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Can a culture have more than one emblematic unit?

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2 years ago
May 12, 2022, 6:24:48 AM

I have two ideas that I'd like to play around with. I don't know when I'll get around to actually making the associated cultures, but I guess I should ask here to make sure the ideas are feasible before I start.

First idea is a helicopter unit that can hover over water. To make this idea a better fit for HK, the plan would be to make the culture have two emblematic units; one would be an emblematic gunship, the other would be a naval transport that has the same stats and traits and no costs to embark/disembark, and both would be unlocked at the same time (the current plan is to have this "unit" unlock at Naval Air Strategy and replace both the Landing Craft and the Helicopter Gunship). The fact that other land units could transform into the emblematic gunship while over water would be a neat bonus imo.

Second idea would be a land melee unit that's also militia. To make this idea a better fit for HK, the plan would be (again) to make the culture have two emblematic units; one would be an emblematic land unit that doesn't replace any other land unit, and the other would be an emblematic militia unit with Home Guard that replaces Levies. There doesn't seem to be an explicit "militia" class like Melee or Heavy Weapon, despite that being a keyword used with Colossus of Rhodes and Republic, so I'm assuming Home Guard is how militia-ness is determined.

Anyway, I've taken a look at some of the mods listed here and on mod.io, and I don't think I've seen any cultures that have more than one emblematic unit. My suspicion is that this is not possible, but if I'm wrong, please let me know (and I'd like to know which cultures in which mods have more than one emblematic unit)! If it's possible, that might be enough motivation for me to try doing something. If not, then at least I can set the ideas aside forever instead of stewing over them lol.

Updated 2 years ago.
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2 years ago
May 12, 2022, 9:12:15 AM

Well, it is technically possible. 

An emblematic units is just a unit with a FactionPrerequisite. On the back we can have as many as we want. The issue would probably be on the UI, the UI expect only one emblematic unit for some display.

I would say that the best case scenario only one of your 2 emblematic units would be displayed in the faction screen. Worst case it just doesn't work at all.

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2 years ago
May 12, 2022, 6:15:22 PM

Thanks for the response DrunkenChoko! :) I guess I could try exploring these ideas a bit, I'll try to report back if I make any progress.

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2 years ago
May 12, 2022, 7:46:14 PM

Giving a culture more than one emblematic unit in the mod tools works just fine, with the only issues being the one DrunkenChoko mentioned: that only one will show up in the UI when the player is picking a culture, and that only one will have the wreath around the bottom of the icon that other EUs have in the tech tree and construction menu. Specifically, the one with the definition file whose comes first alphabetically will be shown in the selection screen and have a wreath around the unit icon, while the other(s) will not show up on the selection screen or have the wreath but will be buildable like any other unit.

For an example, the Numidians in this mod and the Super Pack have four emblematic units, with just one being presented as "the" EU.

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2 years ago
May 12, 2022, 8:31:20 PM

Oh! Thanks for the response uncle2fire, that is a lot of good info actually, and I'm going to go take a look at those mods right now :)

And tbh I think it's probably better to have only 1 unit show up in the UI anyway, less clutter. I'd just need to make sure that all of the relevant information is presented on the main unit info card.

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