dreadnought, requires Iron, Copper and Coal, unlocks with Dreadnought design, upgrades to Battleship
    7. Fleet Submarine, requires Iron, Copper and Oil. unlocked with Submarine Warfare, upgrades to Diesel Submarine
    8. Cruiser Submarine, requires Iron, Copper and Oil. unlocked with Submarine Warfare, upgrades to Nuclear Submarine
    9. Light Cruiser, requires Iron and Oil, unlocked with Modular Containers, upgrades from Protected Cruiser, upgrades to Missile Cruiser
  5. Contenporay Era:
    1. Destroyer, requires Steel, Copper and Oil, unlocked Anti Submarine Warfare, upgrades to Missile Destroyer
    2. Motor Torpedo Boat, requires Oil, unlocked with Amfibious Warfare, upgrades to Missile Boat
    3. Diesel Submarine, unlocks with Fluid Dynamics, upgrades to Fuel Cell Submarine
    4. Missile Boat, unlocked with Electronics, upgrades to Stealth Corvette
    5. Missile Frigate, unlocked with Computing, upgrades to Stealth Cruiser
    6. Guided Missile Destroyer, unlocks with Guided Missiles, upgrades to Stealth Missile Cruiser
    7. Nuclear Aircraft Carrier, unlocks with Compact Nuclear Reactors
    8. Missile Submarine, unlocks with Satelites and Compact Nuclear Reactor
    9. Stealth Corvette, unlocks with Stealth Technology and Satellites
    10. Stealth Missile Cruiser, unlocks with Stealth Technology and Satellites
    11. Fuel Cell Submarine, unlocked with Fuel Cells
    12. Stealth Aircraft Carrier, unlocked with Interplanetairy spacecraft

New Land units:

  1. Anchient Era:
    1. Slingers, unlocked with Domestication, upgrades to Crossbowmen
    2. Spear-throwers, unlocked with Wood Working, upgrades to Skirmisher
    3. Spearmen, unlock with City Defence, upgrades to Phalanx
    4. Reenforced Battering Ram, unlocked with Organised Warfare
    5. Chariot Archers, unlocked with Wheel, upgrades to Mounted Crossbowmen
  2. Classical Era
    1. Skirmisher, unlocked with Standing Army, upgrades to Crossbowmen
    2. Cataphracts, unlocked with Heavy Cavalry, upgrades to Knights
  3. Medieval Era:
    1. Iron Swordmen, unlocked with Imperial Power, upgraded from Bronce Swordmen, upgraded to Great Swordmen
    2. Bowmen, unlocked with War Summons, upgrades from Archer, upgrades to Organ Gun or Rocket Cart
    3. Yeomens, unlocked with Freehold, upgrades from Skermisher, upgrades to Rangers
    4. Mounted Crossbowmen, unlocked with Medieval Warfare, upgrades to Reiters
    5. Sappers, unlocked with Siege Works, upgrades to Cannons
  4. Early Modern Era
    1. Rangers, unlocked with Land Clearance, upgrades to Partisans
    2. Siege Cannon, unlocked with Black Powder Artillery, upgrades to Field Gun
    3. Organ Gun, unlocked with Black Powder Artillery, upgrades to Gatling Gun
    4. Lancers, unlocked with Land Clearance, upgrades to Cuirassiers
    5. Reiters, unlocked with Wheellock, upgrades to Dragoons
  5. Industrial Era:
    1. FIeld Howitzer, unlocked with Military Coordination, upgrades to Anti Tank Gun (renamed old Howitzer unit to Field Gun)
    2. Cuirassiers, unlocked with Line Formations, upgrades to Infantry Tank
    3. Gatling Gun, unlocked with Gatling Gun, upgrades to Heavy Machinegun
    4. Breechloader Cannon, unlocked with Breechloader, upgrades to Anti Tank Gun
    5. Mounted Infantry, unlocked with Rifling, upgrades to Armoured Car
    6. Towed Artillery, unlocked with Automobile and Breechloading, upgrades to Towed Gun Howitzer
    7. Armored Car, unlocked with Automobile, upgrades Armored Recon
    8. Infantry Tank unlocked with Continuous Track, upgrades to Medium Tank
  6. Contemporary Era:
    1. Towed Gun Howitzer, unlocked with Highways, upgrades to Self-propelled Howitzer
    2. Armored Recon, unlocked with Anti Tank Warfare upgrades to Attack Helicopter with Jet Engine
    3. Tank Destroyer, unlocked with Anti Tank Warfare, upgrades to Main Battle Tank
    4. Marines, unlocked with Assault Guns, upgrades from Riflemen, upgrades to All-Terrain PMV
    5. Self-propelled Howitzer, unlocked with Mechanized Infantry Doctrine, upgrades from Towed Gun Howitzer
    6. TOW Infantry, unlocked with Computing, upgrades from Anti Tank Gun, upgrades to MANPADS Infantry
    7. Attack Helicopter, unlocked with Jet Engine, upgrades from Amoured Recon, upgrades to Helicopter Gunship
    8. Special Forces, unlocked with Video Game Console, upgrades from Commando, upgrades to Augment Infantry
    9. Missile Anti Air Defence, unlocked with Guided Missiles, upgrades from Anti Air Gun
    10. Multiple Launch Rocket System, unlocks with Guided Missiles
    11. All-Terrain PMV, unlocked with Mechanized Infantry Doctrine
    12. Anti Tank Guided Missile Team, unlocked with Special Ops
    13. Augmented Infantry, unlocked with Virtual Reality
    14. Stealth Tank, unlocked with Active Camoflage

New Air units:

  1. Torpedo Bomber, unlocked by Naval Air Strategy
  2. Short Range Ballistic Missile, unlocked with Ballistic Missile technology
  3. Multirole Combat Aircraft, unlocked with Air Transportation
  4. Strategic Bomber, unlocked with Gas Turbine
  5. Jet Fighter, unlocked with Gas Turbine
  6. Supersonic Bomber, unlocked with Precision Guided Munition
  7. Interceptor, unlocked with Precision Guided Munition
  8. Stealth Fighter, unlocked with Stealth technology
  9. Stealth Bomber, unlocked with Stealth technology
  10. Stealth Cruise Missile, unlocked with Special Ops
  11. Augmentd Infantry, unlocked with Virtual Reality
  12. Hypersonic Missile, unlocked with Hypersonic Weapon technology
  13. InterContinental Ballistic Missile (ICBM) unlocked after researching Rocket Science and building 2nd Nuclear Test Project
  14. Multiple Independently Targetable Reentry Vehicle (MIRV), unlocked with 3nd Nuclear Test Project

Special ability changes:

  • Indirect Fire Artillery units apply Suppresive fire on non armoured units (-2 strength and -2 movement )
  • Pentekonters and Galley require 2 movement in Ocean tiles
  • Land-based Archer and Gunner units are less effective (-12 strength) versus naval units in battle
  • Transport Galley and all other naval transport Units now require upkeep when used
  • Cog is converted into a Transport vessel(military vessel is replaced by other unit)
  • Man O' War gain special ability Shatter (similar to Howitzer)
  • Indirect ranged attacks by Archer units on Fortified units get reduced by 6 strength
  • Units that cannot attack fortifications (Cavalry, Tanks, etc.) require 2 movement points in Rocky Field
  • Ironclad special ability Inner Sea Mastodonte (+11 in Coastal Waters) is replaced by Bombard (similar to Battleship)
  • Oar propelled units (Pentekonter, Quadrireme, Galleass ) gain +5 strength in Coastal Waters and +2 speed in combat
  • Dreadnought, Battleship and Missile Cruiser gain extended Zone of Control
  • Torpedo Boats are faster (+2 Movement) near harbors and during combat and are now powered by Coal instead of Oil
  • Submarines remain hidden after attack (similar to Soldaderas)
  • Submarines gain +5 attack bonus versus Armored Vessels (Ironclads, Battleships, Carriers, Cruisers)
  • Submarines can hide better in deep Ocean water, giving them a +5 strength bonus when fighting on Ocean tiles
  • Aircraft Carrier gained Armored property, Stealth Corvette Loses Armored property
  • Anti Air Gun has increased Zone of Control and gains Attack Bonus Versus Attack Helicopters and Helicopter Gunships
  • Missile Cruiser special ability Anti Air is replaced by special ability Multiple Missile Bombardment
  • Commando gains ability to move through cliffs and forest without penalty

