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Construction list viewport sometimes gets shorter

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4 years ago
Apr 29, 2021, 7:46:54 PM

Not sure how to reproduce. Sometimes I can only see 1 row in construction menu.

Expected, displays 3 row with headers:


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4 years ago
Apr 29, 2021, 7:56:34 PM

I have had this occur in my games as well, but I'm not sure what the cause is.

The shortened build list is what is used for outposts, but at times it seems to transfer to full cities. 

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4 years ago
Apr 29, 2021, 7:57:08 PM

Sometimes the viewport can only display 1 row (because buff and construction queue):

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4 years ago
Apr 29, 2021, 8:45:42 PM

It happens when you select a city that you are ocuppying. The tab shows the completed infraestructures. And when you select a city you own, then it gets shortened like that.

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