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Feedback: Combat

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4 years ago
May 4, 2021, 4:38:11 PM
Sublustris wrote:

I like the changes, although regular cavalry feels very weak, and anti-cavalry too strong with no obvious downsides.

The true benefit of cavalry is on the strategic map, rather than on the battlefield.  I'm okay with them being mostly sub-par with situational value on the battlefield (running down damaged enemy units, outflanking, the occasional charge bonus against melee or archer units).  The extra movement points on the main map is worth it. 

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4 years ago
May 4, 2021, 7:27:56 PM

Hi there,

Didn't read the whole thread. Played Victor twice. Hard 4X nerd (CIV 1 to 6, all endless franchise, Master of Orion 2 ultra-fan).

Here is my feedback on the combat:

  1. Should the “Friendly Units” bonus not be about how many allied troops are adjacent to the enemy unit instead of adjacent to the acting unit (thus receiving bonus from the unit on her back)? 
  2. It seems that ranged units have a malus for shooting across rivers...

  1. (Three, Sir) There are serious problems with the retreat mechanism:
I attacked a city (red arrow), then retreated as the enemy was too strong, and ended up…  pretty far away. 3 turns to come back, that’s quite a retreat!

I attacked an enemy unit sneaking into my territory with a 4-unit army, having another 4-unit army as reinforcement. Obviously the poor enemy unit retreated, but instead of going back to where they came from, they retreated deep inside my territory !!! To make things worse, both my armies now have 0/4 move points and the retreating unit moved pretty far.

In the same problematic of reserve armies being blocked for the turn, the AI came here with one cheap unit (red E), and managed to block 3 big and advanced armies as one of them had to engage combat, ending the turn of all 3 armies (there was no combat since the decoy AI army fled)…

This will be a very unfair tactic in MP games if it stays as is...

In this last example, retreat gave the enemy unit an additional move (M+R):

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4 years ago
May 4, 2021, 7:58:37 PM
TravlingCanuck wrote:
Sublustris wrote:

I like the changes, although regular cavalry feels very weak, and anti-cavalry too strong with no obvious downsides.

The true benefit of cavalry is on the strategic map, rather than on the battlefield.  I'm okay with them being mostly sub-par with situational value on the battlefield (running down damaged enemy units, outflanking, the occasional charge bonus against melee or archer units).  The extra movement points on the main map is worth it. 

Except they don't have charge bonus, unlike heavy cavalry.

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4 years ago
May 4, 2021, 9:11:25 PM
Laliloluhla wrote:

Wow, I never saw that penalty for shooting ACROSS a river, really hope it gets fixed now. Good find

Unless I'm misreading, I believe the penalty is because the Archer unit is standing on a river tile - the head of a river, to be precise.  It is a little hard to tell, but I haven't seen a penalty for shooting across a river, so I think that's the most likely explanation, but maybe I've just not noticed the across-river shooting penalty before.

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4 years ago
May 4, 2021, 10:10:06 PM
TravlingCanuck wrote:
Laliloluhla wrote:

Wow, I never saw that penalty for shooting ACROSS a river, really hope it gets fixed now. Good find

Unless I'm misreading, I believe the penalty is because the Archer unit is standing on a river tile - the head of a river, to be precise.  It is a little hard to tell, but I haven't seen a penalty for shooting across a river, so I think that's the most likely explanation, but maybe I've just not noticed the across-river shooting penalty before.

Oh yeah you're right, it is cause he's standing on a river, false alarm. I now get what people mean when they say the terrain is hard to read.

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4 years ago
May 5, 2021, 12:05:40 AM
  • So many things about battles have been improved! Adding unit upkeep (although it is fairly negligible), highlighting available targets when you move a unit, and the changes to damage calculations are all great. The AI puts up a much better fight, though they still make some pretty boneheaded moves, but occasionally they do something smart, like one time I attacked a lone unit with a pair of  Assyrian Raiders, and they had a garrison within their deployment zone and they just parked there and we passed turns until I had to leave. It was kind of frustrating, but I would have done the same in their situation. At least they’re usually fielding more troops than in Lucy though. One of my suggestions from the Lucy OpenDev that I thought was most important was introducing more unit classes, and I am so glad that was implemented with the addition of Anti-Cavalry and Heavy Cavalry unit types.

