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Question for the MOD connoisseurs

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2 years ago
Apr 18, 2022, 5:53:17 PM

Hello everyone!

I am new trying this game and I fell in love with all the mods that are created. However I find trouble putting it all together, adding several mods ends up crashing games, stuck in turn etc..

I am kind of a roleplayer, adding a lot of mods into the original game, makes it shine a lot for me.

I want to make this post so if you guys found a combination that is stable, you could post it here and share with everyone how you play the game, and give ideas for players to mix it up themselves and have a great time.

Here is the combination I tried. 

Deepsea (Important for me)

Extended Naval Combat

Compatibility deepsea, ext naval combat

naval rework


Super culturepack       (Important for me ) 

eventful         (Important for me ) 

balance buffs and changes collection

true endless     (Important for me ) 

extended naval combat tree patch

compatibility patch superpack naval combat

compatibility patch culture superpack and deep sea

tonlo compatibility

tonlo religious gameplay    (Important for me ) 

official endless mod          (Important for me ) 

It runs Ok till turn ~70 and crashes/stuck in turn.

 If you guys have a similar one please let me know. Moreover if you got your own idea for a specific kind of theater(Mods+Map, F.E Europe map Deep Sea Extended ,naval combat, WWII theater) post it here.


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