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[PC Gamepass/Windows Store] "You were forcibly disconnected from the game" on join/create MP lobby

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3 years ago
Aug 17, 2021, 6:18:06 PM

19:10:22:356 NoneSTACK Starting new session of type 'Amplitude.Mercury.Session.Session'...

19:10:22:360 NoneSTACK Metadata 'GameOption_StartingEra' already has a policy registered; ignoring...

19:10:22:360 NoneSTACK Session of type 'Amplitude.Mercury.Session.Session' has been started.

19:10:22:364 NoneSTACK Opening the session, hosting an online game (lobbyType: Public)...

19:10:23:196 NoneSTACK Member 0x0000000000000001: Added.

19:10:23:197 NoneSTACK Session has been opened.

19:10:23:197 NoneSTACK Using (online) local network identifier: 0x0000000000000001.

19:10:23:204 NoneSTACK Chat encoding (protocol: 'login'): invalid argument (index: #0, value: '') that should be a non-null and non-empty string.

19:10:23:207 NoneSTACK Metadata 'rmc0' has no policy registered; assuming None.

19:10:23:207 NoneSTACK Metadata 'rmc0' has no policy registered; assuming None.

19:10:23:219 NoneSTACK Metadata 'IsEditingScenario' has no policy registered; assuming None.

19:10:23:219 NoneSTACK Metadata 'IsEditingScenario' has no policy registered; assuming None.

19:10:23:456 NoneSTACK Release ComputeBuffer

19:10:23:474 NoneSTACK Chat encoding (protocol: 'login'): invalid argument (index: #0, value: '') that should be a non-null and non-empty string.

19:10:23:475 NoneSTACK Chat encoding (protocol: 'login'): invalid argument (index: #0, value: '') that should be a non-null and non-empty string.

19:10:23:476 NoneSTACK Session slot patch revision is behind local slot revision (1 <= 4)

19:10:23:476 NoneSTACK Session slot patch revision is behind local slot revision (1 <= 3)

19:10:23:476 NoneSTACK Session slot patch revision is behind local slot revision (1 <= 3)

19:10:23:476 NoneSTACK Session slot patch revision is behind local slot revision (1 <= 3)

19:10:23:476 NoneSTACK Session slot patch revision is behind local slot revision (1 <= 3)

19:10:23:476 NoneSTACK Session slot patch revision is behind local slot revision (1 <= 3)

19:10:23:476 NoneSTACK Session slot patch revision is behind local slot revision (2 <= 4)

19:10:23:476 NoneSTACK Session slot patch revision is behind local slot revision (2 <= 3)

19:10:23:477 NoneSTACK Session slot patch revision is behind local slot revision (2 <= 3)

19:10:23:477 NoneSTACK Session slot patch revision is behind local slot revision (2 <= 3)

19:10:23:477 NoneSTACK Session slot patch revision is behind local slot revision (2 <= 3)

19:10:23:477 NoneSTACK Session slot patch revision is behind local slot revision (2 <= 3)

19:10:23:477 NoneSTACK Session slot patch revision is behind local slot revision (3 <= 4)

19:10:23:510 NoneSTACK Session slot patch revision is behind local slot revision (4 <= 4)

19:10:23:510 NoneSTACK Session slot patch revision is behind local slot revision (3 <= 3)

19:10:23:510 NoneSTACK Session slot patch revision is behind local slot revision (3 <= 3)

19:10:23:510 NoneSTACK Session slot patch revision is behind local slot revision (3 <= 3)

19:10:23:510 NoneSTACK Session slot patch revision is behind local slot revision (3 <= 3)

19:10:23:510 NoneSTACK Session slot patch revision is behind local slot revision (3 <= 3)

19:10:23:511 NoneSTACK [Localization] Unknown key '%MemberKickReasonTitle+MismatchingChatEncoding'

19:10:23:511  NoneSTACK [Localization] Unknown key '%MemberKickReasonDescription+MismatchingChatEncoding'

19:10:23:514 NoneSTACK Local member (user identifier: 0x0009000003c6a2c7, network identifier: 0x0000000000000001) was kicked out of the lobby; leaving now...

19:10:23:528 NoneSTACK Shutting down session of type 'Amplitude.Mercury.Session.Session'...

19:10:24:014 NoneSTACK Session of type 'Amplitude.Mercury.Session.Session' has been shutdown.  

This section of the diagnostics log/file thing seems relevant?

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3 years ago
Aug 17, 2021, 6:32:27 PM
clofue wrote:

I managed to host a multiplayer game by just making a new Microsoft account. It seems like aslong as the game is installed it doesn't check if its getting booted up by an account that has the game pass or not.

Absolute pisstake, I went off and made a new microsoft account and swiped the randomly generated username, logged into it and can make my own MP lobbies fine.  Seems like my main account was just cursed somehow??  Good luck with the fix devs.

