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Question about Technology Science Costs

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3 years ago
Dec 13, 2021, 11:54:10 PM


I am currently trying to implement that the technology costs scale with the number of cities a player has. When testing the mod the science costs were consistent with the changes I made to the RpnDefinitionScience (or w.e. its called) formula, but the science costs did not adjust when I created a new city (tech costs should have went up). I observed the same behavior for the number of unlocked technologies which also did not increase the science costs. Does anyone know if somehow the technology costs only update whenever the player goes up to a new era or something? It's the only explanation I could come up with. Any insight is appreciated!


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3 years ago
Dec 14, 2021, 12:26:26 AM
Xotiq wrote:


I am currently trying to implement that the technology costs scale with the number of cities a player has. When testing the mod the science costs were consistent with the changes I made to the RpnDefinitionScience (or w.e. its called) formula, but the science costs did not adjust when I created a new city (tech costs should have went up). I observed the same behavior for the number of unlocked technologies which also did not increase the science costs. Does anyone know if somehow the technology costs only update whenever the player goes up to a new era or something? It's the only explanation I could come up with. Any insight is appreciated!


Well I do no know about the number of cities variable , but for the number of unlocked technolgies, which is used in the original formulay, it certainly works. I myself just recently modified it for my Naval Combat Mod where I change the formula to lower the cost rather than increase the cost when you have more technologies unlocked, this way beeling is discouraged and player are rewarded for a more gradual unlocking of the techtree, creaing an overal better experience

Updated 3 years ago.
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3 years ago
Dec 14, 2021, 3:23:29 PM

Ok, I checked again and it seems like the tech costs are only updated when entering a new era. 

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3 years ago
Dec 15, 2021, 3:35:22 PM
Xotiq wrote:

Ok, I checked again and it seems like the tech costs are only updated when entering a new era. 

All I can say it's Era stars are calculated at the beginning of a new era.

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