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Feedback: Cultures

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3 years ago
Apr 21, 2021, 2:10:46 PM

Hey all!

As we had expected, we got a lot of feedback on the different cultures in the Lucy OpenDev: Some individual cultures or combinations were seen as much weaker or stronger than others. Some others were seen as being too focused on one aspect of the game, or so broad in their appeal they had little impact on how you played the game. And we're always happy to hear from the knowledgeable and eagle-eyed among you about any historical or cultural concerns you have.

Based on that feedback, we have made these changes:

  • Rebalance of cultures, especially Emblematic District effects
  • Emblematic Districts can now be built only once per territory
  • Added passive ability for builders: Gain 10 current stability when finishing a district
  • Added passive ability for Agrarians: Gain 5 current stability when gaining population

(Please note that currently emblematic military districts like the Mycenean Cyclopean Fortress are missing their "free placement" ability and have to be placed next to existing districts. This is not intended.)

Please, let us know what you think of the balance of the different cultures now. :)

Updated 3 years ago.
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3 years ago
Apr 23, 2021, 7:30:43 PM

With the current game pace, Phoenicians really suffers from having a slow start. Their EQ, Haven, unlocks much later than other cultures' EQ, which also needs twice the Industry to build due to being a Harbor; and their EU cannot participate in land battles at all. As a result, Phoenicians can be very vulnerable on the land due to having no EUs, while their development would also stagnate due to slow EQ.

I would suggest that allowing Phoenicians able to build Havens from the very beginning, to make the Haven being effective much earlier.

In addition, it would be better to change Bireme into a Transport Ship, made it unlocks earlier while being weaker than Triremes. This way, the Phoenicians would be able to embark on Ancient and exploring the (costal) world easier, which offers a unique gameplay style unlike other Ancient Cultures, while in line with IRL Phoenicians who explored and settled the Mediterraneans much earlier than others.

- Edit: Another interesting way to do this would be allow Bireme to put outposts on coast, encouraging the unique playstyle of an early and peaceful costal expansion of Phoenician players.

As for the "vulnerable on land" issue - maybe the Phoenician LT can be about "discount on unit buyout cost", for buying a quick army when in trouble.

Updated 3 years ago.
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3 years ago
Apr 23, 2021, 10:13:40 PM

Expansionist need some sort of change. Right now its ability is hard to use, you can only use it against someone that is neutral, not ally, not vassal and not enemy. You can't enter the attached territories of a neutral player without having open borders (and who would give open border to an expansionist?) so using it against anything but outposts, who disappear overtime is tricky. The expansionist era stars are just too hard to get, just controlling territories without outpost is not just enough, they either need to be cities or attached to cities. The amount of territories needed in ancient era is 5 for the first expansionist star, the amount of district needed to get the first builder star is 6, the difference in difficulty to achieve those goals are massive and it in a way get harder and harder while getting the second and third builder star is not that difficult.

So for the ability, either change it or give expansionist the passive ability to enter other players territories without needing open borders. For goal, count outpost and reduce the amount of territories needed to maybe like 3-5-7 for the 3 ancient era stars.

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3 years ago
Apr 24, 2021, 12:48:42 AM
8roomsofelixir wrote:

With the current game pace, Phoenicians really suffers from having a slow start. Their EQ, Haven, unlocks much later than other cultures' EQ, which also needs twice the Industry to build due to being a Harbor; and their EU cannot participate in land battles at all. As a result, Phoenicians can be very vulnerable on the land due to having no EUs, while their development would also stagnate due to slow EQ.

I would suggest that allowing Phoenicians able to build Havens from the very beginning, to make the Haven being effective much earlier.

In addition, it would be better to change Bireme into a Transport Ship, made it unlocks earlier while being weaker than Triremes. This way, the Phoenicians would be able to embark on Ancient and exploring the (costal) world easier, which offers a unique gameplay style unlike other Ancient Cultures, while in line with IRL Phoenicians who explored and settled the Mediterraneans much earlier than others.

This would explain my slow start!

Actually, I think what would help is if we could build emblamatic district and units even after we evolve to the next culture. As it is now, it's a race to build cities so you can build the emblamatic district. Otherwise, you miss most of the benefit of that culture.

