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Customer Service contact? Amplified and Great Zimbabwe on xbox game pass not working

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3 years ago
Mar 3, 2022, 8:03:59 PM

I have issues redeeming the amplified and great zimbabwe wonder on pc game pass. I contacted microsoft and they tell me the problem is not on their end that I should talk to developers.

I have 2 games the one in steam was so easy and have access to the new content.

The game pass in the other hand, after applying the code and microsoft confirming its the correct product to my account... under content managemenet it's still greyout. 

I wish this content was simply like a dlc, no code and it would simply load. But it has been a nightmare to access this content that is free.

Could anyone direct me with someone to help me get access to this content?

Updated 3 years ago.
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3 years ago
Mar 5, 2022, 11:06:44 PM

I'm having the same issue. I haven't tried to get Great Zimbabwe yet but I redeemed the Amplified 2022 content and can't turn it on. It even shows up in the Windows store as a previous download, but I can't redownload it (or at least that isn't making a difference for the game recognizing it).

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3 years ago
Mar 6, 2022, 3:51:42 PM

I'm glad I'm not the only one! I'm worried about future content that we will miss. Microsoft is asking me to talk to amplitude. But how can I get someone here. We need some customer service rep or something. I tried messaging a developer yesterday so I'm patiently waiting. I have the game in steam as well and no problems there.

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3 years ago
Mar 16, 2022, 1:37:09 AM

I am also having the same issue in Game Pass.  Zimbabwe and Amplified show up, but I cannot move the on/off switch to allow use of these DLC.  I redeemed the code from the Games2gether site, and have account linked to Game Pass, but no luck.

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3 years ago
Mar 17, 2022, 8:56:48 PM

I redeemed the xbox codes as well but I still see it greyout ingame. So I'm still trying to solve this.

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3 years ago
Mar 21, 2022, 6:07:43 AM

same problem. not work in gamepass

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3 years ago
May 7, 2022, 8:30:02 PM

I have a similar problem. I bought the Deluxe edition from the MS Store and the African expansion. I can usually start a game fine, but after I save, quit and try to reload my save file I get the error 'file is using one additional piece of content error'. When I check Extras/ Content Management/ Add Ons I see the 'Deluxe' and 'Cultures of Africa Pack' but I am unable to toggle them on. I click the '+' signs by each and attempt to go to the MS Store to verify but the pop up does not load.

Tried running as admin, uninstall/ reinstall to no avail :-( . So currently I cannot play ANY saved games after starting a new one....

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