Unit Balance Changes:

  • All Naval Transporters +2 speed
  • Scout; upgrades to Skirmisher/Noble Javelineers
  • Javelin Throwers; -1 range, +ignore line of sight, upgrades to Skirmisher/Noble Javelineers
  • Noble Javelineers: -1 range, +ignore line of sight, +pathfinder, upgrades to Yeomens
  • Spearmen: +1 strength
  • Ballista; +2 strength +1 range
  • War Elephant: +2 strength
  • Crossbowmen; +1 range, reduced upkeep cost
  • Trebuchets, +4 strength
  • Arquebusiers, reduced upkeep cost
  • Pentekonter; +1 strength, +2 bonus movement in battle, +4 bonus strength on Shallow Water, upgrades to Quadrireme, move at half speed though ocean tiles
  • Quadrireme; +2 strength, +2 bonus movement in battle, +4 bonus strength on Shallow Water, upgrade to Galleass
  • Gajnal; +1 Strength, replaces Dragoon, upgrades to Armored Car
  • Jaguar Warriors; +1 speed
  • Hunnic Rider and Mongol Horde gain +1 attack range and can upgrade from Chariot Archers
  • Mortar; -1 Land Speed, -5 strength, but gains partial suppression effect
  • Man O' War; +4 strength, +Shatter , increased construction and upkeep cost
  • Ironclad; +2 Strength, +1 Attack Range, +bombard, +artillery suppresion, upgrades to Dreadnought
  • TorpedoBoat: remove Iron requirement
  • U-Boat; -2 movement, +1 vision, +5 Bonus Armored Units (ironclad, battleships, etc), upgrades to Diesel Submarine
  • Siege Artillery; -5 strength, but gains partial suppression effect; upgrades to Self propelled Howitzer
  • Heavy Machinegun; +3 strength
  • Antitank gun +3 strength, +3 stealth regen
  • Battleship; +3 strength +1 movement +1 vision, +2 attack range, Increased zone of control
  • Aircraft Carrier, +1 movement, +1 vision +Armored (immune to suppression, vulnerable versus submarines)
  • Nuclear Submarine, +2 vision, +1 range, +5 Bonus Armored Units (battleship, carrier, cruisers)
  • Missile Cruiser, +3 strength, +4 vision, +5 range, Increased zone of control
  • Red Army Tank, +3 strength, +1 vision, +1 attack range, +1 vision height
  • Main Battle Tank, +1 strength, +2 attack range, +1 vision height
  • Sweden Stealth Corvette +3 strength, +1 vision, +1 range, +Anti Airpower (50% strength)
  • Spearmen +1 strength

Nuclear Proliferation:

Nuclear weapons have become more useful with increased range and accesibility (with reduced minimum strategic resource requirements) and with the addition of a true ICBM (unlocked after researching Rocket Science and completing 2th Nuclear Test project) and MIRV (unlocked after researching Rocket Science and completing 3th Nuclear Test project). The finial Nuclear Test project, The ICBM weapon project, now requires the same amount of space as the 2th nuclear project. All of this will make it more likely, the most power nuclear weapons will be build and actually used by the AI with devastating effects. The state of Nuclear weapons proliferation is made more intuitive as the National Nuclear Weapon Test Programs strategic resource requirements are made the same as the missile weapons they unlock, meaning if someone manages to build a nuclear weapon test project they can also build and use them.


Movement have been made more tactical.

  • Rocky Forest: +1 movement cost for cavalry/vehicals
  • Rocky Field: +1 movement cost for cavalry/vehicals
  • Deep Water: +1 movement cost for Galleys

Technology Tree:

In order to create a more historically accurate experience, it was necessary to add a lot more intermediate technologies and restructure the tech tree, mostly in the industrial and contemporary era. To minimize the detrimental effect of "skipping technologies", combat related technologies have been put on long technology paths. For example Firearms tech path starts at the end of the medieval (with Aqubusier), passes through the Early Modern Era, Industrial Era and ends in the Early Contemporary Era (with Commandos). Starting from the early modern age, the minimum research cost increases, with a sharp spike with the end game technologies. To compensate for the longer endgame, Era stars requirement has been increased for the Early Modern and Industrial Era. These changes and the introduction of many new technologies have the effect of creating a significantly longer end game. Although the turn limit is doubled from vanilla, even that might not be enough so I still recommended you disable the turn limit when creating a new game. Several additional endgame technologies have been added with fame bonus. To compensate for the added Fame, the Fame Bonus of other endgame technology have been reduced making the overall Fame bonus from technology the same.

New Technologies:

