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Fanmade culture cards fiesta

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3 years ago
Sep 17, 2021, 5:01:45 PM

The game just released, there is no window yet to know which cultures they will add in the future.

But they sometimes discussed about some of the most popular players expectations, like Inca, which felt missing from Early Modern Era and which seems to happen at some point, from how I interpreted the answer from a develloper in a Reddit AMA.

So we will see, it's a bit soon to speak about dlc, when there is already a large pool of 60 cultures ;)

Updated 3 years ago.
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3 years ago
Sep 20, 2021, 6:36:37 PM

Era: Contemporary


"Unity in Diversity"

Legacy Trait: Working Together = Instant X number of population in all your cities. Main Plazas gain flat +X Influence and Food.

Emblematic Unit: Red Berets. (aka Kopasssus). Unlocked at Amphibious Warfare. 54 Attack. Upgrades into Commando. Ability: Trample (Gain +4 Attack on weaker enemies).

Emblematic Quarter: Transmigrasi. Unlocked at Civil Engineering. Same effects with Hamlet, just straight up stronger version of it, maybe now it provides 2 worker slot across the board and extra minus 2-5 stability than normal.





The flat bonus culture. I'm not that well versed in balancing, so I leave most of the values as X. The emblematic unit arrives relatively early to kick out the tendency in AI to keep previous era units hanging around with its Trample Ability (previously used by War Elephant, so the values are already there). The quarter is just intended to be a better version of one of the most popular quarters I see around

Regarding the lament of these ideas not being used, I wouldnt worry much about it. It is all just fan work, the devs dont have the obligation of inserting it, no matter how good. I hope we're here just playing around with available game mechanic or cultures that haven't been used. For me, these also used to be very popular forum game back in civfanatic days, we even held bimonthly civ creation contest just for fun or make our own personal topic where we list all of our dream civ ideas.

But atleast, I hope that modding support tool comes with the abiltiy to create cultures, as relatively lax modders were able to do it on civ. But I understand if devs want to take it slow, lets enjoy and play the game as intended now before jumping into dlc and mods etc.

Updated 3 years ago.
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3 years ago
Sep 20, 2021, 8:55:11 PM

Malikultum wrote:

Emblematic Quarter: Transmigrasi. Unlocked at Civil Engineering. Same effects with Hamlet, just straight up stronger version of it, maybe now it provides 2 worker slot across the board and extra minus 2-5 stability than normal

Sounds more like it should replace the hamlet like how some emblematic units replace their generic counterparts.

Also is this the new thread for community culture suggestions? The other one  seems to have been completely abandoned. If so I'd love to contribute, but I'm afraid I can't really contribute any card art though. I don't have the artistic skills, and I don't think I have the time to learn them either.

Updated 3 years ago.
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3 years ago
Sep 22, 2021, 2:32:32 AM
Weraptor wrote:

Okay, here is my own stab at the Czechs!

Era: Early Modern

Name: Bohemians

"Truth prevails."

Affinity: Militarist

Legacy trait: Ye Who Are Warriors of God (+2 Combat Strength when fighting opponents with different State Religion. Victories in battles provide a burst of Influence.)

Emblematic Quarter: Brewery (Counts as Makers Quarter. In addition, it provides +5 Money per adjacent Market's Quarter.)

Emblematic Unit: Hussites (Militia unit. Replaces Draftees. 37 Combat Strength [up from 34]. Bonus CS when defending on a tile. Can be raised in a city by Militarist affinity action, and when raised, they generate 5 Faith per Hussite in Army.)

Have you considered doing the same thing as Malikultum:

Malikultum wrote:

@Narcisse Thanks! I just want to represent my country and it's myriad of cultures through these eras in Humankind. 

Personally I think this way it should have been. Every nation that can, should be represented through the eras of Humankind, and it's the philosophy I follow in my approach to making culture suggestions; though I will admit one suggestion I made on Steam was for the Arabs from Lawrence of Arabia, and that was only after rewatching some battle scenes from the movie. My dissatisfaction with the current selection of cultures is what drove me to threads like this and what pushed me to participate in them.

