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Want to carry missiles on Missile Cruiser

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3 years ago
Jan 15, 2022, 10:46:03 AM


It would seem to me that Aircraft Carriers and Airfields are defined as some sort of container, that can contain a certain amount of items, in this case aircraft. So logically, it seems like I should be able to add to the Missile Cruiser definition, thus making it a container that can contain some number of Cruise Missiles. It is not immediately obvious which database entries I would need to change/create or otherwise edit in order to allow Missile Cruisers to carry Cruise Missiles. Using Unity, I drilled down on the Aircraft Carrier definitions hoping to learn how to make this magic happen, but have not been able to find any clues, much less the answer. I have checked the following:

UnitClass_AircraftCarrier, UnitClass_Prototype_NavalUnit, UnitAbility_Prototype_AircraftCarrier, UnitAbility_Prototype_NavalUnit, Effect_UnitPrototype_AircarftCarrier, Effect_UnitPrototype_NavalUnit.

I would appreciate some help on this. Thanks in advance.

Reason Why:

I have been using Unity to tune units such that they behave more purposefully and thus increase the amount of fun I have when playing Humankind. When I play Humankind with other Humans we often play an unmodded game against 3 or 4 AI on a medium map and typically finish the game in 3 or 4 sessions or about 15 to 20 hours. But when I play alone I play against 8 AI on a Huge map with Endless turns and Annihilation as the win condition. These games can last 80 or 90 hours easily. And I like that. I like to roleplay the experience. I am well aware that I can meta the crap outa the game and "beat" it much quicker than that, but I do not want to simply "beat the game" to unlock an emoji and show it off on social media. I want to play the game and enjoy the experience by escaping real-world realities. Much like many people like to hike for hours, days or even weeks. They do not do it to get from point A to point B, they do it because they enjoy the activity itself, the experience of everything that happened while getting from point A to point B.

Playing on Huge maps against 8 AI presents many more options and challenges than less opponents and smaller maps do. One of those challenges is getting Cruise Missiles, aircraft, and/or Nukes close enough to my current area of operations/conflict. I like to go after an opponents Strategic Resources reducing or denying the number and type of units they can build or support in their resistance to my attempts at assimilation. This often requires me to engage the enemy far from my current territories. Therefore, building silos or airfields in relative proximity to the conflict is almost never an option. Getting aircraft into the area is easily done with Aircraft Carriers. What I would like to do is to be able to carry Cruise Missiles on Missile Cruisers and Nukes on Nuclear Submarines, so that I may use them in the current conflict, right now, not 50 turns later once I have taken territory and built a silo.


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3 years ago
Jan 17, 2022, 10:03:40 AM
PopsiclePrime wrote:


It would seem to me that Aircraft Carriers and Airfields are defined as some sort of container, that can contain a certain amount of items, in this case aircraft. So logically, it seems like I should be able to add to the Missile Cruiser definition, thus making it a container that can contain some number of Cruise Missiles. It is not immediately obvious which database entries I would need to change/create or otherwise edit in order to allow Missile Cruisers to carry Cruise Missiles. Using Unity, I drilled down on the Aircraft Carrier definitions hoping to learn how to make this magic happen, but have not been able to find any clues, much less the answer. I have checked the following:

UnitClass_AircraftCarrier, UnitClass_Prototype_NavalUnit, UnitAbility_Prototype_AircraftCarrier, UnitAbility_Prototype_NavalUnit, Effect_UnitPrototype_AircarftCarrier, Effect_UnitPrototype_NavalUnit.

I would appreciate some help on this. Thanks in advance. 

well your not the only one. I also have looked realy hard how adding cruiser missiles could be added to missile cruisers and submarine. There are clear signs this was actualy planned as their is an missile carry AI setting and its included in the description.It seems to me the whole contemporary era was added as an after tought and tey simply didn't took the nesisary resources to make it realy good. Hopefully they will adres it a future expansion. Until then, the best solution I can currently offer (in my extended naval combat mod)  is substantialy increase the range of cruiser missile unit and in the case of the missle submarine, allow it to shoot missiles instead of torpedos

Updated 3 years ago.
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3 years ago
Jan 19, 2022, 11:17:40 PM


Thanks for the reply. What did you do to allow the missile submarine to shoot missiles instead of torpedos?  

I have not given up on this. Still thinking and looking.

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