  1. Anchient Era:
    1. Horsemanship, requires Domestication, unlocks Horses or Scout Riders
    2. Archery, requires Wood Working, unlocks Archers
  2. Classical Era
    1. Iron Working, requires Bronze Working, unlocks Skirmishers or Noble Javelineers
    2. Heavy Cavalry, required Mounted Warfare, unlocks Cataphracts
    3. Crossbow, requires Siege Tactics, unlocks Crossbowmen
  3. Medieval Era
    1. Medieval Warfare, requires Crossbow, unlocks Mounted Crossbowmen or Dhanvo Gaja
    2. Clinker Boat Building, requires Foreign Outposts, unlocks Cog Transport
    3. Freehold, requires War Summons, unlocks Hamlet and Yeomens
  4. Early Modern Era
    1. Gunpowder Artillery, requires Black Powder Guns, unlocks Siege Cannon and Organ Gun
    2. Land Clearance, requires Centralized Power, unlocks Lancers or Hussars
    3. Full Rigged Ship, requires Chartered Companies, unlocks Frigate and Bark Transport
    4. Wheellock; requires Gunpowder Artillery, unlocks Reiter
    5. Musket Warfare; requires Wheellock, unlocks Musketiers
    6. Ship of the Line; requires Full Rigged Ship, unlocks Man O' War
  5. Industrial Era
    1. Military Tradition; requires Line Formations, unlocks Cuirassiers
    2. Railroad; requires Steam Engine, unlocks Train Station, Rail Freight Transportation and Industrial era Settlement package
    3. Naval Steam Engine; requires Steam Engine, unlocks Steam Corvette and Steam Transport
    4. Gatling Gun, requires Line Formation, unlocks Gatling Gun or Siam Gatling Gun Elephant
    5. Ironclad Shipbuilding, requires Propeller, unlocks Ironclad
    6. Breechloader; requires Gatling Gun, unlocks Siege Artillery and Breechloader Cannon
    7. Rifling; requires Breechloader, unlocks Rifles
    8. Steam Turbine; requires Propeller, unlocks Steam Torpedo Boat
    9. Sanitation; requires Microbiology, unlocks Army Hospitals and Civilian Hospital
    10. Oil Refinement, requires Steam Turbine, unlocks Oil as a strategic resource, Oil Refinement Products Bonus
    11. Combustion Engine; requires Steam Turbine, unlocks Armored Car, Towed Artillery and Freight Trucks bonus
    12. Anti Torpedo Boat Warfare; requires Steam Turbine, unlocks Torpedo Boat Destroyer
    13. Dreadnought Design; requires Anti Torpedo Boat Warfare, unlocks Dreadnought
    14. Bunker Construction; requires Trench Warfare; unlocks Bunker, Bomb Shelters, Mountain Industry, and underground construction
    15. Submarine Warfare; requires Dreadnought Design, unlocks U-Boat/Fleet Submarine Unit
    16. Intermodal Container, requires Aluminium Melting, unlocks Light Cruiser and Container Shipping Bonus
  6. Contemporary Era:
    1. Anti Submarine Warfare; requires Submarine Warfare, unlocks Destroyer Unit and improves naval unit speed
    2. Air Transportation; requires Aerial Warfare, unlocks Airport district
    3. Aluminium Melting; Unlocks Aluminium as a Strategic Resource and FIMS bonuses on exploitated Aluminium
    4. Tank Warfare; requires Combustion, unlocks Infantry Tank
    5. adio Communication, requires Wireless Telegraphy, unlocks Two Way Radio
    6. Camouflage, requires Bunker Construction, unlocks Camouflage PaintJob
    7. Anti Tank-Gun: requires Tank Warfare, unlocks Antitank Gun
    8. Fire Control System; requires Intermodal Container, unlocks Fast Battleship and Anti Air Gun
    9. Modern Highways, requires Anti Tank-Gun, unlocks Controlled Acces Highway and Towed Gun Howitzer
    10. Antitank Warfare; requires Anti Tank-Gun, unlocks Tank Destroyer and Armored Recon
    11. Aluminium Melting, requires Dreadnought Design, unlocks Aluminium Melting
    12. Fluid Dynamics; requires Anti Submarine Warfare, unlocks Diesel Submarine
    13. Assault Rifles: requires Amfibious Warfare, unlockes Marines
    14. Balistic Missiles, requires Radar, unlocks Missile Silo and Short Range Ballistic Missile
    15. Electronics, requires Balsitic Missiles, unlocks TOW Infantry and Missile Boat
    16. Pharmaceuticals, requires Free Trade, unlocks Drugs Empire Bonus
    17. Gas Turbine; requires Air Transportation, unlocks Attack Helicopter, Interceptor and Strategic Jet Bomber
    18. Guided Missiles; requires Wire Guided Missile, unlocks SAM, Missile Anti Air Defence, Missile Destroyer and Cruise Missile
    19. Self Propelled Artillery, requires Continuously Tracked, unlocks Self-propelled Howitzer
    20. Mechanized Infantry Doctrine, requires Self Propelled Artillery, unlocks APC, All-Terrain PMV, Hovercraft Transport
    21. Advanced Nuclear Reactors; requires Nuclear Fission, unlocks Nuclear Aircraft Carrier and Nuclear Submarine
    22. Video Game Console, requires Mass Entertainment, unlocks Home video game consoles bonus
    23. Precision-guided munition; requires Jet Fighters, unlocks Supersonic Bomber and Precision Guided Weapons bonus
    24. Helmet-mounted display, requires Precision-guided munition, unlocks Helicopter Gunship
    25. Multimedia Computer, requires Mass Media, unlocks Online Encyclopedia
    26. Reactive Armor, requires Composite Armor, unlocks Reactive Armor Upgrade for Main Battle Tank
    27. Stealth Technology, requires Helmet-mounted display, unlocks Stealth Corvette, Stealth Cruiser, Stealth Fighter and Stealth Bomber
    28. Fuel Cells, requires Renewable Energy, unocks Fuel Cell Submarine
    29. Nuclear Fuel Reprocessing, requires Advanced NUclear Reactors, unlocked Nuclear Fuel Reprocessing Facility
    30. Active Protection Systems, requires Reactive Armor, unlocks Hard Kill Active Protection System for Main Battle Tank
    31. Drone Technology, requires Automated Systems, unlocks Drone Assisted Fertilising
    32. Vitual Reality, requires Internet, unlocked Augmented Infantry
    33. Superdonductor, requires Nuclear Fuel Reprocessing, unlocks Lossless Power Transmission
    34. Active Camouflage, requires Stealth Technology, unlocks Active Camouflage bonus for Armoured units
    35. Hypersonic Weapons, requires Stealth Technology, unlocks Hypersonic Missiles
    36. Interplanetary spaceflight, requires Special Ops, unlockes Science Victory
    37. Nanotechnology, requires Drone Technology, unlocks Nano Industry and Nano Bots
    38. Artificial Inteligence; requires Drone Technology, unlocks Androids bonus
    39. Quantum Computing; requires Automation, unlocks Quantum Supremacy

Tech Fame bonus changes

  • Space Orbital; reduced Fame bonus to 150 Fame (was 300)
  • Neural Implant; reduced Fame bonus to 150 (was 300)
  • Exosuit; reduced Fame bonus to 150 (was 300)
  • Military Laser; reduced Fame bonus to 150 (was 300)
  • Fusion Reactor; reduced Fame bonus to 150 (was 300)

Unit/District/Infrastructure/Resource Tech Unlocking Changes:

  • U-Boat is unlocked later with Submarine Warfare (Germany gains 50% research bonus)
  • Medium Tank is unlocked later with Sloped Armor
  • Commando is unlocked earlier with Insurrection Theory
  • Missile Silo is unlocked earlier with Ballistic Missiles
  • Helicopter Gunship is unlocked later with Helmet-mounted display
  • Missile Destroyer (originally called Missile Cruiser) unlocked later with Guided Missiles
  • Nuclear Submarine is unlocked with Nuclear Reactor
  • Saltpeter is unlocked earlier with Alchemy
  • Aluminium is unlocked earlier with Aluminium Melting

Era stars requirement changes:

  • Anchient Era: 8 stars (instead of 7)
  • Classical Era: 9 stars (instead of 7)
  • Medieval Era: 10 stars (instead of 7)
  • Early Modern Age: 11 stars (instead of 7)
  • Industrial Age: 12 stars (was 7)

Strategic Resources:

Strategic Resource acquisition is a major pain late game as there is often an shortage in vanilla, resulting in players unable to build many strategic resource hungry units. ENC solves this by making strategetic resource to be visible earlier, reducing the strategic resource requirement to a minimum and provide more option for alternatives. Instead of high strategic resources cost, elite units will have a variable cost which depends on the excess availability of strategic resources. As a result, units will be more accessible and will be easier to upgrade, but at increased construction cost or gold price (up to double or triple the base cost). Late game strategic resources like oil are introduced more gradual and when not available you can always fall back on older units. Coal plays a longer important role in naval combat as it will power naval units from frigate at the start of the industrial up to dreadnought at the end of the industrial age.

Resource Visibility Changes:

  • Iron becomes visible in Ancient Era (instead in classical)
  • Saltpeter becomes visible in Medieval Era (instead in early modern)
  • Coal becomes visible in Early Modern (instead in Industrial Era)
  • Oil becomes visible in Early Modern (instead in Industrial Era)
  • Aluminum becomes visible in Industrial Era (instead of contemporary)
  • Uranium becomes visible in Industrial Era (instead of contemporary)

Population Cost Changes:

  • Longbowmen from 1 up to 2
  • Halberdiers from 3 down to 2
  • Line infantry (and all emblematic variants) from 4 down to 2
  • Riflemen (and all emblematic variants) from 4 down to 2
  • Medium Tank (and all emblematic variants) from 2 up to 3
  • Armored Personnel Carrier (and all emblematic variants) from 2 up to 3
  • Helicopter Gunship from 2 up to 3
  • Cruise Missile, Nuclear Missile from 1 down to 0
  • Thermonuclear Missile from 2 down to 0

Missile unit changes:

  • Cruise Missile: reduced maintenance cost, and increased range
  • Nuclear Missile: reduced maintenance cost, and base attack range doubled
  • Thermal Nuclear Missile: reduced maintenance cost and base attack range doubled

Main Unit Upgrade paths:

  • Light Ranged Infantry : Slingers => Crossbowmen => Arquebusiers => Musketeers => Line Infantry => Riflemen => Marines => All Terrain IFV
  • Heavy Ranged Infantry : Archers => Bowmen => Organ Gun => Gatling Gun => Machine Gun => Armoured Personal Carrier
  • Geruilia: Scouts / Spear Throwers => Skirmishers => Yeomens => Rangers => Partisans => Commandos => Special Forces => Augmented Infantry
  • Fast Naval: Harpax War Galley => Cog => Carrack => Galleon => Frigate => Steam Frigate => Torpedo Boat Destroyer => Destroyer => Guided Missile Destroyer => Stealth Missile Cruiser
  • Melee Naval : Pentek Quadrireme => Galleass=> Privateer => Steam Corvette => Steam Torpedo Boat => Motor Torpedo Boat => Missile Boat => Stealth Corvette
  • Bombard Naval: Bomb Ketch => Steam Gunboat => Protected Cruiser => Light Cruiser => Missile Frigate =>Stealth Missile Cruiser
  • Heavy Naval : Man O'War => Ir0nclad => Dreadnought => Battleship => Guided Missile Cruiser => Stealth Missile Cruiser
  • Light Cavalry: Scout Riders => Horsemen => Cataphracts => Knight => Lancers => Cuirassiers => Infantry Tank => Medium Tank => Main Battle Tank => Stealth Tank
  • Heavy Cavalry: Chariot Archers => Mounted Crossbowmen => Reiters => Dragoon => Mounted Infantry => Armored Cars => Armored Recon => Attack Helicopter => Helicopter Gunship
  • Anti Cavalry: Spearmen => Phalanx => Pikemen => Halberdiers => Field Gun => Breechloader Cannon => Anti Tank Gun => TOW Infantry => Anti Tank Guided Missile Team
  • Artillery: Mortar => Field Howitzer => Siege Artillery => Towed Artillery => Towed Gun Howitzer => Selfpropelled Howitzer
  • Small Submarine: Steam Submarine => Fleet Submarine => Diesel Submarine => Fuel Cell Submarine
  • Large Submarine: Cruiser Submarine => Nuclear Attack Submarine => Nuclear Missile Submarine
  • Naval Transport: Anchient Transport Galley => Transport Galley => Cog => Caravel => Barque => Steam Transport => Landing Craft => Hovercraft
  • Air Fighter: Biplane => Monoplane Fighter => Jet Fighter => Interceptor => Stealth Fighter
  • Air Multirole: Torpedo Bomber => Multirole Combat Aircraft => Multirole Jet Fighter => Stealth Fighter

Converting upgrade branches:

  • Strategic Bomber => Supersonic Bomber => Multirole Fighter
  • Saboteur => Partisans => Commandos
  • Tank Destroyer => Main Battle Tank
  • Saṃnāhya => Dhanvī-gaja => Gajnal => Armored Car
  • Bomb Ketch => Ironclad


Besides the addition of five intermediate transport vessels , naval Transports has been augmented; The Type of unit can now have an effect on the combat strength and attack range of the Naval transport, making them more strategically important

Naval transport modifiers:

  • Melee +2 strength in Galley or Cog
  • Ranged: -1 strength, +2 range in Galley or Cog
  • Mounted Ranged: +1 range in Galley or Cog
  • Gunner +2 strength in Caravel, Steamer or Landing Craft
  • Field Artillery: +3 strength, +3 range in Caravel or Steamer
  • Marine: +5 strength in Landing Craft


Pollution in vanilla Humankind was a serious problem in late-game which needs to be corrected to keep the game playable and not prohibit the player strategic options with late-game military districts and infrastructure. Pollution will now mostly be unavoidable but its effects will be more gradual and less shocking and public order can be mitigated by giving your population fewer industrial and science occupations and more financial and agricultural occupations.

Global Warming:

  • Increased Level 1 Global Warming Threshold by 44%
  • Increased Level 2 Global Warming Threshold by 216%
  • Public order effect depend on Net Global Pollution
  • Food reduction is affected by Net Global Pollution

Added Infrastructure:

  • Level 5 Coal Power: Underground Coal Gasification

Infrastructure changes :

  • Animal Barns generate +3 extra food
  • Palisades construction cost doubled
  • Stone Walls construction cost doubled
  • Financial District generates 50% less pollution
  • Hydroelectric Dam now generate -10% pollution in all districts instead of its normal pollution reduction
  • Wind Farm now costs 9055 industry to build, but now generate -25% pollution in all districts instead of its normal pollution reduction
  • Solar Farm now generate -20% pollution in all districts instead of its normal pollution reduction
  • Nuclear Plant now generate -15% pollution in all districts instead of their normal pollution reduction
  • Sewage System now generate -10% pollution in all districts instead of its normal pollution reduction
  • Factory Farming, Industrial Silos, Anti-Air Surveillance, Command Compound, Tech Park, Financial District, Surface-to-Air Missile, and Supercomputer Lab do not generate pollution anymore.
  • Bomb Shelters are unlocked earlier with Bunker Construction (at end of the Industrial Era)

District changes:

  • Saltpeter Extractors now produce 1 pollution.
  • Coal Extractors now produce 3 pollution.
  • Oil Extractors now produce 2 pollution.
  • Aluminum Extractors now produce 1 pollution.
  • Uranium Extractors now produce 2 pollution.
  • Train Stations gain +3 money now produce 2 pollution instead of 5.
  • Aerodromes gain +10 Fortification Bonus and now produce 2 pollution instead of 5, can be built at outposts but requires access to oil
  • Airports gain +3 money and produce 3 pollution instead of 15.
  • Missile Silos gain + 20 Fortification Bonus now produce 3 pollution instead of 15.
  • Attaching a Territory reduces Public Order by 10 instead of 20
  • Natrual Reserve gains +2 Gold and +2 Science

Emblematic District tweaks:

  • Assyrians Dunnu produces 4 influence (instead of 2)
  • Hittites Awari can exploit all FIMS (instead of only food and industry)
  • Goths Tumulus does not cost stability (instead of -10) and can be build without restrictions and exploit food and industry
  • Aztecs Sacrificial Altar produces 10 stability (instead of 5)
  • Teutons Kaiserdom does not cost stability (instead of -10)
  • Dutch VOC Warehouse can be build without restrictions
  • Russian Sobor produced +6 influence (instead of +3)
  • Ottomans Sultan Camii does not cost stability (instead of -10)
  • Edu Japanese Tera does not cost stability (instead of -10)
  • German Coking Works produces 3 pollution (instead of 10)
  • Australia Strip Mining produces 5 pollution (instead of 15)
  • Japans Robotics Lab produces 2 pollution (instead of 5)
  • Soviets Arms Factory produces 3 pollution (instead of 10)

Civics Tweaks:

replaced state Atheism +25% spread bonus by 10% science bonus

Civilization Legacy Trait Tweaks:

  • Assyrians +10 ransack strength (instead of +5)
  • Dutch +2 gold per population (instead of +1)
  • Hittite +2 unit strength (instead of +1)
  • Edo Japanese: +2 Influence per population (instead of +1)

Installtion :

After installation of the Extended Naval Combat you need to activate it in the Mods screen. Find and activate the ENCReload in the Mods list (its usualy loacated near the bottom)

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Recommended Mods and Configuration

  • Configurable Territory Size and configure it with Large Territory size
  • Better Combat Damage and configure it with Comparison Based (Vanilla Baseline)


In general it is recommended to load this mod before any other humankind mods.

  • compatible with Uncle2Fire Resources Expanded with ENC & Resources Compatibility last
  • compatible with End Game Science Conversion, but should be loaded last
  • compatible with Docktor Cain Vanilla Improvement Project, but it requires you to load the ENC VIP Compatible Patch last
  • compatible with Vanilla Improvement project and Unclefire Super Pack when used with the Tripple Aliance Patch loaded last
  • compatible with Deep Sea Mod, when used with ENC & DeepSea Compatibility mod for Humankind - mod.io loaded last
  • mostly compatible with Unclefire Super Pack for Humankind Mod, but for the best experience, you should also load the Superpack Compatibility Patch last
  • mostly compatible with Official ENDLESS™ Mod, but for the best experience, you should also load the Techtree Patch for Extended Naval Combat last
  • not compatible with Nuclear Missiles Mod but it is already integrated
  • not compatible with Docktor Kain's Pollution Rework, but it is already integrated
  • not compatible with Lancers for Humankind, but it already integrated


None of the art used in this mod is created or owned by me full credit to artists

Updated a year ago.
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3 years ago
Dec 9, 2021, 8:30:54 AM


Until now I couldn't make a full play with your mod (I only start tests game and look at it). Mostly because I need to playtest my own mod.