Updated 3 years ago.
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3 years ago
Sep 24, 2021, 4:30:35 AM
Narcisse wrote:


Medieval Era

"The Seljuk Empire or the Great Seljuq Empire was a high medieval Turko-Persian Sunni Muslim empire, originating from the Qiniq branch of Oghuz Turks. At its greatest extent, the Seljuk Empire controlled a vast area stretching from western Anatolia and the Levant to the Hindu Kush in the east, and from Central Asia to the Persian Gulf in the south". 

They invade most of the Byzantine territories, and highly take part in the Byzantine agony.

Card Artwork

It was really hard to find visual ressources about Seljuks, I just tried to quick-sketch a Seljuk court.

(there is a lot of miniatures of Seljuk court with the different Seljuk's leaders)

Miniature from the Majma al-Tawarikh by Hafiz Abru 

It would be more epic to represent them like a conquering army with the famous cyan flags Or more interessant to represent the studies in an Islamic academy. :p

Emblematic Unit - Seljuk Horsemen

I did not find any elite or emblematic unit for the Seljuks. So I opted for a pool of "generic" choices :

Seljuk Horsemen - Noble Seljuks - Seljuk Askari - Seljuk Archers - Seljuk Crossbowmen - Seljuk Mounted Archers

Some informations about Seljuk army :

"The army of the Sultanate consisted of two elements: the ‘askar (army in Arabic) of the Sultan, which was a professional body of troops paid with cash or land-grants (called iqta’at) and comprised (paradoxically) of slave soldiers (ghulams or mamālīk); and the ‘askar of the provincial amirs. These slave soldiers were drawn from among prisoners of war and from older boys purchased from the slave market. They could be of any race, but most were Daylamis, Khorasanians, Georgians, Turkomans, and increasingly in the late 11th through the 13th century from former peoples of Byzantine Anatolia."

 "All Turks fought principally as light cavalry mounted archers, but were quite willing to dismount and fight on foot if necessary. The professional askari, while still principally light cavalry, wore body armor of lamellar or mail, and used lances, maces, ax or sword in close-quarter combat. This was true too of the tribal nobility of the Turkomen clans."

I didn't opt for the Ghulams because the slave soldiers were not a tradition only Seljuk. They were used by Abbasid, Ottoman, Safavid and to a lesser extent, Mughal empires...etc

It's an equivalent to Mamluks. And It would make a redit with Ottoman Janissaries. And apparently Ghulams were the undisciplined and unreliable part of the Seljuk army contrary to the "professional" troops.

> The interesting point with the Ghulams is than you can use an emblematic unit of another Turkic culture. For exemple : The Cuman-Kipchak.

Emblematic Quarter - Nezamiyeh

Nizamiyyah institutes were among the first well organized institutions of higher learning in the Muslim world. The quality of education was among the highest in the Islamic world, and they were even renowned in Europe. They were supported financially, politically, and spiritually by the royal establishment and the elite class. 

Trivia about Nizam al-Mulk (Persian scholar and vizier of the Seljuk Empire) : One of his most important legacies was founding madrasa in cities throughout the Seljuk Empire. These were called "nezamiyehs" after him 

Affinity - Gameplay


Quick references





https://imgur.com/a/gU9y5qr (Seljuk Warriors images compilation)

1071 AD map

I feel like maybe Scientist or Aesthete affinity (which I think is the one that's also associated with culture and the arts) is more appropriate for them as several of their kings were patrons of science, literature and culture, and Nizam al-Mulk was kept on and supported through the reign of multiple kings. Also some of Nizam al-Mulk's role and achievements included development, protecting scientists, as well as establishing nezamiyehs.

Also maybe this quote I found and translated from a text book, will provide some more insight into the Seljuks:

"Originally they were a tribe of idolaters, looters and blood letters that massacred people in Ma Vara O'n Nahr (Transoxania) and Khorasan and looted. But Sultan Mahmood Ghaznavi defeated them and settled some of these tribes in other town of Iran to keep them from mischief. The Seljuk tribe gradually learned civilization and culture from Iranians and although they were descendants of Turkomans, they became Iranians."

I believe the above quote describes their early history before their rise to power.

