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Fusion Reactor is still bugged

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2 years ago
Apr 11, 2022, 8:43:19 PM

At this point, I firmly believe the devs will never get around to it. Is anyone capable of making a mod to address it? I'd do it myself, but I 1) do not know how to code the required check, and 2) do not know where to find the required lines of code to input the check (seriously, where do they keep their code? On the moon?).

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2 years ago
Apr 28, 2022, 9:18:01 AM

It halves the pollution output, not pollution generation, so it also halves the amount of pollution Nature Reserves negate.

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2 years ago
Apr 28, 2022, 12:18:42 PM
LadyWaffle wrote:

At this point, I firmly believe the devs will never get around to it. Is anyone capable of making a mod to address it? I'd do it myself, but I 1) do not know how to code the required check, and 2) do not know where to find the required lines of code to input the check (seriously, where do they keep their code? On the moon?).

I have fixed it in the Vanilla Improvement Project modpack. You have to alter the fusion buff (empirebuff) descriptor to target districts instead of territories and put a "is not nature reserve" validation to not target it.

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