I plan to start a game with starting era Early Modern, so the last half of the game. With this mod and some others with.

I see you merged all your mods. For now, it's more easy for players, but also more easy for the modder, it's difficult to do the maintenance of too many mods.

About ICBM. 

I wanted to do a mod about this. But as you already have nice feature about that, I have just a suggestion.

And if you can do that in your mod, that would be great.

Last version of your mod, I saw you up the range of missiles. What was really needed in the game.

But what I would prefer, it's not a given. So, some projects/unlock/infrastructures only can up the range.

For example : ICBM test. This project is very difficult to do in-game. But it should provide what is made for.

Vanilla game give no reward for this (except Fame), when it should unlock long range nuclear missiles!

So my proposal is when the players have done the ICBM test, they get the most significant Range bonus for missiles.

I think it's the best way, but I've no idea if it's doable. 

Updated 3 years ago.
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3 years ago
Dec 12, 2021, 12:11:45 AM
Enchanteur wrote:


Until now I couldn't make a full play with your mod (I only start tests game and look at it). Mostly because I need to playtest my own mod.

I plan to start a game with starting era Early Modern, so the last half of the game. With this mod and some others with.

I see you merged all your mods. For now, it's more easy for players, but also more easy for the modder, it's difficult to do the maintenance of too many mods.

About ICBM. 

I wanted to do a mod about this. But as you already have nice feature about that, I have just a suggestion.

And if you can do that in your mod, that would be great.

Last version of your mod, I saw you up the range of missiles. What was really needed in the game.

But what I would prefer, it's not a given. So, some projects/unlock/infrastructures only can up the range.

For example : ICBM test. This project is very difficult to do in-game. But it should provide what is made for.

Vanilla game give no reward for this (except Fame), when it should unlock long range nuclear missiles!

So my proposal is when the players have done the ICBM test, they get the most significant Range bonus for missiles.

I think it's the best way, but I've no idea if it's doable. 

Good suggestion but if I'm not mistaken, the vanilla ICBM test already had the effect of increasing the range (with Veterency level), but it was insignificant (+1 or +2 range I believe). I still like the idea of extending the range of missiles after some effort, (I check and it could be achieved by applying a descriptor), but not sure if I should only be with the ICBM technology because for many players and AI it is very hard to find a suitable place to of territory to actually build the national ICBM test project. Instead, I could add it as an upgrade unlocked with Rocket Science or Communication Satellites technology, that will increase the effective range of nuclear/thermal nuclear missiles, giving them the same effective range as they do now for free. I do something similar right now with the Angled Flightdeck technology.  It also fits better with my design philosophy of synergy between technologies (in this case fission and rocket science) and simplicity as both players and AI can pull it of without much difficulty

Updated 3 years ago.
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3 years ago
Dec 12, 2021, 8:33:55 PM
FreeThinker wrote:
Enchanteur wrote:


Until now I couldn't make a full play with your mod (I only start tests game and look at it). Mostly because I need to playtest my own mod.

I plan to start a game with starting era Early Modern, so the last half of the game. With this mod and some others with.

I see you merged all your mods. For now, it's more easy for players, but also more easy for the modder, it's difficult to do the maintenance of too many mods.

About ICBM. 

I wanted to do a mod about this. But as you already have nice feature about that, I have just a suggestion.

And if you can do that in your mod, that would be great.

Last version of your mod, I saw you up the range of missiles. What was really needed in the game.

But what I would prefer, it's not a given. So, some projects/unlock/infrastructures only can up the range.

For example : ICBM test. This project is very difficult to do in-game. But it should provide what is made for.

Vanilla game give no reward for this (except Fame), when it should unlock long range nuclear missiles!

So my proposal is when the players have done the ICBM test, they get the most significant Range bonus for missiles.

I think it's the best way, but I've no idea if it's doable. 

Good suggestion but if I'm not mistaken, the vanilla ICBM test already had the effect of increasing the range (with Veterency level), but it was insignificant (+1 or +2 range I believe). I still like the idea of extending the range of missiles after some effort, (I check and it could be achieved by applying a descriptor), but not sure if I should only be with the ICBM technology because for many players and AI it is very hard to find a suitable place to of territory to actually build the national ICBM test project. Instead, I could add it as an upgrade unlocked with Rocket Science or Communication Satellites technology, that will increase the effective range of nuclear/thermal nuclear missiles, giving them the same effective range as they do now for free. I do something similar right now with the Angled Flightdeck technology.  It also fits better with my design philosophy of synergy between technologies (in this case fission and rocket science) and simplicity as both players and AI can pull it of without much difficulty

Yes, no need to put all on ICBM test. See it as the cherry on the cake. Making you send ICBM nuclear missiles everywhere from home.

But otherwise, range could be increased step by step with many other means, tech, infra, etc.

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3 years ago
Dec 13, 2021, 11:31:53 PM
Enchanteur wrote:
FreeThinker wrote:
Enchanteur wrote:


Until now I couldn't make a full play with your mod (I only start tests game and look at it). Mostly because I need to playtest my own mod.

I plan to start a game with starting era Early Modern, so the last half of the game. With this mod and some others with.

I see you merged all your mods. For now, it's more easy for players, but also more easy for the modder, it's difficult to do the maintenance of too many mods.

About ICBM. 

I wanted to do a mod about this. But as you already have nice feature about that, I have just a suggestion.

And if you can do that in your mod, that would be great.

Last version of your mod, I saw you up the range of missiles. What was really needed in the game.

But what I would prefer, it's not a given. So, some projects/unlock/infrastructures only can up the range.

For example : ICBM test. This project is very difficult to do in-game. But it should provide what is made for.

Vanilla game give no reward for this (except Fame), when it should unlock long range nuclear missiles!

So my proposal is when the players have done the ICBM test, they get the most significant Range bonus for missiles.

I think it's the best way, but I've no idea if it's doable. 

Good suggestion but if I'm not mistaken, the vanilla ICBM test already had the effect of increasing the range (with Veterency level), but it was insignificant (+1 or +2 range I believe). I still like the idea of extending the range of missiles after some effort, (I check and it could be achieved by applying a descriptor), but not sure if I should only be with the ICBM technology because for many players and AI it is very hard to find a suitable place to of territory to actually build the national ICBM test project. Instead, I could add it as an upgrade unlocked with Rocket Science or Communication Satellites technology, that will increase the effective range of nuclear/thermal nuclear missiles, giving them the same effective range as they do now for free. I do something similar right now with the Angled Flightdeck technology.  It also fits better with my design philosophy of synergy between technologies (in this case fission and rocket science) and simplicity as both players and AI can pull it of without much difficulty

Yes, no need to put all on ICBM test. See it as the cherry on the cake. Making you send ICBM nuclear missiles everywhere from home.

But otherwise, range could be increased step by step with many other means, tech, infra, etc.

Yes, I intend to do that. I think the Humankind developers original intended to have an ICBM unit, otherwise, why have a ICBM Test project?  ICBM should not only dramaticly increase range, but more importantly, destructiveness (range). The ICBM is technically a Thermal Nuclear intercontinal delivery system that has enough capacity to contain multiple  Warheads. The First Nuclear Rockets are technically Cruise missiles with a single nuclear payload, its capacity should be significanly lower that an ICBM which also uses MIRV to make it both more deadly and harder to intercept. The Nuclear Missile has a destruction range of 2 while the thermal nuclear is 4, but I think this should have been 3 and only the ICBM (which in the test requires  much more room) should have a destruction range of 4. To compensate, the Nuclear and ThemralNuclear could be made cheaper, with lower strategic resource cost, lower construction and maintenance cost, and no population cost, allowing you to create large nuclear standof stockpiles (the US has over 500). The ICBM units however, which are much bigger, require more maintance and security, justifing a population cost and high construction and  maintenance cost.