Updated 3 years ago.
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3 years ago
Sep 28, 2021, 6:00:50 PM

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3 years ago
Oct 1, 2021, 11:02:29 AM

Some of the cultures I would love to see especially in the Contemporary era. 

1. United Arab Emirates. (Good modern representation from Arab world) /Merchants.

2. Pakistanis. good mix from southeast Asia that is definitely different from Indians. /Agrarian

3. Russians. How the experience can be complete with them. /Expansionist

4. Israelis. very obvious and different from Arab world /Fame. 

5. Nigerians./Argrarian. 

Will think of more from other eras.

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3 years ago
Oct 1, 2021, 5:46:50 PM
JNDTOOR wrote:

Some of the cultures I would love to see especially in the Contemporary era. 

3. Russians. How the experience can be complete with them. /Expansionist

I think we already have a Contemporary Era Russian culture in form of the Soviets. It's not exactly present day Russia but I don't think the devs like to reuse names for cultures in previous eras. I think we more need Russian cultures in other Eras, they are one of the least represented nations when it comes to having representative cultures in the different eras, with only 2 out of 6. Fortunately people have already made some Russian cultures for different eras (Muscovy, and Kieven Rus). 

Updated 3 years ago.
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3 years ago
Oct 9, 2021, 5:58:33 AM
JNDTOOR wrote:

5. Nigerians./Argrarian. 

I think Nigerians could be Aesthete as well since they are very famous for making modern African music

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3 years ago
Oct 10, 2021, 10:42:21 AM
TheVisitorGuest wrote:
JNDTOOR wrote:

5. Nigerians./Argrarian. 

I think Nigerians could be Aesthete as well since they are very famous for making modern African music

Yes and they also produce a lot of films too! Nollywood (as it is commonly referred) took over Hollywood in 2009 in number of films produced per year.

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3 years ago
Oct 19, 2021, 11:40:10 AM

Era: Contemporary


"Blessings of Rain"

Legacy Trait: Responsible Spending = X% extra FIMS per each Luxury Manufactories which also gives X+ Stability,  and X+ FIMS per each other resource extractors.

Emblematic Unit: Defense Force (aka Botswana Defense Force) standard strength for Rifles replacement but with Guardian trait (+3 Strength when standing on friendly District) (Shared with Sabu Qa Sasti)

Emblematic. Quarter: Diamond Mining Company. Instantly Unlocked. Gives +5 Stability, Money and Science. Counts as Luxury Manufactory. Counts as Market Quarters and Research Quarters. Gives and exploit Diamond Luxury Resources (+X FIMS in Main Plaza.).


From 2nd Poorest Country to Fastest Growing Economy in the World | Sir Seretse Khama's Botswana



I want to build it as a situational Cultures that depends on whether you got a bunch of luxuries or not, which would be helped by its emblematic district. Takes inspiration from a bunch of ingame cultures, like the soviets with its luxury giving district, but now with stability and research twinge on it.

This country is just a beacon in Africa as it managed to properly managed their resources especially Diamonds which have failed other surrounding countries. Being a protectorate instead of colony, was lead by a practical and honest president in its infancy that was the most peaceful transition from monarchy to democracy, and the discovery and the management of Diamonds, were some of the choices this nation has had which separates them from the others.

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3 years ago
Oct 19, 2021, 8:35:49 PM
Malikultum wrote:

Era: Contemporary


"Blessings of Rain"

Legacy Trait: Responsible Spending = X% extra FIMS per each Luxury Manufactories which also gives X+ Stability,  and X+ FIMS per each other resource extractors.

Emblematic Unit: Defense Force (aka Botswana Defense Force) standard strength for Rifles replacement but with Guardian trait (+3 Strength when standing on friendly District) (Shared with Sabu Qa Sasti)

Emblematic. Quarter: Diamond Mining Company. Instantly Unlocked. Gives +5 Stability, Money and Science. Counts as Luxury Manufactory. Counts as Market Quarters and Research Quarters. Gives and exploit Diamond Luxury Resources (+X FIMS in Main Plaza.).


From 2nd Poorest Country to Fastest Growing Economy in the World | Sir Seretse Khama's Botswana



I want to build it as a situational Cultures that depends on whether you got a bunch of luxuries or not, which would be helped by its emblematic district. Takes inspiration from a bunch of ingame cultures, like the soviets with its luxury giving district, but now with stability and research twinge on it.

