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logo amplifiers simplified


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4 years ago
Jun 21, 2021, 11:04:31 PM

I hope that in the final release there are two stages to movement: Designate path, then execute path.

Currently, when I right click to direct a unit to move, it ambulates in very unpredictable directions due partly to terrain features.

It is a little annoying to click to have a unit move to the hex next to it and instead have the unit move in the opposite direction.

If a single right click would show the path that the unit is going to take (before it actually moves) that would be great.


Updated 4 years ago.
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4 years ago
Jun 22, 2021, 11:06:34 AM

Double click would be a click tax for a lot of players. What you actually want to accomplish is already in the game, just a bit differently:

If you have a unit selected, hold down the right mouse button. You will get exactly the movement preview that you are asking for. If you think the path is fine, let the button go on the target tile. If not, hover over the unit (or an impassable terrain tile) und let the button go then. Hope that helps.

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4 years ago
Jun 22, 2021, 11:44:38 AM

There is actually a button to use the move cursor, right next to the movement point counter.

In this cursor you will always see the path taken by the army.

On the "normal" cursor you can maintain your right click to see the path and cancel by releasing the button on your position.

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4 years ago
Jun 22, 2021, 8:27:34 PM

I don't like how the movement in the map is simultaneous, i makes for some really annoying moments. You can get cought by the AI easily because they have lightning speed command over their units and also can make the player make a ton of mistakes thinking a unit is on a tile yet the AI decides to move as you are moving your troops in. Basically as the player the move is to wait for the AI to make its moves and then make your own but at that point it might aswell be turn based movement so... maybe make it turn based please?

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