Updated 3 years ago.
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2 years ago
Jun 24, 2022, 9:54:50 AM
FreeThinker wrote:

Download: https://humankind.mod.io/extended-naval-combat

Github: https://github.com/sswelm/extendednavalcombat


The goal of this mod is to create a longer, more interesting, and realistic end game experience with the addition of new technologies and military units and tweaks to existing unit strength, production, and pollution to keep it overall balanced. I tried to make this mod as compatible as possible with other mods by putting most new units and bonuses spread over the new Technologies, and no changes to any cultures, or civics. The new Technologies also help to make the Industrial and Contemporary Era last significantly longer, especially the late Industrial and early Contemporary era (WW1/WW2) period with 12 new technologies.

Nuclear Proliferation:

Nuclear weapons have become more useful (with increased range) and accessible (with reduced minimum strategic resource requirements) and with the addition of a true ICBM weapon (unlocked after researching Rocket Science and developing Thermal Nuclear Weapons) making it more likely they are built and actually used by the AI with devastating effects. The state of Nuclear weapons proliferation is made more intuitive as the National Nuclear Weapon Test Programs strategic resource requirements are made the same as the missile weapons they unlock, meaning if someone manages to build a nuclear weapon test project (including ICBM weapon test), they can also build and use them (given they also constructed a Missile Silo).


In order to create a more historically accurate experience, it was necessary to restructure the tech tree with separate branches starting at the end of the industrial era. Starting from the modern age the minimum research cost increases up to double the cost for the end game technologies. The final research cost depends inversely on the number of unlocked technologies, meaning the more technologies you have unlocked from a previous technology generation, the relatively easier it becomes to research additional technologies. This mechanic makes beelining technologies (skipping technologies) excessively expansive and the most economical way to unlock the entire tech tree is to always choose the cheapest unlockable technologies. These changes and the introduction of 21 new technologies have the effect of creating a significantly longer end game and it is therefore recommended you disable the turn limit when creating a new game.

New Technologies:

  1. Ship of the Line; requires Chartered Companies, unlocks Man O' War
  2. Naval Steam Engine; requires Steam Engine, unlocks Steam Frigate and Steam Transport
  3. Railroad; requires Steam Engine, unlocks Train Station, Rail Freight Transportation and Industrial era Settlement package
  4. Automobile; requires Combustion Engine, unlocks Armoured Car and freight trucks trade bonus
  5. Breachloader; requires Line Formation, unlocks Siege Artillery and Horse Drawn Siege Artillery
  6. Anti Torpedoboat Warfare; unlocks Torpedo Boat Destroyer
  7. Dreadnought Design; requires Combustion Engine, unlocks Dreadnought
  8. Bunker Construction; requires Trench Warfare; unlocks Bunker, Bomb Shelters, Mountain Industry, and underground construction
  9. Submarine Warfare; requires Dreadnought Design, unlocks U-Boat/Fleet Submarine Unit
  10. Anti Submarine Warfare; requires Submarine Warfare, unlocks Destroyer Unit and improves naval unit speed
  11. Air Transportation; requires Aeronautics, unlocks Aluminium strategic resource and Airport district
  12. Tank Warfare: requires Automobile, unlocks Light Tank
  13. Antitank Warfare; requires Tank Warfare, unlocks Antitank Gun unit and Armoured Recon
  14. Fire Control System; requires Air, unlocks Battleship, Anti Air Gun, and improves Air Defense Capability of Destroyer
  15. Fluid Dynamics; requires Anti Submarine Warfare, unlocks Diesel Submarine Unit and Nuclear Submarine
  16. Jet Engine; requires Aerial Warfare, unlocks Cruise Missile, Missile Silo and Attack Helicopter
  17. Guided Missiles; requires Computing, unlocks Missile Cruiser, Missile Destroyer, and Missile Submarine
  18. Mechanized Infantry Doctrine, requires Continuously Tracked. unlocks APC, All-Terrain PMV, and Self-propelled Howitzer
  19. Advanced Nuclear Reactors; requires Nuclear Fission, unlocks Nuclear Aircraft Carrier and Nuclear powered submarine upgrade
  20. Precision-guided munition; requires Jet Fighters, unlocks Helicopter Gunship
  21. Reactive Armor, requires Composite Armor, unlocks Reactive Armor Upgrade for Main Battle Tank
  22. Stealth Technology; requires precision-guided munition, unlocks Stealth Corvette, Stealth Missile Cruiser, Stealth Missile, and Stealth Fighter

Techtree changes:

  • Replaced Ship of the Line as a prerequisite to Steam Engine
  • Added Wireless Telegraphy as a prerequisite to Research Insitute
  • Replaced Anti Tank Warfare as a prerequisite of Continuous Track
  • Replaced Air Transportation as a prerequisite for Aerial Warfare
  • Replaced Guided Missiles as a prerequisite of Rocket Science
  • Replaced Jet Engine as a prerequisite of Fighter Jets
  • Replaced Naval Air Strategy as a prerequisite for Radar
  • Made Continuous Track unlockable in Industrial Age

Tech-tree branch structure:

  • Combustion =>
    • Automobile => Tank Warfare => Anti Tank Warfare => Continuously Tracked =>Mechanized Infantry Doctrine => Composite Armor => Reactive Armor
    • Aer0nautics => Air Transportation => Aerial Warfare => Jet Engine => Fighter Jets => Precision-guided munition => Stealth Technology
    • Anti Torpedoboat Warfare => Dreadnought Design =>
      • Naval Air Strategy => Radar => Computing => Guided Missiles => Rocket Science => Communication Satellites
      • Submarine Warfare => Anti Submarine Warfare => Fluid Dynamics
  • Line Formation=> Breachloader => Trench Warfare => Bunker C0nstruction => Amphibious Warefare => Insurrection Theory
  • Wireless Telegraphy => Research Insitute => Uranium Enrichment => Nuclear Fission => Advanced Nuclear Reactors => Fusion Reactor

Unit/District/Infrastructure Tech Unlocking Changes:

  • Transport Galley is unlocked earlier with Sailing (with an event)
  • U-Boat is unlocked later with Submarine Warfare (Germany gains 50% research bonus)
  • Medium Tank is unlocked later with Sloped Armor
  • Commando is unlocked earlier with Insurrection Theory
  • Missile Silo and Cruise Missile is unlocked earlier with Jet Engine
  • Helicopter Gunship is unlocked later with Precision-guided munition
  • Missile Destroyer (originally called Missile Cruiser) unlocked later with Guided Missiles
  • Nuclear Submarine is unlocked with Fluid Dynamics and upgraded with Nuclear Reactor


Both naval, land, and air units have been added and existing units are tweaked to achieve a longer more satisfying end game experience. The naval unit's role progressively gets more important as the era advances with longer attack and bombardment ranges. Combat has been been made more interesting with new rock scissor paper mechanics between the classes. For example, Submarines are more effective versus Battleship, Destroyers are more effective versus Submarines and Battleship are more effective versus Destroyers. Classes now progress through identifiable WW1, WW2, Cold War en Stealth era generation, making it feel more historically accurate. The early (WW1) units have reduced strategic resource requirements, making them more likely to appear in combat.

While maintaining a minimum strategic resource requirement, Unitcost is no longer fixed but depends on the excess availability of strategic resources. This means that units will be more accessible and will be easier to upgrade, but at increased construction cost or gold price (up to double the base cost).