  • I wish that units weren't so often superseded by another unit of the same era though. I think a prime example is the Scouts to Warriors to Spearmen unlocks. While scouts retain a minor role with Pathfinder after getting Warriors, they become useless in battle compared to them, and then Spearmen come along and completely invalidate Warriors (further along, Swordsmen also completely invalidate Spearmen, despite not having another anti-cavalry unit to upgrade to during the same tier). While I'm glad that more unit classes were added, they sometimes feel irrelevant when a unit such as Spearmen is an all around better combatant than Warriors and then Swordsmen are just as good as Spearmen against cavalry.

  • Relatedly, especially with unit classes added, it feels odd that during the Classical Era that an upgrade for Spearmen and Archers isn't available, as both drop off in effectiveness during the Classical Era. Otherwise, I feel like I'd want Spearmen to remain relevant in their role throughout the Classical Era, which could be doable if they were still stronger against Cavalry than Swordsmen are (for instance if Swordsmen had a CS of 22-23, they wouldn't completely invalidate Spearmen).

  • Following that, I feel like the CS of units from era to era increases too dramatically. Being ahead of your opponent by an era should definitely be an advantage, but right now it feels like the gaps are too great, which leaves little room for someone who is slightly behind to take the leader down a peg through violence, if they so choose.

  • I have a gripe with the fact that Crossbowmen and Arquebusiers have the Gunner trait, allowing them to fight at full strength against melee attacks. It doesn't make a lot of sense because historically both weapons are notoriously slow to reload, but more so from a gameplay perspective, we are getting a ranged unit with no drawbacks at the same time we are receiving Pikemen and Halberdiers, and full stacks of the ranged units are going to perform much better overall despite the slight CS difference. Perhaps they could both get the     Ranged trait and a Direct Fire trait that specifies they need LoS? Having Gunner come into place with Musketeers makes sense because that's around the time that melee infantry is becoming completely obsolete anyway, and I wouldn’t even argue if Janissaries and Conquistadores got it to represent better training than their Arquebusier contemporaries.

  • Sieges feel a bit better now, and I like that Cavalry can't climb walls, and that siege weapons don't feel OP... but now siege weapons don't feel worthwhile at all, and I can never break down walls to let my cavalry in if I even bother making them. Battering Rams especially feel like they should be more powerful, or the HP of fortifications could come down a little. For defenders though I think it would be more interesting if when you researched the tech that unlocks your ranged unit for the Ancient, Medieval, and Early Modern Eras that it also converted a couple of your Home Guard units to ranged units of that type.

  • Retreating is as annoying now as it was in Lucy. It doesn't make any sense that the attacking army and any army that even thought about reinforcing that battle lose all their movement speed. The retreating army usually runs far enough that I'd need to have some cavalry in the wings to run them down anyway. Also, imagine retreating your army to lead the pursuing     army into a trap where you have plenty of reinforcements. That would be pretty cool!

  • Retreating units sometimes go in bizarre directions. It would be great if when I hit the retreat button, I get a few spots highlighted where my army is able to retreat to, so I can make sure I actually retreat and not just run further into enemy territories. Would also really work with being able to set up feigned withdrawals as I mentioned before,

  • I think it would also be good to have the option to retreat in the midst of a battle, though perhaps only after all three rounds during a turn have been taken. So that it's not too annoying or abusable, perhaps all units in a retreating army could suffer damage based on the total difference in CS between the two sides? Or perhaps there could be a zone of retreat at the edge of the battlefield that you have to actually get your units to before retreating? It just sucks sometimes to get caught in an unwinnable battle and then pass turns until you are allowed to leave or are defeated.