This country is just a beacon in Africa as it managed to properly managed their resources especially Diamonds which have failed other surrounding countries. Being a protectorate instead of colony, was lead by a practical and honest president in its infancy that was the most peaceful transition from monarchy to democracy, and the discovery and the management of Diamonds, were some of the choices this nation has had which separates them from the others.

Great Work!

 You could also try this if you want to trace their history through various Eras like you did with Indonesia. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_Botswana

And by the way if you want to add the Bantu, I remember that they were in Rise of Nations, so you could take some inspiration from there as well.

Updated 3 years ago.
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3 years ago
Oct 20, 2021, 12:05:47 PM
Malikultum wrote:

Era: Contemporary


"Blessings of Rain"

Legacy Trait: Responsible Spending = X% extra FIMS per each Luxury Manufactories which also gives X+ Stability,  and X+ FIMS per each other resource extractors.

Emblematic Unit: Defense Force (aka Botswana Defense Force) standard strength for Rifles replacement but with Guardian trait (+3 Strength when standing on friendly District) (Shared with Sabu Qa Sasti)

Emblematic. Quarter: Diamond Mining Company. Instantly Unlocked. Gives +5 Stability, Money and Science. Counts as Luxury Manufactory. Counts as Market Quarters and Research Quarters. Gives and exploit Diamond Luxury Resources (+X FIMS in Main Plaza.).


From 2nd Poorest Country to Fastest Growing Economy in the World | Sir Seretse Khama's Botswana



I want to build it as a situational Cultures that depends on whether you got a bunch of luxuries or not, which would be helped by its emblematic district. Takes inspiration from a bunch of ingame cultures, like the soviets with its luxury giving district, but now with stability and research twinge on it.

This country is just a beacon in Africa as it managed to properly managed their resources especially Diamonds which have failed other surrounding countries. Being a protectorate instead of colony, was lead by a practical and honest president in its infancy that was the most peaceful transition from monarchy to democracy, and the discovery and the management of Diamonds, were some of the choices this nation has had which separates them from the others.

Noice would you give me template wanting to make Switzerland x) as well as typo please ? Otherwise nice but i don't really know much about Botswana 

Updated 3 years ago.
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3 years ago
Oct 21, 2021, 5:28:46 AM
Arphenix wrote:

Noice would you give me template wanting to make Switzerland x) as well as typo please ? Otherwise nice but i don't really know much about Botswana 

The template is actually on page 1, but sure I'll link it again here. https://medias.games2gether.com/forums/narcisse/Luxembourg_canva-1.psd

Also, thanks. I don't  know much about Botswana either, but that youtube video I linked is what brought it to my attention a week ago and thus I just based it off that.

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3 years ago
Oct 21, 2021, 11:00:39 AM
Malikultum wrote:
Arphenix wrote:

Noice would you give me template wanting to make Switzerland x) as well as typo please ? Otherwise nice but i don't really know much about Botswana 

The template is actually on page 1, but sure I'll link it again here. https://medias.games2gether.com/forums/narcisse/Luxembourg_canva-1.psd

Also, thanks. I don't  know much about Botswana either, but that youtube video I linked is what brought it to my attention a week ago and thus I just based it off that.

Tho how to modify the text ?

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3 years ago
Oct 22, 2021, 3:24:30 PM
Arphenix wrote:

Tho how to modify the text ?

What do you mean? It's a .psd file, so naturally just open it with a photoshop. If you dont have it, then while alot of other programs are able to read psd, they wont necessary able to read their text format, turning them into normal layer. You have to rewrite them either way.

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3 years ago
Oct 22, 2021, 6:45:08 PM

Yeah, I don't have photoshop, just MS Paints and for me, when I download the file, it opens in Autodesk Sketchbook. 

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3 years ago
Oct 26, 2021, 7:22:40 AM
TheVisitorGuest wrote:

Yeah, I don't have photoshop, just MS Paints and for me, when I download the file, it opens in Autodesk Sketchbook. 

Download GIMP but can't edit nothing :/

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