Hello, I present you fun with bugs! In today's episode:

I win the war agains Brown, I make them my vassal, no other strings attached. And this happens. Diplomacy options completely break. I try to cancel that by giving them freedom, but that buttom does nothing. I have two other empires as vassals and they work fine. The Brown empire's icon shows they are vassal, but the vassal dot does not show my Blue color, instead it is Red. I can use my Expansionist ability on Brown, attack their armies. And when I accidentaly start the siege against Brown (yeah that happens...), it gets really wonky:

1) my knight can not attack other units, as apparently they turned into Naval transport - I have to board them into ocean tile and on the land again to start working normaly

2) same knight tries to circle around their city, displays it's pathway... but during he move, it reveals there is more city tiles in the fog of war, and my knight teleports inside the city walls!

When these thing happen in sequence, my game freezes and I have to shut it down.

Another bug - which I forgot to screenshot - was following. I lost city to enemy, I reconquered it back next turn. It shows Victorious status, nothing else, but I cannot build any district besides Commons or Garrison and tooltip say the city is Mutinious. Now, I know this is how Mutinious works... but this time, I can build Wonders and Holy Sites and also ALL infrastructures, not only the the stability ones! And best of all, even after 10 turns and Stability 100 % all the time, it is still like that. It was Akkad, btw. Never trust these Akkadians.

Last bug, one I kinda created on purpose was - go all cities into Science Mode in Medieval with Umayyads, next turn pick Spain and get to Early Modern. Now, all the cities are unnable to produce anything as they apparently stayed in Science Mode. This one resolves in next turn, when they start to behave normal. If this is intended behaviour, I do not know, but it is surely unintuitive.

Temporary Files.rar

Cheers, I'll be back with more feedback soon!