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Feedback: User Interface and User Experience

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4 years ago
Jun 10, 2021, 1:12:52 PM

Hey everyone!

Please use this thread to share all your feedback about the user interface and user experience. We've made various improvements since Victor, and would like to know what you think.

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4 years ago
Jun 14, 2021, 4:55:06 AM

Clicking on the the active ability of the Expansionist affinity ("Under One Banner") reveals the locations of administrative centers of others cultures, deep in the fog of war on the map, that I have no vision of and have never met. See screenshot.

2021-06-14 07_50_28-Humankind.jpg

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4 years ago
Jun 14, 2021, 4:36:21 PM

UX for GPU: my first impression (and I had it in previous OpenDevs) is that the game is too demanding in resources right now. I have OSD through MSI Afterburner on to watch for resources while playing, and the usage for GPU is very high, much higher than expected and than it should be from my point of view. GPU is above 90% at all times (before turn 100) while on map, and most of the time at 98-99%. GPU RAM is almost maxed out that early in the game.

GPU: EVGA GTX 1660Ti at 2000 MHz, RAM 6 Gb DDR6

CPU: I7 4790 at 3.6 GHz (barely used)

RAM: 16 Gb DDR3 (also high usage, more than any other game I tried, above 10 Gb in early game)

I hope optimization runs are still to come, because as it is now, it is my impression that the game will be a resource hog and that is not good for sales.

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4 years ago
Jun 14, 2021, 6:08:20 PM

I noticed it during the Victor OpenDev as well, but sometimes the combat preview will appear even if I don't start a fight, and it stays visible until I've reloaded the game.

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4 years ago
Jun 14, 2021, 6:41:10 PM
Have the devs played the game called Old World?

It's another civ clone by civ 4 lead dev and it had 2 simple but beautiful features: replay AI turn and cancel previous action hotkey. At any time during your turn you could press the relay button to see the last turn's AI movements. And the hotkey would cancel any previous action commited by you, whether it was clicking event or moving an army. You could press it several times to cancel further actions.

Both would come in handy in humankind
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4 years ago
Jun 14, 2021, 7:03:58 PM

The game has a lot of text boxes that pop into existence blocking your view of whatever it is you're trying to see. It would be nice to be able to defer some of them and turn others off entirely. Examples include: 

The very large drop-down combat preview box that appears during battles. It obscures so much of battle scene that I have to shift my screen view to see what's going on. Meanwhile, I don't need the information it contains, as it will not influence my move in any way. It would be nice if players who don't want this box could turn it off.

The pop-ups that appear in the middle of the screen at the beginning of a turn (boxes to do with wonders and techs). These obscure the middle of the screen and require dismissal. Clicking through them at the beginning of a turn when I'm trying to maneuver my troops to be first into battle is annoying. It would be nice to defer these to the end of the turn. Alternatively, the completion of a wonder could be announced by a musical notification instead of a popup, and the science tech completion box made optional; after all, I'm going to be prompted to select a new tech, so I don't really need to be informed that I just completed one. If I have more than one queued, I know that, and I can keep track of the progress myself.

The pop-ups telling me an AI has changed their feelings towards me. These are not helpful, as the AIs are constantly changing their opinions, and there's not much I can or want to do about that. They make it so useful pop-ups are lost in the mix (like ones that tell me I'm being pillaged).

Pop-ups that appear over other pop-ups and can't be dismissed like the ones that show up on top of the little popups that say how much food/production a tile has when placing an outpost on the site of a previously pillaged outpost.

Basically, it would be nice to have a little more control over all the text boxes.

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4 years ago
Jun 14, 2021, 7:56:15 PM

I was unable to actually play.  Upon starting the game the map just kept scrolling to the right.  By moving my mouse all the way to the left the scrolling would just stop in the middle of the fog of war.  By clicking on the turn button it would center on the unit selected but immediately scroll the map to the right.  After several times of this and trying adjusting settings, it kept doing it and the only way I could move the unit was to hold mouse to left and hold left arrow key moved me back to left and by holding the left arrow key it would stay in place and able to use mouse...but then quit after 2 turns because not playing a whole game having to hold the left mouse button.  I have no sticky keys as this is a new keyboard and I have no issue on any other game like this.

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4 years ago
Jun 14, 2021, 8:31:02 PM

Is there a way to see the province names somehow? I am getting notification that refer to names I can not find on the map..

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4 years ago
Jun 14, 2021, 9:48:34 PM
AOM wrote:

The pop-ups telling me an AI has changed their feelings towards me. These are not helpful, as the AIs are constantly changing their opinions, and there's not much I can or want to do about that. They make it so useful pop-ups are lost in the mix (like ones that tell me I'm being pillaged).

Yes, exactly! It would be nice if the pop-up told you the new opinion, so you didn't need to open the diplomacy screen. Instead of "The Mauryans feel differently", just say "The Mauryans feel friendly".

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4 years ago
Jun 14, 2021, 10:38:14 PM
workswithdragons wrote:
AOM wrote:

The pop-ups telling me an AI has changed their feelings towards me. These are not helpful, as the AIs are constantly changing their opinions, and there's not much I can or want to do about that. They make it so useful pop-ups are lost in the mix (like ones that tell me I'm being pillaged).

