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Reinforcing an army resets the ransack

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4 years ago
Apr 25, 2021, 8:18:03 PM


I spent several turns ransacking an outpost with a scout (3 or 4 out of 7). I reinforced it with a Promachoi (Mycenean unique unit), and it reset the ransacking to 7 turns.All the ransack realized by the scout alone was lost.

Steps to reproduce

  • Start a multiple-turn ransack with a unit
  • Add another unit to the ransack after several turns
Not checked for the moment

Expected behavior
The ransack should continue, and the progress should be conserved. It may even be accelerated by the addition of the new unit, not sure about it, I'm still not familiar with the mechanics
Updated 4 years ago.
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4 years ago
Apr 27, 2021, 2:07:11 AM

I had it worse. I had 1 unit ransacking and saw an enemy with a small stack coming to dislodge me. So I sent another army to attack it and won. But my army that was ransacking ran away like it was retreating.

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