  • Speaking of reinforcements, other than reducing the tedium of moving multiple stacks of units, once you unlock the ability to get reinforcements, increasing army sizes doesn’t really matter at all. I have one suggestion that I think would alleviate this problem. Bring back generals! There are no penalties to your army for not having a general, but only armies that have a general can reinforce and/or be reinforced by another army. Perhaps the generals can level up and gain upkeep reduction, increased movement speed, better regen, or any other number of benefits to their army, but honestly if all they do is enable reinforcement, I think that would be great. It would make it so that you can still have all the armies, and scouting parties you want, but only a small core of your armies could support each other in direct engagements.

  • I wish we got spoils of war from winning battles. Getting some gold to represent looting the enemy for valuables and what not would be extremely appropriate, especially for ancient to early modern warfare. Winning large evenly matched battles or battles where the odds are against you could also award some influence too, giving a  little more incentive for going to war (though that could even be a special ability of Expansionist and/or Militarist cultures, who aren’t in a great spot right now).

  • That the attacker can activate all their units first, especially once ranged combat almost entirely replaces melee combat, is such a one-sided advantage. While I think the attacker acting first is fine, I feel like some more back and forth could be established. For instance, units could have a speed rating from 1 (Fast), to 2 (Regular), to 3 (Slow). So, when someone attacks, their Fast units, such as Scouts, Cavalry, Stealth units (and select others) act first, then the defender’s Fast units act and if the attacker has no fast units, then the defender’s Fast units act first. Then Regular units act next, such as most Ranged and Melee infantry and Heavy Cavalry, then Slow units such as Elephants, Siege Weapons, and Heavy Weapons take their turns. This would also help give a role in combat to somewhat weaker units, so that they have a chance to soften up a slower force and jockey for flanking positions before the stronger     units move in for the heavy engagement. I bring this up, because while the introduction of more unit classes and the fact that cavalry can’t climb walls means there is some incentive to not just only build the highest CS unit available to you, it hasn't completely fixed that being often the best option.

  • My one issue with zones of control right now (this applies in battle and on the world map) is that a unit’s zone of control extends to hexes that they can’t attack, such as a unit of Warriors maintaining their zone of control over cliffs. It doesn't feel very intuitive.
Updated 4 years ago.
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4 years ago
May 5, 2021, 12:43:30 AM


2. 1 It's true that some units do get replaced too quickly, I think spearmen should be better than warriors since they cost copper but they're too good for their cost.I'd have warriors cost a bit less production, give spearmen 19 CS instead of 20 and lower their anti-cavalry bonus to +3. Swordsmen are only +8 CS compared to the last era upgrade (warrior), not that bad of a jump compared to other units, maybe it'd be a good idea lowering them to 24. Remember they cost more production and need iron to build.

2. 2 I'm fine with there not being a classical era archer upgrade since they're still strong even into the classical age, spearmen are another story but their combat difference isn't so bad they're completely outclassed. I think as a compromise swordsmen should be fairly more expensive to build, not so much that you're better off fielding spearmen even when you unlock swordsmen, but enough so that those without access to iron at least have a fighting chance.

(This is where your numbering gets odd so please forgive me)

2.3 Yeah as time goes on I'm starting to notice that is the case. The second the medieval hits eras become wider and wider gaps. I don't like it either and think eras after the classical need their CS rate lowered. Great swordsmen are 10CS higher compared to swordsmen, and halberds were 10CS compared to pikemen, meanwhile compare the 4CS difference between chariots and horsemen, or 8CS difference between warriors and swordsmen. Of course emblematic units need to be changed to fit all these changes and I hope they do just that.

2.4 I'm largely okay with gunner on crossbows or arquebusiers, your suggestion would be good since they are generic units and thus could receive a second trait meaning they need line of sight. Personally I'd be okay with just lowering their CS, crossbows especially, I beat the entire medieval era using nothing but them.

2.5 the issue with siege is defender ai and sieges not providing enough fortifications to deter assaults on the first turn. You can chop down trees while sieging to instantly build all siege weapons (which is OP). I think siege weapons should be created faster, defenders should die quicker, ai should defend better by not running their troops out, and fortifications should be more protective. Also I'd reign in the bonus for chopping, lower the time it takes to perform to 3 or 2 turns, but only have it fill up one siege bar instead of all of them.

