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Modding Tools Database - Technology Tree references

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3 years ago
Mar 6, 2022, 1:28:54 PM

Hi everyone !

While fiddling with the Modding Tools, I realized I needed to go back and forth between the in-game tech tree and the Modding Tools technologies database, since they are all generically referenced in the Tools and not with their in-game names. So I summed it up in an excel file, which I'm sure will be of use for anyone interested in modding, so here it is :

Modding Tools Data - Technology Tree references.rar

Enjoy and feel free to share !


PS : let me know if some infos are incorrect, I'll update the file.

Updated 3 years ago.
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2 years ago
Jun 18, 2022, 7:30:15 PM


I just downloaded the mod kit, as I plan to alter the tech tree. Despite knowing a bit about Unity and Visual Studio, I am at a complete loss here. Could you tell me how to get started and how to even find the relevant tech tree files? As this has probably been discussed before, a link would be fine, too.

Much appreciated :- )

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2 years ago
Jun 18, 2022, 9:16:41 PM

Hey !

Sure, as you're aware, mods are stored on mod.io, where you'll find several guides including the Amplitude official modding guide.

Main page : https://humankind.mod.io/guides

Official guide : https://humankind.mod.io/guides/humankind-modding-guide

The official guide will explain how to extract data for techs and how to mod them.

As a start, you can also have a look at the initial blogpost : https://www.games2gether.com/amplitude-studios/humankind/blogs/790-mod-tools-beta-available-now

Have fun with the tools !

Updated 2 years ago.
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2 years ago
Jun 18, 2022, 10:15:49 PM

Thanks for the fast reply! The big pdf document was new to me. Maybe you can help me here:

"The “Prerequisites” section defines if any Technology must be opened before the current one. It is possible to pick several prerequisite Technologies, so the current Technology will be available once at least one of the prerequisites is unlocked."

I had figured that one out in the meantime; however, here comes the problem: I want to change the underlying script so that the different technologies in this list are no longer connected by ORs; instead, I want them to be connected by ANDs. So, a tech c with tech a and b as prerequisites should no longer be unlockable if either a or b are unlocked but if and only if both a AND b are unlocked. Furthermore, I wish to create a list of lists that connects the listed lists with ORs. E.g., Tech d can be unlocked if either tech a is unlocked OR techs b AND c are unlocked.

Long story short: Do you have any idea where I can find the underlying script?

Updated 2 years ago.
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2 years ago
Jun 18, 2022, 10:32:17 PM

Well, I'll need to have a look in the tool, but I can't right now, as it's half past midnight here in France ;)

You could join Humankind's Discord, there's a modding channel, and I'm sure more knowledgeable people will help you with your idea : https://discord.gg/ebQw5qfQ



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2 years ago
Jun 19, 2022, 4:01:10 PM

Thanks a lot! I will see what they have in store. For the time being, I will try around with the basics that Amplitute provides.

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