The other issue is that naval gameplay is not very developed yet. There's nothing for biremes to do except explore. It may have helped my trade ability, so I can't discount that. But I was also disappointed I could not colonize overseas, which was going to be my playstyle, instead of fighting neighboring cultures.

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3 years ago
Apr 24, 2021, 1:14:12 AM
Dayvit78 wrote:
8roomsofelixir wrote:

With the current game pace, Phoenicians really suffers from having a slow start. Their EQ, Haven, unlocks much later than other cultures' EQ, which also needs twice the Industry to build due to being a Harbor; and their EU cannot participate in land battles at all. As a result, Phoenicians can be very vulnerable on the land due to having no EUs, while their development would also stagnate due to slow EQ.

I would suggest that allowing Phoenicians able to build Havens from the very beginning, to make the Haven being effective much earlier.

In addition, it would be better to change Bireme into a Transport Ship, made it unlocks earlier while being weaker than Triremes. This way, the Phoenicians would be able to embark on Ancient and exploring the (costal) world easier, which offers a unique gameplay style unlike other Ancient Cultures, while in line with IRL Phoenicians who explored and settled the Mediterraneans much earlier than others.

This would explain my slow start!

Actually, I think what would help is if we could build emblamatic district and units even after we evolve to the next culture. As it is now, it's a race to build cities so you can build the emblamatic district. Otherwise, you miss most of the benefit of that culture.

The other issue is that naval gameplay is not very developed yet. There's nothing for biremes to do except explore. It may have helped my trade ability, so I can't discount that. But I was also disappointed I could not colonize overseas, which was going to be my playstyle, instead of fighting neighboring cultures.

You can keep building the EU until they become obsolete (unless that's a bug), but I ran into the same thing with the EQ. I feel like the intent is to tactically delay moving to the next era long enough to get the EQ in your build queue (once I got it in there, it stayed even after changing eras), so I really had to weigh how important getting another copy of a strong EQ was versus moving up to the next culture I had planned.

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3 years ago
Apr 24, 2021, 12:19:03 PM

Also agree that not being able to build your EQ after you reach the next era can be very disappointing.

Not having played the game before, I found the unique abilities that certain types of culture give you a bit confusing. Especially the tooltip for it was lacking, it just told me about missing influence, not how much... And if you don't know the cost of such an action, its very hard to take into consideration when choosing a culture.

And yes, naval EU are worthless, but that's due to the naval gameplay.

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3 years ago
Apr 24, 2021, 12:46:28 PM

I just tried queuing up a bunch of EQ from my main city, which I had 4 attachments too. And the same in my 2nd city, with 2 attachments. Unfortunately, when I changed eras, all of them got deleted, except 1 which I think I had started constructing (and maybe another 1 in the 2nd city). So it might be that it deletes all but one EQ in queue.

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3 years ago
Apr 24, 2021, 12:58:31 PM

Mughals are bugged atm, you can build their emblematic district as often as you like (which is VERY op),

I feel the 10 current stability for builders is too much. I hardly drop below 100% (even without caring about stability), since builders can finish a district in one turn, meaning they gain more stability than they lose. Either stabilty should drop harsher per turn (maybe proportional to how much stability you can lose) or builders should get less compensation.

The same is true for Agrarians: Sacrificing population lets them spam farmers quarters while getting more than 1 pop each turn per city, thanks to mother's milk and the natural growth. I think sacrificing pop is too strong for them, as they essentially don't need any production at all, giving them an easy way to get era stars (they build districts as fast as builders do and get population way quicker). I think putting a debuff on a city, that makes subsequent buyouts with population more expensive for X turns would fix this problem.

I'll add to this post as I get to play more Cultures (I finished the game with builders and agrarian as of now).

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3 years ago
Apr 25, 2021, 5:00:31 AM

Another comment on cultures, Aesthetes in particular:

One thing left me a strong impression is that how having an Aesthete who is strong on Influence output as your neighbor is a completely nightmare. The cultural influence pressure from these cultures - Olmecs and Edo Japanese in particular - can let you swim in Osmosis Events and stabilities hits non-stop. In addition, besides a strong push into religion to get more Influence, there is really no other strategies to effectively counter them; as a result the player's gameplay choices can get highly limited.