2.6 Retreating sucks because the AI tends to spread out their units into hundreds of different armies, and these armies ignore terrain penalties when they retreat. Addressing both of these issues would make retreating much less annoying, as well as not removing all army movement in the area addition to the one you wanted to attack with.

2.7 Would be great if pressing retreat allowed you to chose exactly where to move your army in their movement range, it would be as simple as regularly moving. A+ to that idea.

2.8 That's called having your troops run away while the timer runs out. I prefer this over having a dedicated retreat button in combat, it's more accurate having to order your troops to move back and wait for the battle is over.

2.9 Bringing back generals would be cool for other reasons but I don't want to introduce a strict army cap. I'd rather have reinforcements be unable to act on the turn they arrive so that it's more effective keeping troops in one stack. Everyone should know by now how important one turn can be in humankind.

2.10 I could see it becoming a thing for all expansionist cultures, getting the ability to loot battles, they could certainly use the help but I've been brainstorming other methods of giving them resource bonuses. Also the spanish conquistador has that exact trait and gets money from each battle. Coincidentally spanish are expansionist.

2.11 Disagree with the speed rating idea. Fixing the Attacker/Defender issue is much simpler than that. First is giving defenders more options for putting their soldiers so they can start the fight in a better place. Fixing the damage formula so defense is more useful is the next thing to change since minimum damage attacks still deal so much damage. Finally if all that doesn't work increase the bonus for defending on the first turn to 2 instead of 1 as well.

2.12 Yeah I hope they fix that, really annoying

2.13 The problem with naval units isn't their variety, although one more ship in the medieval era wouldn't hurt, the problem is in the next point you discuss.

2.14 Naval units being unable to interact with much right now is a real problem. The new limit on the amount of harbors cities can have means less chances to raid, on top of raiding being worse. I'd also have ships able to siege cities. (Not immediately though so people can't permanently siege cities in the ancient era. I say make a separate class of ship just for the ancient era that can't siege, then all the rest can). Ships also aren't really that slow, just transports which is the issue, if units could be ferried by dedicated ships and not just the embarking ships that'd solve a lot of issues people have with speed. I do think navigator adds too many turns a ship can stay out on sea, and should be lowered to 4 turns (5 if we include the turn the ship enters open sea). I'm indifferent to ships creating outposts, if units could ride ships then this ability wouldn't be needed.

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4 years ago
May 5, 2021, 1:24:32 AM


My numbering got weird because I copy pasted from a word document, and then tried fixing it in the comments here bt clearly wasn't formatting it very well. As you may have seen, I changed them all to dots between posting my original comment and your reply! 

So, I won't respond to all your points, but I will use your numbering system, haha.

2.1  I agree that as things stand that Spearmen should be better because they cost a resource that Warriors don't. If I were to elaborate further I would also say that I think Spearmen should be unlocked with City Defense and Warriors should unlock with Bronze-Working and require a copper deposit, especially because many Warrior varieties appear to be wielding swords or axes, and spears are by far the simpler technology. It would allow you to get an upgrade in the form of Warriors while still leaving a niche for Spearmen in case the enemy tries to overrun you with chariots or whatnot. While I disagree that +8 isn't a big jump in CS, if Spearmen had a CS of 17, and Warriors a CS of 20 for instance, it would be less of a jump already.

2.4  Your experience does kind of prove my point though! I think lowering their CS could definitely be an option, but at least thematically it also feels weird to me that they'd get Gunner (even ignoring the implications of weapon type in that word for Crossbowmen).

2.5  I never tried the trick with chopping down tree to build siege equipment! Didn't know it worked that well. I agree with all your points though. I only ever had a battering ram or two when I attacked with them because I got sick of waiting, so in that context I would still say that their CS is a bit too low. It's not like they can hurt enemy units anyway, so I don't see the harm in raising their CS to make them more effective against walls. That balance definitely gets tricky with ballista and trebuchet though, as they can easily harm enemy units.

2.9  To be fair, my suggestion doesn't introduce a strict army cap of any kind. To clarify, with my suggestion you can still have a full stack of units without a general, but only an army with a general has the structure and discipline to reinforce other armies on the field. I do think your suggestion could work too though, because it sounds like we can at least both agree that the way things work right now... well, isn't working.

