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Game settings and avatar reset everytime it closes

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4 years ago
Aug 19, 2021, 9:38:36 PM

I've pretty much memorised every bit of making my avatar since I've had to remake her everytime I load up the game. It's also reseting all my hotkeys and audio settings which means i'm pretty much deafened everytime I load up the game. I have to spen 3o minutes setting everything back up again.

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4 years ago
Sep 11, 2021, 11:33:14 PM

I have this same issue, I'm really disappointed to see the number of posts about this with no resolution in close to a month. I guess I'm glad I didn't pay $60 for this mess (games pass), otherwise I'd be looking to return this game till they can actually get a simple thing like game settings figured out. 

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3 years ago
Feb 23, 2022, 10:15:55 PM

Same problem. With the last update, my avatar reset with a default one every time I close the game and I need to create a new one.

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