Yes, exactly! It would be nice if the pop-up told you the new opinion, so you didn't need to open the diplomacy screen. Instead of "The Mauryans feel differently", just say "The Mauryans feel friendly".


I just had 3 opinion changes in one turn - much clicking only to realize that all of my neibours hate me.

As QoL I would be more than happy if hovering over diplomacy button You can see the name of an empire, something like this:

For me it is hard to remember all of the cultures and when they enter next era I lose track who is who and when I need to talk with for ex. Celts I just click one after another until i find this one specific civ.

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4 years ago
Jun 14, 2021, 10:45:17 PM
Jarke wrote:

As QoL I would be more than happy if hovering over diplomacy button You can see the name of an empire, something like this:

For me it is hard to remember all of the cultures and when they enter next era I lose track who is who and when I need to talk with for ex. Celts I just click one after another until i find this one specific civ.


Having the different avatar names and appearance, plus the different empire colors and icons helps, but I still struggle with remembering who is connected with which culture. It would also be nice if we could have a cultural history we could look at somewhere in case we missed the notification and we're looking for the Babylonians but they're the Greeks now.

Plus, there's so much variation in whether a player/AI is referred to as Empire 1, the avatar name or the culture (same with city name vs territory name) and it causes some confusion. I can generally understand why the different names are used, but it would still be nice to have a place where you can find all the info to see how it connects.

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4 years ago
Jun 14, 2021, 11:05:51 PM

One thing which really feels missing is a part of the tooltip which displays the 'actual' yields of a given infrastructure.

For example: If an infrastructure gives +1 industry for each woodland and forest tile I'm exploiting (for industry), it should calculate and display the total increase in yields I will get if I build that infrastructure (based on the current city exploitation).

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4 years ago
Jun 15, 2021, 12:55:24 AM

I feel like a tooltip for food is missing. as i lose a population only to gain it back a turn later. then i lose it again like two turns later. I think a tooltip providing some more information on food would be helpful. Also at the end of turn 149 the game freezes. something is stopping the turn from completing and advancing to turn 150. I don't know what is holding it up but I was having fun up till that point. 

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4 years ago
Jun 15, 2021, 2:07:29 AM

Please make it so that when you zoom out, the WASD keys move the map faster. Click/drag is really bad for my RSI. Zoom out/WASD doesn't trigger it, but it's really slow. As slow as if I were zoomed in.

Also, it seems that AD move the map faster than WS.

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4 years ago
Jun 15, 2021, 2:16:35 AM
Aristos wrote:

UX for GPU: my first impression (and I had it in previous OpenDevs) is that the game is too demanding in resources right now. I have OSD through MSI Afterburner on to watch for resources while playing, and the usage for GPU is very high, much higher than expected and than it should be from my point of view. GPU is above 90% at all times (before turn 100) while on map, and most of the time at 98-99%. GPU RAM is almost maxed out that early in the game.

GPU: EVGA GTX 1660Ti at 2000 MHz, RAM 6 Gb DDR6

CPU: I7 4790 at 3.6 GHz (barely used)

RAM: 16 Gb DDR3 (also high usage, more than any other game I tried, above 10 Gb in early game)

I hope optimization runs are still to come, because as it is now, it is my impression that the game will be a resource hog and that is not good for sales.

+1. It's a pretty game, too bad no one can run it :P Imbalance can be tolerated with balance patches, but performance issues is a big deal breaker.

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4 years ago
Jun 15, 2021, 2:54:12 AM

I would absolutely love a fast movement option for units. There is a slider for Battle Speed already.

I felt the units moved at a snails pace, sometimes stopping you from ending turn and taking other actions until they had finished crawling 6 tiles.

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4 years ago
Jun 15, 2021, 2:56:20 AM
Aloriel wrote:

Please make it so that when you zoom out, the WASD keys move the map faster. Click/drag is really bad for my RSI. Zoom out/WASD doesn't trigger it, but it's really slow. As slow as if I were zoomed in.

Also, it seems that AD move the map faster than WS.

Some scroll speed/options would be amazing.

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4 years ago
Jun 15, 2021, 5:16:12 AM

Every time I quit the game I get the: Humankind - Closed Beta Early Finish questionnaire 

I've just started closing this without answering.

Meanwhile, I finished a game through the Industrial era and I did not receive any questionnaire to fill out about my finished game. 

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4 years ago
Jun 15, 2021, 5:25:56 AM
AOM wrote:
The pop-ups telling me an AI has changed their feelings towards me. These are not helpful, as the AIs are constantly changing their opinions, and there's not much I can or want to do about that. They make it so useful pop-ups are lost in the mix (like ones that tell me I'm being pillaged).

Jarke wrote:

As QoL I would be more than happy if hovering over diplomacy button You can see the name of an empire, something like this:

For me it is hard to remember all of the cultures and when they enter next era I lose track who is who and when I need to talk with for ex. Celts I just click one after another until i find this one specific civ.

I was just about to make a post about exactly this. Its difficult to remember what culture is what as they as 6 opponents are changing often. I would like the pop up to change in one of two ways:

1. When it say for example, "The Celts have reached the Medieval Era with the English" it could have both words Celts and English in the color the empire is using.

2. It could reference the actual Avatar name. "Vlad, of the English has reached the Medieval Era". Both the word Vlad, and English could be in his empire color as well.

Updated 4 years ago.
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