2.10  As far as the Conquistador is concerned, I am aware they have that ability, and I would definitely think it could easily be reworked into such a system to provide bonus gold on a victory.

2.11  It is a little convoluted and would certainly be hard to implement. I still like it, but it definitely has its flaws. I do think that increasing the bonus to defending on the first turn to 2 instead of 1 could be a much more elegant solution. I'd love to see that tested and see if it helps.

(I'll respond to your points on naval combat, but I edited my original points out and moved them to the naval thread. Thought I'd get away with it because I didn't think anyone would read my post before I edited it! haha)

2.13  I don't think there's a problem with variety right now, because there are much bigger issues with naval units that absolutely need to be addressed. If those issues are addressed though, and we're at sea more often, I do think that naval combat is going to be pretty bland in the Ancient-Medieval without a little ship variety.

2.14  I personally would rather see units be able to ride along with other ships too. I think it would be preferable to just plopping off the coast anywhere you want and BAM there's a ship there (yes, you can rationalize it in a number of ways, but I still don't much care for it). I'm curious, for your idea of ships that can siege, would they spawn a unit of Marines on the coast or something? I'm indifferent to them creating outposts, and in fact, the more I think about it, the more I think it's a bad idea, but they definitely need more options than they have now.

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4 years ago
May 5, 2021, 1:56:22 AM

I appreciate that you responded to some of my points, I'm glad that we can agree on multiple things too. You bring up a lot of good points and it was fun responding to them. Anyway I'm just going to touch up on the stuff you responded to me about.

2.1 Honestly that change sounds perfectly fine. I'd have to test it but switching where spearmen and warriors are in the tech tree may lead to a big improvement in how the game flows. My only real issue, and it's not really an issue is that in both the medieval and early modern era the spear unit is unlocked first, so making the spear unit second in the ancient era feels a bit more unique. Uniqueness doesn't always equal good design though so it'd be interesting to test out your idea.

2.4 Yeah my point was never to prove you wrong, crossbows and arquebusiers are really strong, we just have different ideas on how to fix it and I'd be fine with either.

2.9 The issue with making stuff like general only armies capable of reinforcing is that it adds a lot of tedium in managing armies specifically for reinforcing. I don't really have a problem with that but perhaps other players might, seeing generals come back might be good though but I don't think only they should be the only ones allowed reinforcing. Reinforcing also has another issue none of us mentioned yet; seiging a city before the enemy unlocks reinforcements means other units cannot break the siege, so you only have to fight the militia that's inside(unless there happens to be an army on top of it which is unlikely). This makes early rushes supremely strong. I don't really have an answer to this besides always allowing units to reinforce cities even before organized warfare is researched. maybe if we combined our ideas and allowed generals to reinforce cities before reinforcements are researched, maybe that would be the best solution. Keep the turn of inactivity reinforcements get and allow generals to ignore that (or don't if it ends up being too strong) and let generals lead armies to break sieges before reinforcements are researched.

2.10 I've been thinking of a bunch of ways to rework the affinity abilities, Gold on victory is a real possibility but I'm thinking of more unique things, like a FIMS bonus for keeping your territory free of enemies as militarists. Expansionists I already came up with a good list of traits; their current ability but fixed (doesn't reset), the ability to ignore closed borders, half the penalty for going above the city limit, and getting influence every time they produce or upgrade a unit. That last one works because you need units to expand by having them place outposts, and expansionists desperately need an influence bonus. Plus expansionist units are generally pretty good in combat so you'll be making a lot.

2.11 Yeah, the current system is close to being great but it still has those holes, hopefully this fixes them.

2.13 Keeping it simple in the ancient era with 1 ship is fine, then classic introduces another with the transport, which turns regular units into a ship that can, slightly hurt things. Medieval doesn't get anything extra, that's why I think it should be the era that introduces another ship type, maybe a fire ship.