Updated 3 years ago.
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3 years ago
Aug 17, 2021, 6:39:02 PM
Ronork wrote:
clofue wrote:

I managed to host a multiplayer game by just making a new Microsoft account. It seems like aslong as the game is installed it doesn't check if its getting booted up by an account that has the game pass or not.

Absolute pisstake, I went off and made a new microsoft account and swiped the randomly generated username, logged into it and can make my own MP lobbies fine.  Seems like my main account was just cursed somehow??  Good luck with the fix devs.

Can confirm this is a temp fix. Main account doesn't work, but a temporary random account does for MP. What's weird is it also bypasses the Game Pass requirement entirely. Must be some sort of authentication issue would be my guess.

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3 years ago
Aug 17, 2021, 6:42:47 PM

For me it worked  when i logged out of my xbox app and then started the game. It logged me in automaticaly when the game started and then i could join and create lobbies just fine.

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3 years ago
Aug 17, 2021, 6:53:31 PM

Confirm, my girlfriend had the same issue, game restart fixed it.

A friend of mine same issue, no fix. maybe only way to play mp atm is tu bypass the issue with another acc.

I have no problems at all, exept the twitch drop suff.

We all use the gamepass version.

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3 years ago
Aug 17, 2021, 7:04:10 PM
Glad to hear it's working for you now! Sadly my friend tried the same steps as you, but to no avail :(
clefairy wrote:Hi guys either this issue just fixed itself for me or I managed to fix it by using the steps here https://www.games2gether.com/amplitude-studios/humankind/forums/168-general/threads/41664-game-crahes-on-launch-important-note-to-opendev-and-beta-players?page=1

Just delete the Humankind folder in documents and skip the tutorial.

Good luck!

Updated 3 years ago.
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3 years ago
Aug 17, 2021, 7:05:34 PM

Same problem, game pass. I thought it was a problem with my pfsense firewall at first, I connected directly to an ISP and it worked. I switched back to the firewall and got this issue again, tried to fix nat/teredo but it didn't help. I've connected directly to an ISP one more time and it is not working anymore. Tried to disable/change the server for the teredo windows client but it didn't help.

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3 years ago
Aug 17, 2021, 7:10:34 PM

Same issue for me :(

Too many suggestions going around. I struggle to believe 90% of them work. 
Shocked that we haven't had an official statement from developers/mods yet.

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3 years ago
Aug 17, 2021, 7:42:19 PM

Same issue, Played in the earlier versions using steam. Now through Xbox. Tried pursing, but no effect as of yet.

Updated 3 years ago.
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3 years ago
Aug 17, 2021, 8:17:10 PM

Same issue, when trying to connect to multiplayer games or create my own.  If I start a new singleplayer game it won't show my username.  I can't find where to sign in and out of games2gether in game either?

Tried restarting, relogging, deleting humankind folder in documents

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3 years ago
Aug 17, 2021, 8:40:18 PM

Same issue. Tried all aforementioned fixes and none of them work. Can also report it does not display my username. Can we get an official response please? 

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3 years ago
Aug 17, 2021, 8:54:14 PM

none of the "fixes" here have resolved my issue..... i see alot of games launching but when trying to create a game or join my friends it forcibly disconnects me from the game

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3 years ago
Aug 17, 2021, 9:02:47 PM

The same issue, I also can't see symbols in-game. Instead of the Science symbol, I see 'ScienceColored" just like in beta. For strategic sources "[Strategic01] 1" etc. How can I know what is that strategic source... I can't even play single player like this. 

I had completely deleted humankind beta back then. And I was playing beta on stream, now the game is on Xbox for PC. I don't think these are beta related issues. I can't see my username ingame that is probably why I can't join MP games.

Already deleted the game completely and downloaded it again. Now downloading to other PC than I used for beta, and will see if I will have the same issues with the same account name. 

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3 years ago
Aug 17, 2021, 9:25:24 PM
Astrotek wrote:

The same issue, I also can't see symbols in-game. Instead of the Science symbol, I see 'ScienceColored" just like in beta. For strategic sources "[Strategic01] 1" etc. How can I know what is that strategic source... I can't even play single player like this. 

I had completely deleted humankind beta back then. And I was playing beta on stream, now the game is on Xbox for PC. I don't think these are beta related issues. I can't see my username ingame that is probably why I can't join MP games.

Already deleted the game completely and downloaded it again. Now downloading to other PC than I used for beta, and will see if I will have the same issues with the same account name. 

I'm interested to know if that works. I can't do the same, sadly, but good luck. Hopefully they'll fix it soon.

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3 years ago
Aug 17, 2021, 9:38:44 PM
my friends can play and they're use gamepass. Me on the other hand i can't (also on gamepass)
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3 years ago
Aug 17, 2021, 9:40:13 PM

Would changing gamertags fix this? My current tag is 5 letters. Maybe that is too short?

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