New Naval units:

  1. Added Galleass, unlocked with Gunpowder (with an event), upgrades to Man O War
  2. Added Galleon, unlocked with Naval Artillery, upgrades to Steam Frigate
  3. Added Steam Transport, unlocked with Propeller, upgrades to Landing Craft
  4. Added Dreadnought, unlocks with Dreadnought design, upgrades to Battleship
  5. Added Fleet Submarine. unlocked with Submarine Warfare, upgrades to Diesel Submarine
  6. Added Torpedo Boat Destroyer, unlocked with Dreadnought Design, upgrades to Destroyer
  7. Added Destroyer, unlocked Anti Submarine Warfare, upgrades to Missile Destroyer
  8. Added Diesel Submarine, unlocks with Fluid Dynamics, upgrades to Missile Submarine
  9. Added Guided Missile Destroyer, unlocks with Guided Missiles, upgrades to Stealth Missile Cruiser
  10. Added Nuclear Aircraft Carrier, unlocks with Angled Flightdeck, upgrades with Advanced Nuclear Reactors
  11. Added Guided Missile Submarine, unlocks with Guided Missiles upgrades with Advanced Nuclear Reactors
  12. Added (common) Stealth Corvette, unlocks with Stealth Technology
  13. Added Stealth Missile Cruiser, unlocks with Stealth Technology

New Land units:

  1. Added (common) Cuirassiers, unlocked with Line Formations, upgrades to Light Tank
  2. Added Armoured Car, unlocked with Automobile, upgrades Armoured Recon
  3. Added Towed Artillery, unlocked with Automobile and Breechloading, upgrades to MLRS
  4. Added Light Tank unlocked with Continuous Track, upgrades to Medium Tank
  5. Added Armoured Recon, unlocked with Anti Tank Warfare upgrades to Attack Helicopter with Jet Engine
  6. Added Self-propelled Howitzer, unlocked with Mechanized Infantry Doctrine
  7. Added Marines, unlocked Amphibious Warfare, upgrades to All-Terrain PMV with Mechanized Infantry Doctrine
  8. Added Attack Helicopter, unlocked with Jet Engine, upgrades to Helicopter Gunship with Precision-guided munition
  9. Added Multiple Launch Rocket System (MLRS), unlocks with Computing
  10. Added (common) All-Terrain PMV, unlocks with Mechanized Infantry Doctrine

New Air units:

  1. Added (common) Stealth Fighter, unlocked with Stealth technology
  2. Added (common) Stealth Cruise Missile, unlocked with Stealth technology
  3. Added Intercontinental Ballistic Missile (ICBM) unlocked after researching Rocket Science and building 2nd Nuclear Test Project

Special ability changes:

  • Land-based Archer and Gunner units are less effective (-10 strength) versus naval units in battle
  • Transport Galley and all other naval transport Units now require upkeep when used
  • Cog is converted into a Transport vessel
  • Man O' War gain special ability Shatter (similar to Howitzer)
  • Indirect ranged attacks by Archer units on Fortified units get reduced by 6 strength
  • Units that cannot attack fortifications (Cavalry, Tanks, etc) require 2 movement points in Rocky Field
  • Ironclad special ability Inner Sea Mastodonte (+11 in Coastal Waters) is replaced by Bombard (similar to Battleship)
  • Oar propelled units (Pentekonter, Quadrireme, Galleass ) gain +5 strength in Coastal Waters and +2 speed in combat
  • Dreadnought, Battleship en Missile Cruiser gain extended Zone of Control
  • Torpedo Boat and all Submarines gain +5 attack bonus versus Armoured Vessels (Ironclads, Battleships, Carriers, Cruisers)
  • Submarines can hide better in deep Ocean water, giving them a +5 strength bonus when fighting on Ocean tiles
  • Aircraft Carrier gained Armoured property, Stealth Corvette Loses Armoured property
  • Missile Cruiser special ability Anti Air is replaced by special ability Multiple Missile Bombardment
  • Commando gains ability to move through cliffs and forest without penalty

Added Unit performance upgrades:

  • Naval Transport: +1 movement with Fluid Dynamics
  • Naval and Air Units: +1 combat +2 Vision range with Radar
  • Guided Missile Submarine: +2 movement +1 strength with Fluid Dynamics
  • Turbine powered ships (Battleship, Carrier, Destroyer, Cruiser): +2 movement +1 vision with Anti Submarine Warfare
  • Nuclear Submarine: + movement +1 attack range +2 strength with Nuclear Reactor
  • Nuclear Aircraft Carrier: +2 movement +1 attack range +2 strength with Nuclear Reactor
  • Commando: +5 Strength +1 vision with Special Ops

Unit Balance Changes:

  • Pentekonter; +1 strength, +2 bonus movement in battle, +5 bonus strength on Shallow Water
  • Quadrireme; +2 strength, +2 bonus movement in battle, +5 bonus strength on Shallow Water, upgrade to Galleass
  • Gajnal; +1 Strength, replaces Dragoon, upgrades to Armoured Car
  • Man O' War; +1 strength, +1 vision
  • Ironclad; +1 vision, upgrades to Dreadnought
  • U-Boat; -2 movement, +1 vision, +5 Bonus Armoured Units (ironclad, battleships, etc), upgrades to Diesel Submarine
  • Heavy Machinegun; +3 strength
  • Antitank gun +3 strength
  • Battleship; +3 strength +1 movement +1 vision, +2 attack range, Increased zone of control
  • Aircraft Carrier, +1 movement, +1 vision +Amoured (immune to suppression, vulnerable versus submarines)
  • Nuclear Submarine, +2 vision, +1 range, +5 Bonus Armoured Units (battleship, carrier, cruisers)
  • Missile Cruiser, +3 strength, +4 vision, +5 range, Increased zone of control
  • Red Army Tank, +3 strength, +1 vision, +1 range
  • Main Battle Tank, +2 vision +2 range
  • Sweden Stealth Corvette +3 strength, +1 vision, +1 range, +Anti Airpower (50% strength)

Missile unit changes:

  • Cruise Missile: reduced maintenance cost, population cost, and increased range
  • Nuclear Missile: reduced maintenance cost, and base attack range doubled
  • Thermal Nuclear Missile: reduced maintenance cost and base attack range doubled

Unit Upgrade paths details:

  • Torpedo Boat => Fleet Submarine => Diesel Submarine => Missile Submarine
  • Carrack => Galleon => Steam Frigate => Torpedo Boat Destroyer => Destroyer => Guided Missile Destroyer => Stealth Missile Cruiser
  • Pentekonter => Quadrireme => Galleass=> Man O'War => Ir0nclad => Dreadnought => Battleship => Guided Missile Cruiser => Stealth Missile Cruiser
  • Scout Riders=> Horsemen => Knight => Cuirassiers => Light Tank => Medium Tank => Main Battle Tank
  • Dragoon => Armoured Cars => Armoured Recon => Attack Helicopter => Helicopter Gunship
  • Saboteur => Partisans => Commados
  • Howitzer => Anti Tank => Main Battle Tank
  • Mortar => Siege Artillery => Towed Artillery => Multiple Launch Rocket System
  • Line Infantry => Riflemen => Marines => All Terrain PMV
  • Heavy Machinegun => Anti Aircraft Gun
  • Biplane => Monoplane Fighter => Multi Role Fighter => Stealth Fighter
  • Transport Galley => Cog => Caravel => Steam Transport => Landing Craft
  • Saṃnāhya => Dhanvī-gaja => Gajnal => Armoured Car


Besides the addition of two intermediate transport vessels during the medieval and industrial era, naval Transporting has been augmented; The Type of unit can now have an effect on the combat strength and attack range of the Naval transport, making them more strategically important

Naval transport modifiers:

  • Melee +2 strength in Galley or Cog
  • Ranged: -1 strength, +2 range in Galley or Cog
  • Mounted Ranged: +1 range in Galley or Cog
  • Gunner +2 strength in Caravel, Steamer or Landing Craft
  • Field Artillery: +3 strength, +3 range in Caravel or Steamer
  • Marine: +5 strength in Landing Craft


Pollution in vanilla Humankind was a serious problem in late-game which needs to be corrected to keep the game playable and not prohibit the player strategic options with late-game military districts and infrastructure. Pollution will now mostly be unavoidable but its effects will be more gradual and less shocking and public order can be mitigated by giving your population fewer industrial and science occupations and more financial and agricultural occupations.