2.14 My idea of ship sieges would be giving ships a 1 range attack that can attack land, currently they have the one range attack but for some reason it can't hit land units. when a boarding party really should be able to. It's mainly to give the ships something to do since they wouldn't be able to take a city unsupported unless it's one of those island ones (which by the way can never be taken if they fill up all their land with districts so giving ships the ability to siege would fix this). Sure they won't be able to take the city by themselves but they can harass the occupants until they're swatted away by other ships or ranged units, encouraging people to build navies. By encouraging people to build navies you get more ship combat in general, works great.

You also mentioned before that your Assyrian raiders couldn't attack an enemy unit in a garrison on the battlefield. Yeah I don't like that cavalry can't do anything about that now.

I've used that tactic against the AI and they tried to use it against me and I think it was a poor decision, same with making the default spear infantry anti-cav bonus as high as they did.

Updated 4 years ago.
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4 years ago
May 5, 2021, 7:24:38 AM

First of all, the combat feels way better that it was in he Lucy, and if damage balance isn't perfect yet it is close to it. But, there are still some problems that I want to talk about.

1) Difficulty: I've played on empire and humankind difficulty and haven't experienced any challenge, even though I'm not that good at warfare (in Civilization6 I struggle at emperor difficulty). In fact the only difference I've noticed on the last difficulty is +2 might modifier instead of +1.

2) Battles are too fast: In two playthroughs I could count only few battles that lasted for more than one turn and in those cases I was just finishing my enemy instead of actually fighting. However I don't think it is ruining fun, fast sieges on he other hand is. In my second playthrough(Humankind difficulty) I decided to wage wars my entire game from ancient to industrial era, and I had only one siege that lasted for over 1 turn.

3) Siege weapons: Since it is so easy to take a city in one turn - making rams or trebuchets isn't even pointless but it is harmful for your success. Ability to take a city in one turn is so strong because you don't let the enemy to bring reinforcements and if you wait for siege weapons to be made you will only loose your advantage.

4) Wars are too fast: As a conclusion from second point I can say that it isn't rare when a result of the war is decided in the first turn and you just have to wait for 4 more turns just to be able to send peace proposal. And it is true for both early game (because enemy has 1-2 cities) and late game (because enemy falls behind you in technology so much).

5) I'm not sure if this is a bug or a feature, but when enemy looses the war they tend to convert every pop into units as a result you can get a city with just one pop in turn 120+.

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4 years ago
May 5, 2021, 12:45:41 PM

@Monger I really like the suggestion that armies require a General in order to reinforce.  That should help mitigate the weakened value of army slots given how reinforcements now work.  This could be a feasible change, work-load wise pre launch, as the code for Generals no doubt still exists in the game.  All that might be required would be to add a new check to the existing check for whether the reinforcing tech is known - if an army has a General, then it can reinforce, otherwise, it gets locked out of the battle just as it would be before the reinforcing tech is researched.

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4 years ago
May 5, 2021, 5:23:03 PM

@TravlingCanuck Yah, thinking that the codes for generals are still in there made me think this would be pretty doable.

That said, I think @Laliloluhla brings up some valid concerns with how this would be implemented, especially concerning reinforcing a besieged city, which issomething that I hadn't really thought of before. Though I think your suggestions might help patch up some of the holes in my idea.

I also understand that a lot of my ideas and preferences might be just that, my preferences, and might not be things that other players want to deal with. So some of this is not stuff I expect to be implemented, but are definitely things I would toy around with in mods. Of course, it's also very easy to sit around and theory-craft all day long, but until the game is finished and we're able to make mods to try out any of our ideas not implemented by Amplitude, it is really hard to gauge how they will affect the game.

