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[PC/Steam] Emblematic District "Count as..." effect doesn't work properly

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3 years ago
Aug 18, 2021, 7:56:28 AM

Summary / Title: [PC/Steam]  Emblematic District "Count as..." effect doesn't work properly

Description: Most Emblematic District has a "Count as..." effect. This effect works nicely with adjacencies except with the infrastructure adjacencies. From the infrastructures like the Food Market or the Forge, only the direct bonuses are applied but the adjacencies are not. For example, the Meroe Pyramids gets the bonus +1 industry from Forge for behaving as a Makers Quarter but it doesn't get the Makers Quarter adjacency bonus +1 industry from adjacent Makers Quarters. On the other hand, the adjacent Markers Quarter gets both bonuses.

Steps to Reproduce: 

1) Build any Emablemaric District and place a generic one next to it, based on the generic adjacencies. (Like in this case Meroe Pyramids and a Makers Quarter next to it). 

2) Build a corresponding infrastructure that boosts the bonuses between them (In this case Forge).

Reproducibility: 5/5

Expected Behavior: Each Emblematic District, which has the "Count as..." should fully act like one for all bonuses. In this case, the Meroe Pyramids gets the "+1 industry on Makers Quarter" effect from the Forge as it should be. But because it's count as a Makers Quarter, the "+1 Industry on Makers Quarters per adjacent Makers Quarter" effect from the Forge should be applied as well. So in total, it should get the +2 industry from the Forge instead of the +1.

Notes: This works in all saves and with all Emblematic District, which has the "Count as..." listed on them. In this example, if I place a Market Quarter next to the Meroe Pyramids and I build the 

Food Market the same issue comes up, just with the money instead of the industry.


Updated 3 years ago.
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