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Feedback: Religion

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4 years ago
May 21, 2021, 10:32:31 AM
Our government needs to protect
and support our irreligious citizens.
Secularism (Individuality) - Your culture has 0 faith. 

State religion becomes: "Irreligious".
Refunded civics: Founding Myth. Religious Tolerance. Sermons and Services (Religious Rites). Scientific Facts. 

The functions of government are separate from religious institutions. Your civilization does not cause or have religious Grievances.
Holy sites under the effect of tourism may grant influence and currency bonuses.

State Atheism (Collectivism)

We oppose religious institutional power in all aspects of public and political life.

-75% foreign religion strength bonus. -->> Conversion rates are decreased

State religion becomes: "Atheism". Holy sites only grant additional influence bonuses not faith.
Followers of your previous state religion convert to Atheism within your borders - followers of Atheism produce faith.

Atheism follower's faith production is based on stability. Exact numbers under review.
All other religious Civic decisions are revoked and the invested Civics points are reimbursed.

Updated 4 years ago.
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4 years ago
May 21, 2021, 1:00:50 PM

If you're going to keep the Tenet system as it with only tweaks these are my suggestions. Note that each Tenet now has an associated social value. I think you're missing an opportunity here for some Tenets that are largely flavored and rather than having any huge game impact might grant your population unique terrain bonuses - for example. Wine is part of the sabbath. Certain areas of the map would be obviously more suited to making wine and you could gain a minor faith bonus and stability bonus in those regions. It could also become a point for agreement or descension between factions. Dogs vs Cats. Alcohol vs Sobriety. Polyamories vs Monotamies... er Stabilities... 

But if it's just gamification we're after. I think to respect the importance of a tenet the following should occur - when you choose a tenet the opposing value's maximum is decreased by a value = to the Tier. I don't insist on this but it might be something I add in as a mod to represent the societies preference for an ideology to the possible exclusion of an ideology.

Tier 1 - Ascending out of the Neolithic with enough followers is a special case here - the requirement is 3 stars earned.) 

C   Purge Idleness                   +10 food (capital) OR  -1% food on City Center & + 1% food on territories with a holy site. Remember I suggest far fewer holy sites (2 + wonders).

A   Abstain From Intoxicants    +10 industry (capital) OR  -1% industry on City Center & + 1% industry on territories with a holy site. Remember I suggest far fewer holy sites (2 + wonders).

P   Seek Wisdom                     +10 science (capital) OR  -1% science on City Center & + 1% science on territories with a holy site. Remember I suggest far fewer holy sites (2 + wonders).

I   Tithe The Wealthy              +10 gold (capital) OR  -1% gold on City Center & + 1% gold on territories with a holy site. Remember I suggest far fewer holy sites (2 + wonders).
T   Raise Monuments              +15 stability (per wonder on capital)

L   Bear Not False Witness     +5 stability (per territory on capital) OR  +20 stability on a city with a holy site. Remember I suggest far fewer holy sites (2 + wonders). 

Tier 2 - Ascending out of the Ancient Era with enough followers (or when you have enough) allows you to choose.

C __ Reject Luxury                     +1 industry (per industry infrastructure on city center) & decreases the initial cost on the repeatable actions. 

P __ Seek Wisdom                     +1 science (per science infrastructure on city center) & increase the effect of the Science repeatable.

L __ Give Alms                           +1 money (per money infrastructure on city center) & increase the effect of the Money repeatable.

 I __ Observe Fasts                    +1 food (per food infrastructure on city center) & increase the effect of the Food (Feast?) repeatable .
T __ Patronage of Strength +100 stability (per Vassal or if you are a Vassal)
A __ Scheduled Meditation        +1 stability (per stability infrastructure on city center) & increase the effect of the Stability (Parade?) repeatable.

Tier 3 - Ascending out of the Classic Era with enough followers (or when you have enough) allows you to choose. 

I   Eschew Gluttony                    +5 money (territories)

L   Be in Harmony with Nature    +5 science (territories)

A   Steal Not                                +8 stability (territories)

C   Smite Unbelievers                  +3 influence (territories)
T   Theocratic Practices              +1 stability (infrastructure)

P   Moralistic Sympathies            +5 food (territories)

Tier 4 - Ascending out of the Medieval Era with enough followers (or when you have enough) allows you to choose on of the following.

W   Beware False Prophets    +100% turns before territories under your religion’s influence are converted by another ideology. 

H    Proselytize Daily    -50% turns before you can convert a territory that’s under a foreign religion’s ideology.

Tier 5 - Ascending out of the Early Modern Era

C -10% production cost on maker quarter   
L -10% production cost on farmer quarter  
I -10% production cost on market quarter   
P -10% production cost on science quarter   
T -10% production cost on common quarter   
A -25% production cost on harbors quarter   

Tier 6 - Ascending out of the Industrial Era

C +5% per / vassal or alliance - industry
L +5% per / vassal or alliance - food
I +5% per / vassal or alliance - money
P +5% per / vassal or alliance - science
T +10% stability per / vassal or enemy nation at war
A +3% influence per / enemy nation at war 

Updated 4 years ago.
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4 years ago
May 27, 2021, 1:02:33 PM

I feel that we should be allowed to choose the founding tenet of our religion from more options that is my problem because it should be about how you want your culture to develop.

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