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4 years ago
May 6, 2021, 9:40:01 PM

The new damage formula feels better

One thing that annoyed me is that you lsoe movement after interacting with an other army

It make sens afte a battle but is very annoying when the ennemy retreat, especially when your 4 units army attacks the neighbouring 1 unit that retreat and you lose the whole turn

I think it would be better that you only lose movement after a battle, not if the ennemy retreat

Also Im" not sure it is a problem but I was surprised to see attacking in itslef doesnt take movement, you can still engage a neighbourign army with 0 movement

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4 years ago
May 7, 2021, 6:17:49 PM
MasterPaw wrote:

The new damage formula feels better

One thing that annoyed me is that you lsoe movement after interacting with an other army

It make sens afte a battle but is very annoying when the ennemy retreat, especially when your 4 units army attacks the neighbouring 1 unit that retreat and you lose the whole turn

I think it would be better that you only lose movement after a battle, not if the ennemy retreat

Also Im" not sure it is a problem but I was surprised to see attacking in itslef doesnt take movement, you can still engage a neighbourign army with 0 movement

Yes I agree it was annoying to loose movement points after retreat of inferior enemy forces but I also see this is better then the alternatives:

1. The current war support system penalizes heavily if an army retreats - a war can be won by constantly retreating forces alone

2. If armies would not loose all movement point this systme could be gamed easily and wars won within a couple of rounds by attacking each small army several times per round

3. Armies and units seem in general to be configured to loose movement after attacking (except for a special unit I think) - if units could move after participating in battle that would lead to inconsistency between strategic and tactical layer

I like the idea that retreat comes with a penalty but it also kinda forces attackers to loose their initiative afterwards

Maybe if the penalty would be dependant on the size of the retreating army? If retreatign a small unit would come at a low penalty, initiative for the attacker migth be preserved and it would be an issue if attacker can intiaite serveral times per turn?

Updated 4 years ago.
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4 years ago
May 7, 2021, 6:59:39 PM

They could easily allow movement points to be affected by terrain during retreats.

More importantly I want to be able to chose where to retreat to. Bring up the movement menu after I chose "retreat", let me click exactly where I want my retreating army to go as if it was any other movement command.

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4 years ago
May 9, 2021, 3:51:57 PM

Something that I have noticed is that the strength-preview for a fight does not consider the health of the units. I think the health should be considered in this calculation as well, because otherwise an army of almost strong dead units would appear significantly stronger than they are. That terrain is not considered in this calculation makes sense, because that depends on the overall combat strategy of the player, but health won't go up during a fight no matter what a player does. So I think it should be considered.

Maybe a multiplication of the health with the combat strength would be the most appropriate solution here. A unit with 50% health is able to fight for about 50% oft the time of a full heath unit, so that kind of calculation would at least be better than the current system

I also believe that this is inevitably making the AI dumber at fighting because the AI seems to only look at those numbers. So they often attack with very low-health units. If the strength calculation is not fixed, then at least the AI should consider health before making a decision to fight.

Updated 4 years ago.
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4 years ago
May 10, 2021, 10:25:28 PM

Just want to say I also do like the new damage charts too. Muct better than Lucy build where high strength units can overwhelm weaker units with ease resulting in one side massacre.

Having said that, I do wish the maximum damage done by weaker units could be slightly smaller or tighter in range like only about 5-20% rather than 5-25% against significantly higher strength units. But otherwise, they are still fine overall.

Add Disband and Instant Heal option to Group UI

This is what I really wish to see for easier management of units or quality of life improvement. It is tedious going to each individual unit in a stack and select instant heal them with money one by one. Same applies to disbanding each unit too.

The other thing I would like to being able to select 2+ units in a stack for transfering to another hex/stack. I do not really like how we also have to all these individually sometimes.

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4 years ago
May 11, 2021, 1:32:13 AM

The AI is good at making units but might need adjusting a bit. It's one thing to field a huge army at war. But it seems like their economy must be going down to nothing. You can check the post-game graphs and there seems to be a bit of an indication that they never disband units to re-integrate civilians into their cities. 

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4 years ago
May 11, 2021, 6:00:11 PM

I experienced some issues with battles stretching over several turns:

- When you are in the situation of Blücher arriving late on the battlefield of Waterloo, you currently cannot join the battle. Depending on what is programmable, it would be great either to join the battle opposing your ally and your enemy or to lend your army to your ally to reinforce it against your ennemy.

- When you were involved in a fight and your opponent yield to your allies and become their vassal, the fight does not stop. It continues but you only can attack with distance weapons. These are 2 consecutive bugs. Ideally the fight should stop by a defeat of the new vassal.

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