I would suggest a tweaking of Olmec's and Edo Japan's numbers, to make their influence output not that punishing for others, while give some other Aesthetes (such as Zhou and Mauryans) an Influence income as well to balance things out. It is pretty strange to see Edo Japanese, a culture known for defensive isolationism for centuries, have their influence aggressively spread throughout the world.

A side note for the Aesthete affinity ability (since I didn't find a place to feedback on affinity): It would be better to let the "Influence Bomb" action generate a grievance for the Empire being targeted. Agrarians will receive a grievance for stealing other's population, Expansionists will receive a grievance for stealing other's territory, and Aesthetes should not really get away from stealing other's cultural control.

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3 years ago
Apr 25, 2021, 7:10:28 AM

The Hun and Mongol cultures are a bit too strong military wise. Sure, they can't make their outposts into cities.
But that matters little, when the Hunnic and Mongol hordes are beyond unbalanced in combat.
Able to replenish and add numbers on the fly, extremely maneuverable and capable of attacking twice, with little to no downside.
They destroy other EU that are meant to be strong against them with little to no issue and they are absurdly cheap, only requiring horses.

The ability to (at times) spawn 4 stacks of them from outposts too don't help in making them less broken.
They are a literal case of "Oh, you got a larger army? that is cute" before trashing you, constantly tearing the army a part.
Even when EXTREMELY outmatched (we are talking 4 Hunnic hordes vs like... 8-9 swordsmen or something like that) will they be able to decimate the opponent, even if they in the end loose.

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3 years ago
Apr 25, 2021, 8:23:38 AM

I'm not sure what correct topic is for my concern, but I dislike how game forces you to place harbors and their emblematic equivalents. In practice, harbors are made in secluded places, where landscape forms bays. It provides protection from military standpoint and safety from sea storms. But in Humankind placing rules stimulate you to place harbors surrounded by water instead of land, so that to bring more food. I'd like this aspect to receive another pass.

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3 years ago
Apr 25, 2021, 10:35:03 AM

        From the amount I've played I've enjoyed everything about the emblematic units, as far as I'm concerned they're in a spot good aside from maybe a few. Immortals being anti-cavalry might be a bit too strong as it's very difficult to counter them aside from just pelting them at range. Making certain emblematic units anti-cavalry has had some pretty drastic effects and might need to be rethought, since not even flanking with cavalry gives a strength advantage anymore. I've also noticed the Roman's praetorian guards still being able to flank in addition to their ability which should apply the flanking bonus so long as another unit is next to them and the target. I'm not sure if it was intentional for both bonuses to apply but I think it's okay to keep considering the Romans don't have the greatest era bonus or district.

The emblematic districts I've used have been pretty balanced compared to Lucy, although I have some nitpicks like the Norsemen's Nausts having their gold bonus to raiding applied after percentage bonuses I found to be a bit underwhelming considering how long raiding takes already. The roman's triumphant arc may also want a better bonus on victory, since I only found it coming into play rarely.

  A bigger issue I've found is how over-costed Emblematic fortifications are like the Dunnu, cyclopean fortress or barbican. For the amount of industry it takes to build them, they provide little in the form of actual defence, especially now that they're limited to only one per province. The same extends to the regular Garrison district but that lacks the same investment cost as these emblematic districts, since you don't have to pick any specific culture to unlock the garrison, and it fulfills the function of these ED almost as well. I also have issues with the barbican being a ED since it's a very generic building that isn't especially Polish, as well as nearly outdated by the Early modern era in which it arrives it. I suggested it once before but I think a Folwark would be a better ED for poland since it encompasses their agriculture at their time, giving a farming bonus as well as being a fortification designed to dispel raids, so the barbican's anti-raiding effect could be shifted over to it as well. 

Updated 3 years ago.
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3 years ago
Apr 25, 2021, 11:37:22 AM

So far cultures feel really, imo. I don’t usually play military civs, so I’ve mostly ignored those, but all of the other types I’ve looked at for a long time on the selection screen and generally enjoyed when I finally choose one. In particular the legacy traits are some of the better decision making in the game so far. 

