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Review/Release bug list

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3 years ago
Aug 17, 2021, 2:31:28 PM

Since there is no day 1 patch, figured I should report about the bugs I encountered playing the game for the past week.


Review branch, Release branch

1. Two broken save files. One after 249 turn, other after 307 turn. The game doesn't transition into the new turn (still present after patch)

Soviets Turn 249.ctraus turn 307.ctr

2. Expansionists' ability doesn't work. I take an army, press the button to use the ability and nothing happens. Sometimes it says "incorrect tile", but mostly doesn't say anything.

3. After 300 turns the stability in the city shows 100=>0 but doesn't change at all. It's stuck there (latest patch seemed to have fixed it)

4. Some AI always gains reputation with ALL minor factions. It happened every game. THe moment I discover the faction someone starts establishing the relationships with them very fast. I had "Shared maps" with that AI one game and his vision covered his actual continent and then every single minor nation in the game. (didn't get fixed with the patch)

5. I couldn't figure airports and train stations. How do they even work? I tried putting army on that tile, I tried building stations at the same continent, I have 0 ideas of how it's supposed to work and why doesn't it work. (still present after patch)

6. After finishing the game and choosing to continue playing, all my active armies disappeared and became invisible. They were fully useful but I couldn't see them on the map. The Australian save has this issue. (patch fixed the issue)

7. Camera in "nuking" cut scene behaves weirdly (still does after patch)

8. Don't know if the bug or feature, but open sea curiosities sometimes just disappear after changing turn.

9. In australian save I encountered a bug where some of my resources just disappeared. It shows as if I have N Iron from several places (2 in 1 city, one in the other and getting one from trading) but the UI showed I only had 2 iron and I couldn't upgrade tanks. (still present after patch)

10. At some point of the game I lost access to "Siege weapons" It's present in both saves I included. I do not know during which era or which science upgrade it happened, but around modern era I saw that I couldn't build any siege weapons, it says I have not learned proper tech

Updated 3 years ago.
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