Global Warming:

  • Increased Global Warming Threshold by 44%
  • Public order effect depend on Net Global Pollution
  • Food reduction is affected by Net Global Pollution

Added Infrastructure:

  • Level 5 Coal Power: Underground Coal Gasification

Infrastructure changes :

  • Hydroelectric Dam now generate -10% pollution in all districts instead of its normal pollution reduction
  • Wind Farm now costs 9055 industry to build, but now generate -25% pollution in all districts instead of its normal pollution reduction
  • Solar Farm now generate -20% pollution in all districts instead of its normal pollution reduction
  • Nuclear Plant now generate -15% pollution in all districts instead of their normal pollution reduction
  • Sewage System now generate -10% pollution in all districts instead of its normal pollution reduction
  • Factory Farming, Industrial Silos, Anti-Air Surveillance, Command Compound, Tech Park, Financial District, Surface-to-Air Missile, and Supercomputer Lab do not generate pollution anymore.
  • Bomb Shelters are unlocked earlier with Bunker Construction (at end of the Industrial Era)

District changes:

  • Saltpeter Extractors now produce 1 pollution.
  • Coal Extractors now produce 3 pollution.
  • Oil Extractors now produce 2 pollution.
  • Aluminum Extractors now produce 1 pollution.
  • Uranium Extractors now produce 2 pollution.
  • Train Stations now produce 1 pollution instead of 5.
  • Aerodromes now produce 1 pollution instead of 5, can be built at outposts but requires access to oil
  • Airports now produce 3 pollution instead of 15.
  • Missile Silos now produce 2 pollution instead of 15.
  • Attaching a Territory reduces Public Order by 10 instead of 20


I general it is recommended to load this mod before any other humankind mods.

  • compatible with End Game Science Conversion, but should be loaded last
  • mostly compatible with Deep Sea Mod, but for the best experience, you should also load the DeepSea Compatibility Patch last
  • mostly compatible with Super Pack for Humankind Mod, but for the best experience, you should also load the Superpack Compatibility Patch last
  • mostly compatible with Official ENDLESS™ Mod, but for the best experience, you should also load the Techtree Patch for Extended Naval Combat last
  • not compatible with Nuclear Missiles Mod but it is already integrated
  • not compatible with Docktor Kain's Pollution Rework, but it is already integrated


Non of the art used in this mod is created or owned by me full credit to artists

hey but can you explain to me what are you doing ?? !! i see you are putting your mod here to make it known wow ok. But holy god do you want to update your holy mod please? after the bolivar update a hotfix came out and after that your mod started not being displayed in the mod menu of the game !!!! WE ARE ALL WAITING FOR YOU THAT YOU UPDATE YOUR MOD! thank you!

Updated 2 years ago.
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2 years ago
Jul 10, 2022, 4:21:37 PM

It should be fixed now. I mainly trying to get some feedback as there is virtualy none. I only seem to get question when it somehow got broken by an update.

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2 years ago
Jul 21, 2022, 7:29:20 AM

Hey there! I feel bad there is no feedback. Since my game has been crashing (mostly due to some outdated mod, I pray), I haven't been entirely able to pursue the late game techs yet.

However, there is one feedback I will give, which is the one most impacted me. I believe the ability to transport troops on coastal waters begins too soon, maybe leaving it 1 tech before vanilla? Not quite sure it's not like that already. Since I mostly play continents with huge landmasses, it is far too common to begin settling the new world as soon as the classical era starts, which is not at all bad, but quite odd, you see? That may be a problem on my particular world creation configs, but I do feel that transports are available a little bit too soon.

Other than that, when I could get to the industrial age before losing the save, having your variety of ships really made the experience a whole lot better, more ships, more fun. I still have to experience the contemporary era and see how it plays out.

The one time I managed to play and not crash by late game I've got one quite amazing battle where I had my whole 8 ship fleet of a few torpedos, a sub and 4 dreadnoughts (along some land units) managed to stave off dozens and dozens of enemy ships (outdated sail ships and many transports), it was quite a spectacular battle, I say. Thanks to your mod.

One last thing, I'm not entirely sure it is your mod or the games AI, but by the late game, other nations began building tons and tons of tanks (the soviets, I remember it was, because I lost most of my armies to their medium tanks lol), by the time I began training more AT, I lost my save, so never quite got to counter it.

Along VIP and super culture pack, your mod is on the top 3 best mods. The game truly lacks variety of units, especially at the later eras, and your mod seems to be the only one that adds more variety, along with a nice flavor twist to them. I would regard the lack of feedback as a sign that people take your mod for granted, that it is too good, quite necessary to enjoy some more bittersweet conflicts. If not most people, at least I consider it so.

Updated 2 years ago.
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2 years ago
Jul 26, 2022, 11:14:57 AM

Thanks for the feedback. Fishery might indeed a bit too soon for unlocking Naval Transport. I probably change it to Sailing instead, which would be better fit, and improve balance, I think

The AI building lots of Tanks might be a direct consequence of the fact that Tanks are much easier to be build (as the strategic resource required now is only 1 iron and 1 oil ) and preferring to build strong units. I will try to look into this more and figure out if its a real problem that needs to be fixed (by removing the strong flag).

Updated 2 years ago.
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2 years ago
Jul 28, 2022, 2:50:28 AM

Ey, thanks for the reply! Finally got to the later eras without  mod conflicts. Indeed, the AI on civ and humankind difficulties tend to create huge numbers of tanks and ships, saw a big number of fleets huddled together with a lot of aircraft carriers, sp its not just the tanks, but definitely the lower requirements of resources. Didnt really look much, but not sure i saw any marines and rifles. Still, very fun to see those hundreds of units around, though it really scares me.

Not sure you embedded the medieval sieges mod into yours, or added similar units. but using both together led to some duplicates, up until the siege artillery (ww1 cannons), but that is quite irrelevant, most likely because the other  mod is "outdated"

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2 years ago
Aug 4, 2022, 3:45:31 AM

First off thanks a lot for creating this mod, so much great content I really enjoyed it! Adds a whole DLCs worth of content. As far as feedback I noticed for some reason upgrading from Reiters to Dragoons was costing around 36K per unit for some reason and also the attack helicopter wouldn't upgrade to helicopter gunship. Also certain units that have a unique unit equivalent such as the  Cuirassiers seem to be a bit too power making the unique units seem almost useless since they don't really provide an advantage. Again thanks a lot for this, I had a great time :)

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2 years ago
Dec 2, 2022, 6:46:46 PM

can we get this working with the super cultures and the VIP modpack?   Used to work slick with triple compatibility, but no more.  :(

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2 years ago
Feb 3, 2023, 10:10:02 AM
Chemiker94 wrote:

First off thanks a lot for creating this mod, so much great content I really enjoyed it! Adds a whole DLCs worth of content. As far as feedback I noticed for some reason upgrading from Reiters to Dragoons was costing around 36K per unit for some reason and also the attack helicopter wouldn't upgrade to helicopter gunship. Also certain units that have a unique unit equivalent such as the  Cuirassiers seem to be a bit too power making the unique units seem almost useless since they don't really provide an advantage. Again thanks a lot for this, I had a great time :)

Thanks for the feedback

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a year ago
Apr 8, 2023, 11:44:56 PM

This mod definitely makes the endgame more fun with the tech slowing down and units not instantly becoming obsolete, thank you.

But why do pikemen upgrade into artillery pieces (I would have expected them to become anti tank units probably).

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a year ago
Apr 16, 2023, 8:09:25 PM
But why do pikemen upgrade into artillery pieces (I would have expected them to become anti tank units probably).

That is indeed weird, the intended upgrade path is

Spearmen => Phalanx => Pikemen => Halberdiers => Field Gun => Breechloader Cannon => Anti Tank Gun => TOW Infantry => Anti Tank Guided Missile Team 

Are you running with any other mods?

Updated a year ago.
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a year ago
Jul 13, 2023, 1:42:09 PM

Hello, I have done the reaserch to gwt the hypersonic bomber however haven't been given the unit, I have been given the missile and helicopter for this tab but is there anything extra I need to get the bomber (had same issue with nuclear attack sub)

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