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[PC/Epic, V1.1.58, V1.2.116, V1.3.253] [EGS] Failed to create platform. Game fails to start.

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4 years ago
Aug 22, 2021, 9:12:58 AM

Game crashed instantly (about 1 sec after launch) no gfx start up.

State of the system:
Freshly installed via epic games. 

Windows fully updated. 

Nvidia drivers fully updated. 

Epic games Launcher updated.
Epic games Online Services installed via settings.


While debugging I also reinstalled game, deleted the Epic Game Lancher webcache, reinstalled Epic Game Launcher and Epic online services... and installed the game again.

It does not look like its on Epics end... more like a odd fluke in the Amplitude framework.

(Closed beta worked fine for me, and I have deleted my Humankind folder in documents)

Game app icon shows up in taskbar for about a second and shuts down immediately before any gfx start up. 

Same result starting the app from epic games launcher and when starting the humankind.exe manually.


[EGS] Failed to create platform. Ensure the relevant Epic.OnlineServices.Platform.Options are set or passed into the application as arguments.



Amplitude.Coroutine:Run() Amplitude.Coroutine+d__37:MoveNext() 

UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(System.Reflection.MonoParameterInfo, System.Reflection.MonoParameterInfo)

Diagnostics (2021'08'22 @1055'57''578''').html 

Got a ton of these looking the same.


Clearly something with Epic Games Online Service app, but might be HUMANKIND not providing the needed arguments... so this forum might not be the right place.

Anyone know of a workaround / fix?

Updated 3 years ago.
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4 years ago
Aug 22, 2021, 9:48:11 AM

Tried following the Troubleshooting guide from Epic Games

(steps not mentioned have been ruled out)

- Resetting cache: Still fails

- Reinstalling Epic Games Launcher (and game): Still fails

---- Epic Games Launcher v1.2.17.0

---- Epic Online Services v1.1.11.0

Current state: Contacted Epic Games via support request form.

Updated 4 years ago.
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4 years ago
Aug 22, 2021, 3:41:00 PM

I am in contact with Epic Game Store Support. But by the initial comms it does not look like its a common issue as he did not recognize my description of the failure.

Further info I have gathered after horsing around in the dll's for the game:
Looks like the system requires a Amplitude.Framework.DigitalDistribution.IDigitalDistributionClient which is somehow expected to be of the type provided by Amplitude.EGS.dll I still have not figured out how disable or switch that over to something like Amplitude.Steamworks.dll.. looks like the arguments are completely different for that object.. which I guess is to be expected... Cant blame a gamer for trying...

Updated 4 years ago.
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4 years ago
Aug 22, 2021, 3:54:51 PM

While looking through the SEGA support for HUMANKIND I found this notice that applies to me.

Important Note: If you have participated in any of the OpenDev scenarios or the Closed Beta, retaining old files may cause unexpected behaviour. Please delete your Humankind folder in \Users\[username]\Documents\Humankind\ before starting the game. Remember to log back in to your Games2Gether account in the game to access any additional avatars you have unlocked.


Unfortunately it did NOT make any difference :(

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4 years ago
Aug 22, 2021, 6:26:48 PM

Thanks for your feedback, and sorry for the inconvenience. We are updating the Epic SDK in our next patch, it should fix your issue.

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4 years ago
Aug 29, 2021, 8:49:32 AM


Just tried with V1.02.0116-S10 which it has updated to today or yesterday.. I think

Same issue:

Diagnostics (2021'08'29 @1043'44''143''').html

HUMANKIND V1.02.0116-S10, RELEASE (64-bit Standalone, build: 165851)

10:43:44:847 None STACK [EGS] Failed to create platform. Ensure the relevant Epic.OnlineServices.Platform.Options are set or passed into the application as arguments.

Amplitude.EGS.DigitalDistribution.EGSDigitalDistributionClient+d__22:MoveNext() Amplitude.EGS.DigitalDistribution.EGSDigitalDistributionClient+d__22:MoveNext() Amplitude.Coroutine:Run() Amplitude.Coroutine+d__37:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(System.Reflection.MonoParameterInfo, System.Reflection.MonoParameterInfo)

10:43:45:001 None STACK Object reference not set to an instance of an object

Amplitude.EGS.DigitalDistribution.EGSDigitalDistributionClient+d__25:MoveNext() Amplitude.EGS.DigitalDistribution.EGSDigitalDistributionClient+d__25:MoveNext() Amplitude.Coroutine:Run()

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4 years ago
Sep 7, 2021, 2:41:02 PM

Hi, exaclty same issue for me same diagnostic etc..., did you find the way please ?

Thanks !

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4 years ago
Sep 7, 2021, 5:33:41 PM

Epic Store just failed an other time. Last game i bought there. It cant be possible that on Steam you always got more benefits

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3 years ago
Sep 19, 2021, 7:47:11 AM

So we are now a good month after release. Still cant play the game. Same issue.. should I be starting to ask for a refund so I can get it on steam?.. Kinda sad as I was part of the Beta program, pre purchased and all that jazz... 


Just tried with V1.03.0253-S10 

Same issue:

Diagnostics (2021'09'19 @0940'13''215''').html

Updated 3 years ago.
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3 years ago
Sep 20, 2021, 1:17:34 PM

Hello there!

Sorry to hear this is still a problem for you. Could you send some additional files along? The following would be helpful:

Player.Log: These can be found here:

  • PC: This folder is hidden by default. You will need to reveal hidden folders (https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/show-hidden-files-0320fe58-0117-fd59-6851-9b7f9840fdb2 ) then navigate to: Users\[username]\AppData\LocalLow\AMPLITUDE Studios\Humankind

A DxDiag might also be helpful, if you wouldn't mind!

Thank you!

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8 hours ago
Mar 15, 2025, 12:44:07 AM

Is there a solution to this problem? The same thing happens to me when I start the game​

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