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[Mod] SeelingCat's Cognomen, dynamic naming, add Avatar names to Empire names in most UI texts

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3 years ago
Dec 20, 2021, 8:28:31 AM

Cultures and Leader names are based on the selected Civics, Ideologies axis and Empire Size.

You can also chose how the Empire name will be displayed in various UI text, for example with the Leader name to help track who's who for the length of the game.

This is a BepInEx plugin, full description, installation instructions and credits are on mod.io

Updated 3 years ago.
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3 years ago
Dec 20, 2021, 6:54:35 PM

This is an amazing mod. Perfect to keep track of AI players which is difficult when they are only referenced by their (changing) culture name like in the base game. 

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3 years ago
Jan 4, 2022, 4:00:19 PM

I have been using this mod now since I saw it before Christmas and I agree it's fantastic. There's a few naming glitches but they aren't enough of a problem to worry about.

I recommend everyone to try this mod!

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