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3 years ago
Apr 25, 2021, 9:54:05 PM
8roomsofelixir wrote:

Another comment on cultures, Aesthetes in particular:

One thing left me a strong impression is that how having an Aesthete who is strong on Influence output as your neighbor is a completely nightmare. The cultural influence pressure from these cultures - Olmecs and Edo Japanese in particular - can let you swim in Osmosis Events and stabilities hits non-stop. In addition, besides a strong push into religion to get more Influence, there is really no other strategies to effectively counter them; as a result the player's gameplay choices can get highly limited.

I would suggest a tweaking of Olmec's and Edo Japan's numbers, to make their influence output not that punishing for others, while give some other Aesthetes (such as Zhou and Mauryans) an Influence income as well to balance things out. It is pretty strange to see Edo Japanese, a culture known for defensive isolationism for centuries, have their influence aggressively spread throughout the world.

A side note for the Aesthete affinity ability (since I didn't find a place to feedback on affinity): It would be better to let the "Influence Bomb" action generate a grievance for the Empire being targeted. Agrarians will receive a grievance for stealing other's population, Expansionists will receive a grievance for stealing other's territory, and Aesthetes should not really get away from stealing other's cultural control.

The counterplay is to either do what they want or to invade them I guess.

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3 years ago
Apr 25, 2021, 10:10:38 PM

A comment on Joseon:

The current Seowon has an effect to "+3 Science on Districts producing Science".

Meanwhile, Joseon LT is "+4 Science on coastal water".

For some reason, the Seowon effect not only applies to Districts but also applies to exploitations.

As a result:

All my costal tiles are now producing +13 Science in total, which should not happen in the first place, since that's not Seowon should do. And that is a ridiculous amount of yields.

I would suggest tweaking Joseon LT yields to a more reasonable number, as well as fixing this "+X on districts producing X also applies to every exploitations for some reason" bug.

Updated 3 years ago.
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3 years ago
Apr 26, 2021, 9:00:45 AM
I have found out that Celtic special building is absurd. It gives you so much food that at some point you don't care about anything. You have enough pops to do anything, your production skyrockets, science too. You can build unit after unit because you don;t care about pops. They spawn every turn either way.
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3 years ago
Apr 26, 2021, 4:08:27 PM
Dayvit78 wrote:

I just tried queuing up a bunch of EQ from my main city, which I had 4 attachments too. And the same in my 2nd city, with 2 attachments. Unfortunately, when I changed eras, all of them got deleted, except 1 which I think I had started constructing (and maybe another 1 in the 2nd city). So it might be that it deletes all but one EQ in queue.

yeah I'm realizing that might have been a bug, I tried to replicate it and my EQs got deleted from queue

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3 years ago
Apr 27, 2021, 7:24:51 AM
FreezeZ wrote:
I have found out that Celtic special building is absurd. It gives you so much food that at some point you don't care about anything. You have enough pops to do anything, your production skyrockets, science too. You can build unit after unit because you don;t care about pops. They spawn every turn either way.

Sounds pretty decent then, I feel like an agrarian Culture should be able to produce one population per turn fairly easily. Even as non-agrarian cultures it's possible to produce one population per turn on many cities depending on the circumstances. Although I can see the +1 food per population creating a positive feedback loop once you've made enough of the districts and completely negate the food consumption of population,

Updated 3 years ago.
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3 years ago
Apr 27, 2021, 7:46:15 PM
Laliloluhla wrote:
FreezeZ wrote:
I have found out that Celtic special building is absurd. It gives you so much food that at some point you don't care about anything. You have enough pops to do anything, your production skyrockets, science too. You can build unit after unit because you don;t care about pops. They spawn every turn either way.

Sounds pretty decent then, I feel like an agrarian Culture should be able to produce one population per turn fairly easily. Even as non-agrarian cultures it's possible to produce one population per turn on many cities depending on the circumstances. Although I can see the +1 food per population creating a positive feedback loop once you've made enough of the districts and completely negate the food consumption of population,

Yeah. Thats possible but they make it too quick. 1 celitc bulding can produce absurd amount of food and when you build districts around it it gets worse. More food mean more pops. And more pops mean moere everything. Maybe its about getting used to mechanics and civs but from my few playthrought celts felt very strong. Stronger than any other option there.

Also should Spanish EU replace arquebusier? It's odd that you get similar units from 1 research but you can't upgrade one of them.

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